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TWO DAYS LATER, Ford walked into Leonard’s spacious office. His friend sat behind a large desk. There was a big window behind him and bookcases on both sides. The space belonged to a successful man with plenty of money. Little Leonard had come a long way.

The man in question rose when he saw Ford and walked around his desk.

“Good to see you,” Ford told him as they shook hands.

Leonard pointed to a sofa and leather chairs opposite the window. “I appreciate you stopping by.”

When they were seated, Ford studied his friend. “You okay?”

Leonard pushed up his glasses, then touched the side of his head. “It only hurts when I breathe.” He smiled. “I’m kidding. I’m fine.”

“How’s the jaw?”


Ford felt like shit. “I’m sorry I hit you.”

“I asked you to. I begged for it.” Leonard smiled as he spoke. “Come on, Ford. We both know I had it coming.”

“I should have said no.”

“You did the right thing. You gave me closure. I hit my head all on my own.”

“Did you tell that to Maeve?”

“More than once. She’s considering forgiving you. I wouldn’t expect a Christmas card, though.”

Ford nodded. “She was pissed at the hospital.”

“Maeve takes our relationship seriously. She’s explained she’s not ready for me to die.”

“That’s nice,” Ford said, knowing there wasn’t anyone who felt that way about him. Not romantically. If he did die, he didn’t doubt his mother would travel to the afterlife and drag him back, if she could. But the caring between a man and his wife—that was different.

He’d thought he’d loved Maeve once. Enough that he’d proposed. But after she’d ended things, he’d gotten over her faster than he should have. The other day, at the hospital, he’d felt nothing. More proof of what he’d always suspected.

He wasn’t an “in love” kind of guy. He liked women. He liked being with them and most of the time he enjoyed dating. But then they got serious and he got itchy feet. Having a woman say “Let’s take this to the next level” was the fastest way to get him gone. He would request a transfer, move on and start the whole damn process again. Unlike Leonard, who’d been with the same woman over a decade.

“You’ve got those kids,” Ford said. “Big family.”

Leonard’s shoulders went back as his expression filled with pride. “Two boys, two girls. We swore we were done and I was about to get a vasectomy when Maeve said she wanted one more. This time I’m going under the knife while she’s still recovering. That way she’ll be too distracted to stop me. Five kids is plenty.”

“Must be loud,” he said, remembering what it was like when he’d been growing up. He was one of six.

“I want to say controlled chaos,” Leonard admitted. “But it’s more uncontrolled. Maeve knows what’s going on, though. She’s terrific.”

“Still a beauty.”

“You know it.” Leonard looked at him. “I feel guilty for staying here and living my life while you were off serving. I appreciate what you’ve done.”

Ford waved away the thanks. “I took a different path. I’m glad you’re okay.”

They stood and shook hands again. “We should get together sometime,” Leonard said. “Grab a beer.”

“I’d like that.”

His friend smiled. “I know this sounds strange, but thanks for hitting me. It made things right between us. I know Maeve will never understand, but I’m hoping you do.”

Ford nodded. “We’re even, bro. Next time, don’t fall on your head.”

“Next time I’m kicking your ass.”

“Sure you are,” Ford said, holding in a grin.

* * *

CONSUELO STROLLED THROUGH the center of Fool’s Gold. The Máa-zib Festival was in full swing. Around her, booths sold everything from jewelry to Celtic music. There was a food court and later the promise of live music by the park.

She’d been in town only a few months, but she’d quickly learned that the rhythm of life here was measured by the steady parade of festivals. The obvious pun made her smile as she ducked around a family walking along the sidewalk. Every month there were at least a couple of festivals and even more around the holidays. There were tourists everywhere, but she’d met enough locals to be able to offer plenty of waves and smiles.

She was on her own today. Something she was used to, but since moving here she’d made lots of female friends. A change she appreciated. But Patience was busy working at Brew-haha and Saturdays were busy for Isabel at Paper Moon. Felicia was running the festival and Noelle had realized that her plans to open her new store—the Christmas Attic—on Labor Day weekend meant days spent unpacking stock. Consuelo had offered to help. Noelle had promised to take her up on that soon, but this weekend she wanted to be by herself to figure out where everything went.

Leaving her at loose ends, Consuelo thought. Funny how in such a short period of time she’d gotten used to hanging out with her peeps.

She turned a corner and saw a tall, dark-haired man talking to an older woman. Kent was so attractive, she thought wistfully as he bent down and kissed the older woman’s cheek. The woman turned and Consuelo recognized Denise Hendrix—Ford and Kent’s mother. Kent said something else. Denise laughed, then walked away.

Kent started down the street. Consuelo watched him go, then started following, not sure what she was going to do if she caught up with him.

Meeting him last week had been unsettling. She’d known who he was for a while. Had seen the posters his mom had put up at the festivals and thought him attractive. But what had drawn her to him had been the kindness she’d seen in his eyes. Being close to him at CDS had been both exciting and terrifying. He’d been funny and charming and she suspected he’d never once pulled a knife on anyone. She supposed most men were like that, at least for other people. She’d always found herself in more dangerous situations.

But when he’d started talking about his work, she’d known she was in over her head. The man had gone to college. He had a degree and taught math. She’d barely passed her GED. He was educated and she was a kid from the street. A girl who had grown up in a bad part of town and gone into the army to escape. Once there, she’d been tapped for covert ops—the kind that had her doing anything necessary to ferret out secrets and then escape.

She’d had sex with men she barely knew in the name of getting the job done, and sometimes, afterward, she’d killed them. Hardly Kent’s dream date.

Now, watching him, she told herself to turn away. That he could never understand and being rejected by him would hurt a whole lot more than any bullet. Yet despite knowing she was making a huge mistake, she couldn’t help walking a little faster.

She caught up with him at the corner.

“Hi,” she said, moving next to him.

He turned and saw her. His surprise was almost comical—or it would have been if she hadn’t cared so much.

“Consuelo. I didn’t see you. Are you here for the festival?”

“Yes.” Despite her pounding heart, she managed a smile. “Don’t I strike you as the festival type?”

“Sure, and women love this one. There’s a parade later, and the Máa-zib ceremonial dance. At the end, a man gets his heart cut out.”

“Are there a line of women volunteering men who have annoyed them?”

He chuckled. “Probably.” His humor faded. “Can I help you with something?”

She swore silently. Obviously he’d noticed her withdrawal the last time they’d spoken. He’d probably thought she was blowing him off.

She knew how men saw her—they liked the curves and thought she was pretty. Confidence was appealing and she moved with a combination of grace and power. All the result of thousands of hours of training and ops. She’d had plenty of invitations and knew how to shut them down without a second thought.

But Kent was different. He was an ordinary man living in a regular world. If she had to guess, she would assume he figured she was telling him she wasn’t interested.


Right. Because he’d asked a question.

“Do you have a second?” she asked.

“Sure. Reese is hanging out with his friends today. I’ve got time. What’s up?”

There was a bench around the corner on Fourth, close to the square of upscale boutiques. She led the way, thinking no one would be sitting there right now.

She was right and she settled on one end, then angled toward him. He sat down and waited.

“I’m sorry about before. How I acted when we were talking.”

She drew in a breath. She’d never believed in being honest in a relationship. In her mind, telling the truth only led to more questions, and at some point, because of what she did for a living, she would be forced to lie. Only she wasn’t in that line of work anymore and she was tired of having to be someone else.

She liked Kent. She’d liked him from the first moment she’d seen him, earlier that summer. She’d learned to trust her gut and it told her he was worth the effort.

“You intimidated me a little.” She swallowed. “A lot,” she amended. “When you talked about the kind of math you taught. Plus, the whole college thing. You’re smart and educated and I’m not.” She forced herself not to duck her head. “I got my GED, but that’s it.”

Emotions chased across his face. He was easy to read. Disbelief followed by confusion followed by what seemed like hope.

“I teach math at a high school,” he told her. “I’m not a senior scientist at JPL.”

She was pretty sure JPL was some jet engine–space business, maybe in Southern California. “I’m not sure why that makes a difference,” she said.

“Most people don’t think teaching high school math is that big a deal.”

“I’m not most people.”

“That’s obvious.”

His voice was gentle and slightly admiring, so she guessed he meant the comment as a compliment.

“I can’t do algebra,” she admitted.

“Yeah, and you could so kick my ass.” He leaned toward her. “Seriously? I intimidate you?”

“Why is that so hard to believe?”

“Have you looked in the mirror?”

As soon as he said the words, his expression tightened. As if he regretted them.

She glanced down at the dress she’d put on. A dress! So humiliating and girlie. But she’d worn it deliberately, and she’d left her hair down after curling it. All in the hopes she would see Kent.

“I don’t come from a great neighborhood,” she told him. “I’ve spent my career in the military. I’m as good with a firearm as any sniper and I can open most combination locks in less than a minute.”

His eyes widened. “Okay. That’s impressive.”

“Maybe from the outside, but I’m nothing like you. You have a great family and a regular job. You’re a nice guy.”

“Nice guy. Great.” He turned away.

She touched his arm. “No. Nice is good. Nice is the goal.” She paused. “I thought, if you want, maybe we could get to know each other.”

Relief filled his eyes. “Yeah? Sure. That would be great.” He grinned. “What do you want to know? You’ve already heard about my family. Ford would have told you stuff.” He frowned. “Whatever he said about me when I was a kid isn’t true. You have to believe me on that.”

She laughed, relaxing just a little. “He hasn’t said anything bad.”

“I know that’s not true.” He leaned back on the bench and stretched out his arm along the back. His fingers were only a few inches from her shoulders. Were he anyone else, she would assume he was trying to touch her or make a move. She had a feeling Kent didn’t operate that way.

“What do you think about Fool’s Gold?” he asked.

“I like it a lot. I wasn’t sure at first. I’ve never been anywhere like this.”

“It’s not Afghanistan.”

“How did you know I’d been to Afghanistan?” she asked.

“I didn’t. I thought I was making a joke. Why, were you there?”

She shook her head. “I can’t say.”

He studied her for a second. “Okay. Let’s talk about this town. Festivals, tourists. Not very exciting.”

“I like that. I’m ready for calm and quiet.” She tilted her head. “Ford mentioned you’d recently moved back yourself.”

“A couple of years ago. I’d been divorced awhile and wanted a change.”

“Why a math teacher?”

His smile was self-deprecating. “I’m a nerd. I can’t help it. I like math and science, but I wasn’t brilliant enough for anything theoretical. I thought about engineering, but after a couple of classes, I knew it wasn’t my thing.” He shrugged. “I like being around kids. I like the look on their faces when they figure out something difficult.”

“You’re the teacher they’re going to remember twenty years from now,” she said.

“I hope so. You know anything about dogs?”

She smiled. “I know what they are, but I’ve never had one.”

“Carter, Reese’s friend, got a German shepherd puppy. Now Reese wants one. I’m not sure we’re ready for a puppy. We already have a dog—Fluffy.” He held up his hand. “I didn’t name her.”

Her smile broadened. “Fluffy?”

“My sister is responsible for that. Fluffy was in training to be a therapy dog, but she flunked out. We took her, but she was close to a year when we got her. Now Reese thinks it would be cool to have a puppy. I’m less sure.”

“I know Felicia is taking their puppy into the office, but it’s not a school. She has more flexibility.”

“Felicia is Carter’s stepmom, right?”

Consuelo nodded. The sky was bright blue, the air warm. Kent wore a T-shirt over jeans. Sunlight brought out hints of brown in his dark hair.

She liked the way he smiled and the shape of his mouth. She liked how he seemed to relax as they talked and the way he kept his gaze on her eyes. Okay, every now and then he checked her out, but she was okay with that. Mostly she liked that she didn’t have to try to be something other than who she was.

She wondered what would happen if she kissed him. Just leaned over and—

She drew back. What was she thinking? In Middle America, women didn’t go around kissing men they’d barely met. It didn’t work like that. There were supposed to be dates first, and the guy did the asking. She had a feeling Kent was way more traditional than she was used to and she doubted he would appreciate her taking charge.

She couldn’t do this. Couldn’t be like everyone else. She didn’t know how, didn’t understand the rules.

She found herself wanting to hit something. An hour with a heavy bag would go a long way to making her feel better. Or maybe she could run a quick ten miles.

Not wanting to have to apologize for questionable behavior a second time, she reminded herself to smile pleasantly as she rose.

“This has been really fun,” she said, hoping she sounded genuine. “I need to, uh, go meet a friend. Enjoy the festival.”

Kent looked confused, but he stood when she did and didn’t try to stop her. “Sure. It was nice to see you.”

She walked away as quickly as she could. Her eyes burned, but she told herself it was just allergies. There was no way she was getting emotional over a man. Not now, not ever.

* * *

“YOU’RE BEING CRITICAL,” Charlie complained as she picked up a French fry.

“I’m not,” Patience told her. “I’m just saying last year was more emotional.” She turned to the rest of the table. “Last year after the parade, Annabelle was doing the special horse dance and then she was going to cut out the sacrifice’s heart. She thought it was Clay, because he’d volunteered, only it was Shane and he told her he loved her and proposed.” She glanced back at Charlie. “You just pretended to cut out Clay’s heart.”

“We kissed,” Charlie grumbled. “Fine. Hers was better.”

Isabel laughed along with everyone else. She’d missed much of the festival. Saturdays were busy at the bridal shop. She’d managed to spend a little time there on Sunday but had also wanted to catch up on the store’s books.

Noelle looked at her. “You okay? You’re quiet.”

“I’m thinking,” she admitted. Mostly about Ford. The man made her insane with his suggestions. But even more annoying, now she felt guilty for telling him no.

She realized everyone was looking at her.

“About what?” Felicia asked, then bit her lower lip. “Am I not supposed to inquire? Is this one of those times when as a woman I should wait for my friend to offer the information or a time when I’m supposed to prod her into telling?”

“Wait,” Charlie said.

“Prod her,” Noelle, Consuelo and Patience said at the same time.

Felicia nodded at Charlie. “You’re outvoted.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t make me wrong.”

Isabel was both amused and frustrated by her friends. “Does anyone want to ask me my opinion?”

“Apparently not,” Felicia told her. “So what’s the problem? Your reluctance indicates it must be about a man. The only other topics about which people are reticent are money-related topics. Sometimes politics, but we don’t usually discuss...” She sighed. “Sorry. Sometimes my analytical brain gets ahead of me.”

Noelle was sitting next to her and hugged her. “I love you so much.”

“Thank you. Your support is gratifying.”

Patience looked at Isabel. “Don’t think any of this has distracted me. What’s up?”

“It’s nothing,” Isabel said. “Really, it’s silly.” She paused, knowing there was no way she was getting out of it. Not unless she could think of a really good lie.

“Ford wants me to be his pretend girlfriend to get his mother off his back. I told him no and now I feel guilty.”

Five pairs of eyes widened.

“I didn’t know you were seeing Ford,” Patience said.

“I’m not. We’ve talked.”

“She came to CDS,” Consuelo offered with a grin.

“Thanks for the support,” Isabel told her. “I wanted to clear the air. He’s in the apartment above the garage. I didn’t want him to think I was stalking him or anything. So we talked and it was nice. We’re friends now.”

“Have you had sex?” Charlie asked flatly.

Isabel was glad she hadn’t just taken another bite of her salad. “What? No. Of course not. We’re not dating.”

“Technically, dating isn’t required for sex,” Felicia said. “With Gideon, I...” She pressed her lips together. “Never mind.”

Patience grinned. “That’s right. You were wild with him. I was so impressed.” She turned to Isabel. “No wildness from you?”

“We’re just friends.” The brief kiss had been nice, but even though there were tingles, she wasn’t all that interested in sex. The act never lived up to the hype, and she wasn’t in the mood to be disappointed yet another time by a man.

“Didn’t you used to be in love with him?” Consuelo asked. “When you were younger?”

“I was fourteen, so no, it wasn’t love.”

“You could use him as your interim relationship,” Felicia said. “There’s extensive research on the value of having an interim relationship. It helps break the emotional bond with a long-term partner. In your case, your ex-husband.”

“She’s helpful.” Charlie picked up her burger. “I like that about her.”

“In addition,” Felicia added, “from all accounts, Ford has a reputation for being an excellent sexual partner. Over the years, several women who slept with him have expressed their approval.” She paused. “Not that I have personal experience.”

Isabel felt her mouth hanging open. Even Charlie looked a little shocked.

“It’s true,” Consuelo said with a grin. “All the ladies say he’s hot.”

“Did you...” Noelle began, then flicked her wrist. “You know.”

Consuelo shook her head. “Not my type. We worked together. I’m not interested in him that way.”

“There you go,” Patience said with a triumphant smile. “A plan and your friends’ approval.”

“I’m not sleeping with Ford!” Isabel announced, her voice a little louder than she’d planned. Patrons at other tables turned to look.

She lowered her voice. “I’m not. That’s not what this is about. He asked me to help him.”

“Be careful,” Consuelo told her. “He’s charming and sexy. Not to me, of course. I find him annoying and emotional. But other women are all over him. He tells them he doesn’t do relationships and they never believe him. They always think they’ll be the one to change him. And then he breaks their hearts.”

“I’m not interested in forever,” Isabel said firmly. “I’m leaving Fool’s Gold next year and moving back to New York.”

“So you’re fine,” Patience said with a grin. “But seriously, the fake-girlfriend thing? You need to tell him you want perks. Sexual perks.”

Charlie raised her eyebrows. “When did you get slutty?”

“Since I started sleeping with Justice.” Patience laughed. “I can’t help it. I’m so happy and he’s so amazing in bed. I want everyone to have what I have. Just not with him.”

Noelle sighed. “I want that, too. I’m ready for hot monkey sex, even if it doesn’t involve a relationship. If you don’t want Ford, tell him I’m happy to be his pretend girlfriend as long as there are perks.”

Everyone laughed. Conversation turned to sexual etiquette and then somehow moved on to Felicia’s trials of potty training the new puppy in her house. Apparently dog behavior wasn’t as predictable as the how-to books promised.

Isabel listened but didn’t participate. She felt uncomfortable—as if there was something wrong with her.

Did everyone like sex but her? Was there a secret she didn’t know? Had she been doing it wrong all this time?

With Eric, a lack of passion was understandable, but what about before? Billy had been her first time, and the back of a truck wasn’t exactly romantic, so maybe it wasn’t a surprise she hadn’t had much fun with him. There had been only a couple of guys in between, mostly because she hadn’t seen the point. The kissing was nice and the touching, but when things progressed beyond that, she lost interest.

When lunch was over, she still didn’t have an answer to what about her was different. A problem for another time, she told herself.

They all walked out and started to go their separate ways. Consuelo stopped her.

“Do you have a second?” the other woman asked.

“Sure. What’s up?”

“I need to ask you something.”

Isabel smiled. “Honestly, I can’t think of a thing I would know that you don’t already, but go ahead. I’ll give it my best shot.”

“You grew up here. I thought you’d have insight.”

Isabel nodded. “Sure. Is this a town thing?”

Consuelo shifted her weight, then glanced around as if making sure they were alone. “Not exactly.”

Stranger and stranger, Isabel thought.

“I’m interested in someone,” Consuelo admitted.

“I’m surprised.” Isabel shook her head. “Okay, that came out wrong. I don’t mean I’m surprised you like someone. I guess I’m surprised that you think you need advice.”

“I know I’m attractive.” Consuelo glanced down. “I work out. I have all the right parts.”

“I think you’re selling yourself a little short. You’re stunning and sexy and you move like a panther.” She didn’t need a PhD in sex to understand that Consuelo had something that left other women looking as exciting as fence posts.

Maybe that was her problem, she thought. She wasn’t sexy enough. If she acted sexier, maybe she’d be sexier. Something to consider later.

“The panther thing might be the problem. I want to be seen as a woman, not a predator.” She made a fist, then relaxed her hand. “This is stupid. I can’t change who I am. When someone annoys me, I punch him out. Who am I kidding? I’m not going to be nice and normal. It’ll never work. Thanks for listening.” She started to turn away.

Isabel grabbed her arm. “Hey, wait. You can’t give up, just like that. I don’t believe you simply punch people out. I’ve been annoying and you’ve never punched me out.”

Consuelo managed a smile. “That’s different. You’re my friend.”

“But still—you have the skills to control yourself. What’s the issue with the guy?”

The real question was who was the guy? She couldn’t imagine anyone in Fool’s Gold upsetting Consuelo. The woman was always in control. Ford and Angel both jumped when she told them to. And it was pretty darned great to watch.

“We were talking and I wanted to kiss this guy,” Consuelo said. “But I remembered that guys are supposed to make the first move.”

“I’m not sure he’d mind you kissing him. He’d probably be happy.”

“What if he’s not?”

“Any—” She started to say “straight guy” only to realize that hit a little too close to home for her. “What’s he like?” she asked instead.

“He’s sweet,” Consuelo murmured, glancing at her feet, then back at Isabel. “Smart and funny. Cute. A good guy. I like him. But I’m not a soccer mom. I don’t know how to be normal. You know, like you.”

“Ordinary and boring, you mean.”

“No. The kind of woman a man wants to be with for more than sex. I don’t want to be a conquest. I want to be...”

“In a relationship?”

Consuelo nodded slowly. “He’s the first guy I’ve liked in a long time. But he’s nothing like me.”

“Isn’t that a good thing? Opposites attract and all that?”

Consuelo sighed. “I should just go kill something. I’ll feel better.”

“That’s certainly one solution,” Isabel said slowly, hoping her friend was kidding. “Or you could take a chance. Go out with him a couple of times. See where it leads.”

“Maybe. Is the sex different?”

“Excuse me?”

“Between normal people? Without the threat of danger or death?”

Isabel opened her mouth, then closed it. “I’m so the wrong person to ask. I’ve never had dangerous sex.”

“Right. It’s mostly indoors and in a bed.”

Except for those few experiences in Billy’s truck, yes. “You prefer it outdoors? You can ask the guy. I’m thinking he’ll be thrilled to be flexible.” This was ridiculous. Talk about the blind leading the blind. “Maybe you should ask someone else about it. Someone more adventurous.”

“I don’t want anyone else to know. You won’t say anything, will you?”

“No.” First, because she’d given her word, and second, because there wasn’t anything to say. She didn’t know who they were talking about or what Consuelo was nervous about.

“Any guy would be lucky to have you in his life,” she offered. “The next time a guy you like asks you out, say yes. If you want to kiss him, kiss him. If he reacts badly, please don’t kill him.”

Consuelo got an odd look on her face. “You’re saying I shouldn’t have sex with him and then slit his throat.”

Isabel laughed. “Probably not.”

But instead of chuckling in return, Consuelo shook her head. “I’m never going to get this right,” she muttered, before stalking away.

Isabel stared after her, not sure what on earth had just happened.

Three Little Words

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