Читать книгу Why Not Tonight - Сьюзен Мэллери - Страница 7


When I was nine years old, my parents took me to the eye doctor, where he told me I had to wear glasses. I was devastated and crushed and sobbed with the broken heart of a little girl who believed she would never again be told she was pretty. When I was fifteen, I convinced my father to get me contact lenses. (And I’m not ashamed to admit I might have used a little guilt from my parents’ recent divorce to get what I wanted.) Order was restored to the universe, although, let me tell you, contacts are a pain.

One LASIK surgery later, I needed neither contacts nor glasses. But alas, my correction slowly faded until now I need glasses to drive and see a crowd. Enough time has passed that I no longer mind wearing them, but I did always wonder why there weren’t more romance novel heroines who wore glasses. And wore them on the cover of a book. Well, now there’s at least one. So this story is for those of you who wear glasses, too. May you always know how beautiful you are.

Why Not Tonight

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