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In offering the following practical dissertation (the first ever yet published) upon the Art of Architectural Modelling, the Author feels that he is supplying a want that must have been long felt by many students and others in the architectural profession. The utility of the “Model,” coupled with its beauty, is ample recommendation of the study; and the modeller will be able to furnish the architect with sure and certain means that he may find weighty difficulties surmounted, especially in the case of uncomprehending clients, by giving to them the designs of their edifices with a distinctness almost equal to the real work when completed. With many clients, even “perspectives” are poorly understood, which seldom fails to cause some slight dissatisfaction on their part when they see too late certain things that the eye would have detected in the model and corrected in the outset. Models are becoming very general, where buildings are subjects of competition; and as this course of procedure and honourable encounter bids fair (when weeded of some of its present objections) to open up a good and honourable system, whereby the “race may be to the swift,” the importance of the following brief and simple Treatise on the subject, becomes doubly clear.

T. A. R.

Chester, March, 1859.

The Art of Architectural Modelling in Paper

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