Читать книгу Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda - Страница 21



Salient Thought for the Day.

When we reach the threshold of God, of Truth, then alone do we know true joy.

Lines to Memorize.

Love of the physical will pass

As all passing things must follow their course;

But love of the spiritual will never wane nor die.


Man is not satisfied; not even when he builds an empire. He is always longing for something deeper, more complete. This we do not find in the outer world. It is deep down in us. We never find any real happiness or the real source of strength until we are able to go down within our own soul. That is where we find God and Divinity. Our possessions, our friends, fail us often; but God who abides within us and who knows our heart, He never fails us. True joy cannot rest on material conditions; it is found only in Infinitude.


O Lord, Thou art the Goal of my existence,

Thou art the Refuge for all souls.

Arouse in me true yearning,

That through its force I may gain such power of penetration

That I may perceive Thee in the midst of all things.

Make my heart sincere, and my prayer simple and fervent.

Thou art the embodiment of all blessedness.

Grant unto me Thy loving protection.

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda

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