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I didn’t half remember what I said as we drove through campus. My mind was definitely on Dubois—his lips, hands, and especially his cock. He didn’t give me any strange looks like I’d let on or had spoken my thoughts aloud, so I guess I am as good at multitasking as I always tell folks I am.

At the back end of campus, we came upon the annual county fair. Dubois’s eyes lit up. “A carnival! Can we stop?”

“Sure.” I hadn’t been to a fair since I left high school, but if he wanted to stop, what could it hurt?

The smells of the fair brought back memories, some fond, some not so good. The stand with Italian sausage with onions beckoned me and I quickly grabbed one along with a bag of cotton candy. Dubois laughed as the juice squirted out from my first bite.

“You really like those sausages, eh?”

I just nodded since my mouth was full. Dubois pulled me along and we strolled down the midway. His hand rested lightly in the dip in my lower back. It felt…right.

The midway was lined with games of chance. Carnies hawked and enticed loudly for passersby to try to win one of the many prizes for their lady. I normally ignored them, but at the bottle toss, Dubois could no longer resist. We stopped.

“Dubois, you know this stuff is rigged, right?”

“Of course. But,” he rolled up his sleeve, showing his bulging forearms, and leaned closer to my face, “I like a good challenge. Always.” He sealed it with a kiss.

Did somebody just suck all the air out of the carnival?

“Oh, we have a contestant!” the ruddy-faced, grungy man proudly proclaimed to those passing by. Of course some stopped. “Step right up and knock down the rows of bottles and win a prize. One set, pick from the first shelf. Two sets, pick from the top shelf. All three, choose one of our huge stuffed animals!”

Dubois nodded, then glanced at me. “Which animal do you want?”

I thought he was being overly optimistic because like I said, these things are rigged. I imagined I’d probably leave with one of the small dogs at best, but since he asked, I told him the zebra.

“Zebra it is.” Dubois took the first ball, bounced it in his hand, then looked up at the carnie. “Do I get a practice throw?”

“Why, sure! One practice throw. After that, they all count!” The carnie smiled a smile that showed chipped and rotten teeth. Why? I don’t know. With a mouth like that, I’d keep my hand up in front of it.

Dubois bounced the ball again, then pulled his arm back and threw. I groaned quietly. He only managed to get three out of the six bottles in the pyramid to fall. Not a good sign.

The carnie must have thought it was a good sign for him because he quickly placed three balls in front of Dubois. “Not bad. Now keep that up and your lady can get something off the bottom shelf!”

Dubois pulled me closer. “I need a kiss for good luck.” I leaned in, planning for a peck, but he had other ideas. His tongue snaked in my mouth, hijacking my tongue and twirling it into submission. My hands crept up to curl around the back of his neck and pull him closer. Just as I felt my leg lifting from the ground, intent on wrapping it around Dubois’s thigh, the carnie cleared his throat.

“There are children here, folks.”

The redness crept up my neck and spread to my cheeks. A peek past Dubois showed we had indeed garnered an audience, including a kid who had dropped the top scoop of his ice cream cone as he stood with his mouth gaped open watching us. Definitely the wrong place and time.

Dubois seemed unfazed; in fact, a smile was perched on his lips. He lifted a ball, gave me a wink, and let it fly! The ball hit low on the pyramid and all the bottles tumbled over. Without a break, he threw the next two balls. The other pyramids collapsed just like the first. Hot damn! A smile broke out on my face and I clapped my hands in glee. The carnie looked like he’d just sucked on a lemon.

“The lady would like the zebra, please.”

The carnie handed it over reluctantly. Dubois then passed it to me, and I hugged it to my chest like I was an excitable high school girl on her first date with a boy. Hell! I was on a first date with my husband, so I was entitled.

“I like to see you smiling like that at me.” He ran a finger down the side of my face. If that zebra had been gunpowder, we would have exploded.

“Thank you. What else would you like to do?”

Dubois broke eye contact and looked at the rides. I groaned when his eyes landed on the Ferris wheel, my nemesis. “I have never ridden on the big wheel, but I always wanted to.”

“They didn’t have fairs in Extania?”

“No. Too small and besides,” he looked away, “our…resources…were limited.”

That sealed the deal for me. “Well, time to make up for what you’ve missed so far!” I said brightly and took his hand. “Let’s go!” I tugged his arm, pulling him along beside me this time.

Dubois paid for the tickets, and in seconds, a slightly cleaner carnie was leading us into our car. The zebra was tucked between us like a child. My palms were sweating as I held on to the safety bar; my stomach fluttered since I’d failed to mention one important point: I really didn’t like heights.

Dubois was chatty and I was good until the car stopped at the very top and began rocking. My stomach roiled then. I clutched the bar and the zebra and felt the sweat popping out on my forehead. All I wanted was to be on the ground.

Dubois recognized something was wrong. “You are afraid?”

“Very,” I said between teeth clenched out of fear and to stop the vomit rapidly crawling up my throat.

He nodded and shifted over, squeezing me and the zebra tighter. “I will let them know we wish to exit when they swing us down.”

I could only nod and hope the carnies were feeling like playing the let-it-turn-until-somebody-pukes game because I was gonna win that one pretty fast. As we neared the bottom, Dubois yelled out, “Emergency! Stop!” Not my methods, but the wheel came to a screeching halt.

“What’s wrong, dude?” the carnie yelled as he came closer.

“Release us,” Dubois ordered calmly. “My wife is ill.”

The carnie gave me a “you’re acting like a girl” look but I didn’t care. I just needed to get off! He unlocked our seat and walked back to the controls, making no offer to help us out. Dubois lifted me out gently and set me on the ground. My legs were shaky and I stumbled. Dubois picked me up and carried me down the steps and to the car, where he promptly placed me on the passenger’s side.

“You can drive?” I’d never asked and just assumed he could not.

“Of course. I just lived on an isle, not in the jungle.” He chuckled. “You will have to keep reminding me to stay on the right, though.”

Dubois took his time backing the car out and getting on the road. I navigated as he drove and had to remind him he could not turn left on red only once. I was feeling better, but not much, as we neared the house.

A flash of a yellow car in the distance caught my eye. Stacy? It was traveling in the opposite direction, so we never got close enough for me to tell for sure. I pushed the thought out of my mind as Dubois pulled into the driveway. Stacy wasn’t the only person in the world with a yellow car, and I did live on a public road free to any who wanted to travel it. I thought about calling her to see for sure, but I wasn’t up to an argument at that moment.

Dubois continued being the gentleman he was—he helped me out of the car, lifted me up and carried me into the house, and laid me gently on the bed. I wish I could say I still had that loving feeling from earlier, but honestly, my mood was shot. I just wanted some Pepto-Bismol and a nap.

While Dubois retrieved the Pepto and some hot tea, I listened to my messages. The first was from my father.

Daughter, if what Stacy says is true, I am past disappointed in you. I expected better from an offspring of mine. I expect you to bring you and your friend over to your mother’s and my house as soon as you receive this message. Don’t disappoint me further.

A headache started forming in the back of my skull. Beep.

Honey, ignore anything your dad might have said. You know how anal things get when he and Stacy get together. I’ll see you and your husband on Saturday. Dress for dinner, sweetie. I’m so excited!

My sweet mother. How she put up with my father all these years has been a mystery. Beep.

Dr. Charles, this is Nancy Termis at University Relations. I just received an e-mail from your department announcing your recent marriage. I’d like to get further details and your permission before we print anything. If you would, please give me a call at 501-555-8787. Thanks. I’ll wait to hear from you.

The headache became a skull tsunami. I knew Mary couldn’t resist inserting her nosy butt into my business, but this took the cake. I’d give Nancy a call to let her know in very certain terms I didn’t want my marriage announced to anyone unless I did it myself, thank you very much!

My head was pounding by the time Dubois returned with the Pepto. “You look worse.”

“I feel even worser.” Goodness, did I just use more slang? “I have messages from my mom and dad and a chick from University Relations wanting to announce our wedding.” I reached for the Pepto and the tea he held out.

“You work fast.”

I shook my head. “It wasn’t me, it was the department secretary, with her nosy self.” I grimaced as I swallowed the Pepto and the tea.

Dubois laughed. “There is one in every town. My grandmother was ours. If there was something to be told, she knew and was telling anyone and everyone who would listen.”

“My grandmother was the same way! We couldn’t do anything in the surrounding three counties without her knowing it by the next morning. One night, I spent the night at a hotel one town over. My grandmother called the house the next day talking about ‘If I hear of your hot ass being up at that hotel again, I’m gonna drive up there and pull you out by your hair…with your hot ass.’ She was a trip.”

“Sounds like she was. Will I get to meet her Saturday?”

“Probably. Granny loves a good barbecue.”

Dubois brightened. “I am glad to hear that.” He lay down beside me on the bed. I scooted over to make room.

“Don’t be too hasty. She’s kept up plenty of hell and had the men—and their women—going with her antics. If I was hot, I got it from her.”

“I sure hope so.”

I turned to look at him. “You hope so about what?”

“That you are as hot as your grandmother.” I laughed as I shook my head. “Really, I do. But despite hoping we could continue our morning session…we’ll save that for another day.” His hand began rubbing my scalp. “Want a massage to relax you and help you sleep?”

“That sounds like a great idea.”

I remembered little else as I fell asleep beneath the strokes and glides of his very capable hands.

I Want It Now

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