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CRUZ SHOWED UP AT Lexi’s condo Saturday morning with coffee and half a dozen boxes. He told himself he was there to help, and possibly to make sure she was going to be moving in with him. Despite the announcement in the newspapers, he wouldn’t believe she was really his until he saw her in his bed.

The complex was small, with only a couple dozen units, all two or three stories, some with a small yard in back. Lexi’s was on the end. He parked in front, then carried the coffee and boxes to the front door.

She answered almost immediately, then stared at the flat boxes he held.

“Not that you don’t trust me,” she said, stepping back to let him in.

“You can never have too many boxes.”

He stepped into the open space and had a brief impression of pale colors and plenty of light. But most of his attention was on Lexi herself.

She wore jeans and a T-shirt. Her feet were bare, as was her face, but considering it was early on a Saturday morning, that shouldn’t be a surprise. Still, there was something compelling about her. She looked scrubbed clean and impossibly sexy.

She eyed the coffee. “Is that for me?”

“A skinny latte,” he said. “I didn’t know what you liked.”

“Close enough.” She took it from him and sipped, then sighed. “Oh, yeah. Now I’m functional. You’re up early.”

“So are you.”

“But I live here, so it was less effort. Come on in.”

She led the way into a large living room. There were a couple of paintings on the wall, a few pieces of art glass, magazines on the coffee table and a to-do list scrawled on a pad left on the floor.

Lexi was everywhere. In the subtle print on the sofa to the abandoned high-heels by a club chair. Two Thomas McKnight watercolors flanked the small fireplace.

“No ruffles?” he asked.

She laughed. “I’m not that girly. At least not in public. You should see the bedroom. Plenty of lace and satin there.”

The words seemed to hang in the air. He thought about her bedroom, or more specifically, her bed. What it looked like, what it would feel like. Who else had been there with her and had he been able to please her? Which made Cruz think of the night he and Lexi had been together. Everything had been perfect—better than perfect—until he’d found out she was a virgin. Why had she wanted him to be her first time?

The question had always bothered him, but it was nothing compared with the heat of need that flared up inside of him.

“Did you, ah, bring any packing tape for those boxes?” she asked in an obvious attempt to change the subject.

“It’s in the car.”

“Good. Good.” She looked at him, then away. “Did I thank you for the coffee?”

She must feel the tension, too. Sexual awareness sparked whenever they were in the same room. Lurking…taunting…promising. He only knew one way to make it go away.

He moved toward her. She took a step back. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks flushed. He could see how quickly she was breathing. Then she was standing still and he was next to her. He reached for her.

She ducked and spun away. “Are you hungry? I’m starving. Have you had breakfast? There are a couple of great places in town. Come on. I’ll show you. We don’t even have to take the car. That’s one of the nice things about living in Titanville. It’s like a little village. Everything is so close together.”

She hurried past him.

He could have caught her and drawn her to him. He could have held her and kissed her and made her want to surrender. But he didn’t. There would be plenty of time for that when she moved in to his place. Plenty of time to take her slowly, patiently, easing her over the edge so that she had no choice but to fall. In six months he would let Lexi go, but until then he would own every part of her.

She paused to slip on shoes, grab her purse, then they were out in the cool morning and walking the two blocks to the main part of town.

“My great-great-grandfather was a known gambler and womanizer,” she said, speaking quickly and keeping at least a foot between them. “He was good at both, constantly winning at cards and bedding any lady he chose, including the mayor’s wife and the preacher’s sister. More than one school teacher left in disgrace, pregnant and unmarried. Shifty gamblers came in from all over to challenge him to a game or two of poker. When he won again and again, they accused him of cheating. Fights broke out. It was a disaster for everyone who wasn’t him. The townspeople couldn’t tell him to leave. He owned more land than anyone around, but his way of life was ruining theirs. So they had a meeting and asked him what it would take to get him to settle down. To give up the cards and limit his womanizing ways to trips out of town.”

Cruz looked at the sign on the side of the road. It read, Welcome to Titanville—the best little town in the whole damn country.

“He wanted the town?”

“He wanted it named after him. There were a few other things. That he still got to sleep with the school teachers, as long as he found them a good husband when he was done, and something with water rights. They struck a deal. Titanville was born and my great-great-grandfather settled down. The shifty drifters went away and the town prospered. A triumph of government over the Wild West.”

She pointed out the various businesses. “We used to stop for candy there, on the way home from school,” she said. “That restaurant has the best Chinese food. Skye got her first kiss under that awning, in the rain.”

He glanced around at the quiet, clean streets, the perfectly maintained storefronts. It was like something on Nick at Nite. Not real. The world of his youth was a tiny house at the end of a narrow street. Abandoned cars filled front yards and the sound of gunfire meant Julio was out on parole again.

“It’s a mixed blessing,” she said. “Having everyone know who you are. I could never know if people were being nice because that’s how they were or if it was about my father. A lot of times it was about my father.”

She waved as a sheriff’s car drove by. “That’s my friend, Dana. She’s a deputy in town. Like I said, I have access to the law.”

He grinned. “If you’re trying to threaten me, you’re going to have to do a better job than that.”

She led them into a diner. “I’m working with what I have. You should respect that.”

“I respect everything about you.”

“If only that were true.”

They stepped into a small restaurant that looked as if it had lost a fight with a calico delivery truck. Every surface was covered with the tiny floral print, including the tables, the walls and the cushions on the wooden chairs.

Cruz immediately felt trapped.

“We can’t eat here,” he said.

“You’ll get used to it,” Lexi told him.

“No one could get used to this.”

“They serve the best breakfasts in three counties. It’s a thing in Titanville. Most of the restaurants have a theme. This one is calico.”

It was the most feminine business he’d ever been in and he didn’t mean that in a good way. He expected some large woman to burst out from the back and attack him with a rolling pin.

A teenager showed them to a table, then handed them each a menu, the front of which read, Breakfast Served All Day. If You Want Something Else, Go Away.

“The food is great,” Lexi told him. “They have everything. The specials are to die for. You’re going to love it.”

Lexi knew it was probably petty and small of her, but she enjoyed watching Cruz squirm. She’d never seen him out of his element before. He was always supremely in control, no matter what. But not here. She thought about teasing him that there was so much calico, he was at risk of transforming into a pioneer woman, but didn’t think he would find that funny.

He kept darting glances around the room, then shuddering as he took in the calico curtains, the display of calico porcelain cats on a top shelf and calico jar cozies covering all the jams and jellies.

“Open the menu,” she said. “Trust me. It’ll be worth it.”

He muttered something she couldn’t hear and read the selections. Their waitress arrived, dropped off coffee, took their order and left.

Cruz leaned back in the booth. She liked looking at him and would never get tired of the view, but she knew she would have to be careful around him. He had way too much power over her. The question was, did he know it or not?

She glanced around the restaurant and immediately spotted someone she knew. “Come on. There’s someone you need to meet.”

“Here?” he asked as he stayed in his seat.

She stood and put her hands on her hips. “Get up now, Cruz. Don’t make me fight dirty.”

He grinned. “You gonna wrestle me into submission?”

“You wish. I was thinking of pretending to cry.”

That got him to his feet.

He followed her to a table in the back. Lexi waited until the man there looked up from his newspaper and smiled.

“Morning, Congressman. Good to see you.”

“Lexi. How are you, darlin’?”

“Great.” She grabbed Cruz’s hand, ignoring the inevitable tingle, and drew him next to her. “Congressman Vantage, this is Cruz Rodriquez.”

The congressman looked Cruz over and nodded curtly. “You tell your daddy I send him my best,” he said to Lexi, basically ignoring the introduction.

Lexi didn’t understand. Was it a new-money thing? A Mexican-American thing? Did it matter?

She held out her left hand so the diamond ring was clearly visible. “We’re engaged.”

The older man’s face changed. He stood and held out his hand to Cruz. “Are you, now? Congratulations. You’re a lucky man, winning a Titan girl. Especially Lexi. Do you golf?”

“Sure,” Cruz told him.

Vantage handed over a business card. “Give me a call. We’ll go spoil a good walk, as my wife likes to say about my golfing. What kind of business are you in, son?”

“Cars. Everything from racing to dealerships.”

“Good. Good. I know some people you need to meet.” The congressman’s cell phone rang. “I need to get that. You two take care, you hear?”

They returned to their table. Lexi didn’t know what to think.

“He wasn’t subtle,” she grumbled. “I don’t get him blowing you off. What if you wanted to contribute to his campaign?”

“He doesn’t need the money. His seat is assured for as long as he wants it.”

Which was true, but still. Apparently she didn’t have to wonder if Cruz really needed her connections to make his way into Texas society.

“Why do you want to be a part of all this?” she asked.

“I’m taking the game to the next level.”

“You won’t like it.”

He stared into her eyes. “I want to have the choice. Thanks for that.” He jerked his head toward the rear table.

“Just fulfilling my part of the bargain.”

“Is your sister still angry with you?” he asked. “About the announcement?”

“She’ll get over it.”

“You have a second sister.”

She sipped her coffee, then nodded. “I’m the oldest of three. My parents divorced when I was barely three. Not that I remember a lot about my mom spending time with me or anything. That wasn’t her way.” She grimaced. “I know, I know. Poor little rich girl.”

“Divorce is never easy on a young child.”

“Jed remarried very quickly. Prudence Lightly.”

Cruz raised his eyebrows. “Why do I know that name?”

“She was a famous actress in her day. Very beautiful. She was married when Jed strolled in and swept her off her feet. Apparently there was quite the scandal. I didn’t know about any of that. I found out later. All I knew was that when Pru moved into the house, everything was different. She was funny and liked me. I don’t remember anyone liking me before that. Not enough to pay attention.”

What she remembered about being very young was how quiet her world had been. The silence of being by herself. The muffled footsteps of her various nannies. The hush of loneliness.

“Pru had Skye right away. She was probably pregnant when she married Jed. Once Skye was born, Pru didn’t have as much time for me, but I didn’t care. It was enough to have a baby sister. I spent every minute with her and when she started walking and talking, it was a miracle. My first friend.”

She smiled at the memory. “Then Izzy came along and everything was perfect. There were three of us. Growing up in a town that had the same name as we did could have been daunting if any of us had been alone, but we always had each other. Anyone who messed with one of us had to deal with all three of us.” She looked at him over her coffee cup. “Even you.”

“I can handle it.”

“You say that now. We’ll see what happens after you have to deal with my sisters.” Would they like Cruz? Lexi thought they might, then reminded herself it didn’t matter if they didn’t. Six months from now, Cruz would be gone.

“What happened to your stepmother?”

Her humor faded, taking her good mood with it. She didn’t want to think about Pru—about that time. She shivered slightly. “She died when I was fourteen. It was difficult for all of us.”

“I’m sorry.”

She nodded because there was nothing to say. Nothing that could ever explain why Pru had killed herself and left Skye to find her body.

“Jed never remarried?” Cruz said.

“No. He’s had plenty of women, but no other wives. I don’t know why. I doubt he was so desperately in love with Pru that he couldn’t imagine replacing her.” That would require more emotion than he was capable of feeling.

“People marry for different reasons.”

“Social status and standing in the community?” she asked.

“Isn’t that why Jed married your mother?”

“That doesn’t make it right.”

“You think people should marry for love?”

“It’s traditional,” she said lightly. “Not every relationship has to be a business transaction. There are more important things in life than winning.”

“Name one.”

Being loved, she thought, as the waitress arrived with their breakfasts. She set Cruz’s stuffed omelet in front of him, then served Lexi her cinnamon French toast.

Lexi waited while he took a bite, then grinned as his eyes widened slightly.

“See,” she told him. “It was worth it. Admit it.”

“It was,” he said when he’d chewed and swallowed. “You were right.”

“Magic words,” she said with a sigh.

“So it is about winning.”

“Not in the way you mean it.”

“You’re a lot more like me than you want to admit,” he said.

Instead of answering, she took a bite of her breakfast.

Cruz was wrong about her, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. Better that he think she was as determined and emotionless as he was. He wouldn’t guess that behind her cool facade lurked the heart of a romantic. Not that he would care if he knew—the more she learned about Cruz, the more he reminded her of her father. A man who had never experienced a soft emotion in his life and didn’t see the point of ever giving his heart.

WHEN THEY ARRIVED back at her town house, Cruz pointed to the boxes.

“I could help you pack.”

“That’s okay. I can handle it myself.”

He didn’t look convinced. “What time should I be by to help you move?”

As it was just clothes and a few personal items, Lexi figured one trip in Dana’s truck would be enough. “I’ll be there. You don’t have to worry.”

“I don’t worry.”

“You seem a little nervous.”

Humor flashed in his dark eyes. “Nervous?”

“You’re practically sweating. I said I’d be there, and I will be. Stop hovering.”

She thought he might take the bait and get huffy, but Cruz was too smooth for that. Instead of stepping away or thumping his chest, he moved closer. Close enough to make her worry about starting to sweat herself.

“I don’t hover,” he said, his voice low and strong and oddly caressing. “I don’t need to.”

“I’m just saying…”

He shifted until they were practically touching. Except they weren’t. Still, she could feel the heat of him and it was suddenly difficult to breathe.

“Yes,” he murmured, his gaze locked on her mouth. “What were you saying?”

“I, ah…I can’t remember.”

“Good. You think too much.”

She knew he was going to kiss her, so she shouldn’t have been surprised by the feel of his mouth on hers. Still, as he bent toward her and pressed his lips against hers, she jumped, as if every nerve ending had been startled, then delighted.

He put one hand on her shoulder, the other on her waist, and pressed his mouth a little more firmly against hers, as if claiming her.

Her skin prickled, her throat went dry and she found herself wanting to lean in to him. She wanted their bodies touching everywhere possible. She wanted his hands roaming, his kiss claiming. She wanted naked on naked, wet and swollen flesh. She wanted to be taken. She wanted to give herself to him, to open herself and then to get lost in an orgasm that would shatter every part of her.

The image was so clear, so intense, that she scared herself. Despite the still chaste kiss, she drew back, terrified of what would happen next.

He smiled at her—a knowing smile, then rubbed his knuckles against her cheek. “Soon,” he promised, then he was gone.

“SIX BOXES, three plants and a few suitcases?” Dana asked as she helped Lexi load the truck. “Are you really moving in with Cruz or staying for a long weekend?”

Lexi wrinkled her nose. “I don’t take this much for a month and you know it. Of course I’m moving in.”

Dana pushed in the last suitcase. “No furniture? Not even that antique side table you drooled over for weeks before you finally bought it?”

“I might bring that along later.” Depending on whether or not Cruz had room. She hadn’t known what to pack, never having seen his house, let alone been inside of it. She hadn’t known what to do about her mail or her phone calls. She’d ended up forwarding the former to her office and the latter to her cell phone. Deception was a complicated business.

Dana slammed the back of the truck closed and faced Lexi. “What the hell is going on?”

Lexi did her best to look innocent. “Nothing. Everything is perfect. I have Cruz’s address here. I’ll put it in my GPS system, then you can follow me.”

As soon as the words were out, she knew she’d made a big mistake. She swallowed. “What I meant was…”

Dana drew her eyebrows together. “You don’t know how to get to his house?”

“Not exactly.”

“He’s your fiancé and you don’t know where he lives?”

“That’s not really a big deal.”

“Let me be clear on this—” Dana folded her arms across her chest and leaned against the truck. “We’re not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on here. I don’t have to work today. I can stand here until midnight.”

Which she would, Lexi thought, knowing her friend could be stubborn. “You don’t want to know because before I tell you the truth, I’d have to make you promise not to tell Skye and Izzy. You’re friends with them and you won’t like keeping secrets. So just accept that I know what I’m doing. Okay?”

“It’s not okay. It’s light years from okay. Are you in trouble? Are you doing something illegal? Do I have to arrest someone?”

Lexi laughed. “No. As disappointing as you’ll find this, handcuffs are not required.”

“So tell me.”

“You won’t tell anyone else? Swear?”

Dana hesitated, then nodded.

Lexi knew two things—first, her friend wouldn’t like the conditions of the deal, and second, she would keep her word.

Under Her Skin

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