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Seven brownie Stories


The sun was shining happily outside the window. It was a hot July. The boss gave me a short vacation, so I was happily sitting on the couch next to a lazily sprawled cat and preparing spinning for the long-awaited night fishing.

– Timoshka, can you imagine I saw a real brownie yesterday, I thought at first that it was you who came back from a party, – I told my cat, looking into his multicolored eyes.

One eye was yellow, and the other was a beautiful, real emerald.

– Yes, what do you understand now, – I continued, because you cats hear human speech, but you do not understand the words at all, you can only distinguish the intonation. Affectionate means good, and evil means you have to run.

– As if not so. You don’t know anything about these animals yourself, Vasily,» a familiar voice was heard in the room.

– Zyuzya?

I got up from the sofa and went to the curtain and began to shake it slightly.

– Vasya, stop shaking the curtain, I’m already here.

And when I turned back, I saw my yesterday’s guest lying on the sofa instead of Timoshka.

– How did you sneak in so unnoticed? But I am very glad to see you! I exclaimed.

«Well, I’m not happy at all,» his voice was heard in response.

– Why is that?

– It’s interesting for people to study our world, and we know yours. We come here to you only for work and I already told you yesterday,» Zyuzya replied and a strange gleam appeared in his black eyes.

– Yes, I remember saying about the notebooks that you keep some kind of record about us.

– Well, Vasily, I’m going to tell you one of our ancient stories about cats. Listen and draw conclusions,» the brownie giggled merrily.

– Come on, I’ll listen, – I said and sat down contentedly in a chair opposite Zyuzi, that the most interesting thing about Timoshka was nowhere with the appearance of the brownie.

– It was a long time ago, a hundred thousand years ago, as our chroniclers write. Nebylandiya was a real paradise for all creatures, and cats were idolized there and were always kept as a talisman in their family clan. These cute fuzzies loved Non-Land very much, but as it turned out later, they loved our world, but not us.

They were taken with them on trips to different worlds and even to work here on your Earth.

But cats have neglected our trust and love. They had their own thoughts about Non-Land. They took a poisonous ointment from our enemies ghosts from the world of Shadows and began to smear wool with it constantly.

– Come on, you don’t believe it. And what happened next?

– And then all the brownies from the world of Non-Land who had cats in the clan began to sneeze endlessly. And they even began to die from endless sneezing and runny nose, suffocating from an incomprehensible smell. When we understood the reason, we immediately expelled the conspirators of cats from our world.

– That’s what you are, so you drove them to us, knowing that they are so dangerous and cunning.

– Apchi, you see your Timosha is gone, and the poison is already working, – wiping his nose, said Zyuzya.

«So it’s an allergy,» I said, laughing at the brownie.

– That’s what you think. But we know what it is. As for their escape to your world, it was they who chose it. Perhaps to fulfill their plans.

– That’s the story you told me, how am I going to live now?

– There are still six stories left, do not forget about our agreement with you, – said Zyuzya and immediately disappeared.

And instead of him, my Timosha appeared on the sofa with his paws spread out impressively.

– Why do you want to take over our world, you cunning man? I asked him.

Timosha curled up into a ball as if nothing had happened and fell asleep.

The door to another world. Mystical stories

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