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Chapter 2

‘So what are you planning on doing?’ Sally was the closest friend Alice had in London.

‘I’m not really sure.’

‘With your track record, surely you could just walk into any number of other well-paid jobs, couldn’t you?’

Alice nodded absently. ‘Mm. I suppose so. I’m just not sure I want to go back into that world again. It’s all about money, money, money. There’s no loyalty, no trust; just profit. I think I’d be better off out of it.’

‘How far out of it, Al?’

‘A long way, I think. Ever since I got the news, I’ve been mulling over what that slimy toad Nigel said to me. He called it an opportunity for a complete change. Although I still think he’s a despicable reptile, or should that be amphibian, I’m coming round to thinking he may be right.’

Sally caught the waiter’s eye and pointed to the empty bottle. It was going to be a long evening. ‘I’ll tell you this, Al, you could do worse. Try living like a normal girl instead of a career woman for a change. Get yourself a social life again. Meet a few nice people, cultivate a selection of eligible bachelors, jump into bed with some of them. That should take your mind off things.’

The waiter returned with another bottle of Pinot Grigio. Sally waited until he had retired before continuing. ‘Sex, my girl, that’s what you need. That’ll take your mind off things.’

Alice looked up, a hint of a smile on her face. ‘Sex, Sally, that’s your answer to everything.’

‘Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.’

‘Of course I’ve tried it.’ Alice sounded piqued. ‘I had a whole heap of boyfriends at university.’

‘And that was… fifteen, sixteen years ago?’ Sally kept her voice gentle.

‘Seventeen, but who’s counting? Anyway, I’ve been out with men since then. All right, nobody really special, and no long term relationships, but I was working so hard.’

‘That’s the whole point, Alice, it’s time to think of yourself, not just G-and-bloody-B. Isn’t there something you would really like to do? Apart from having sex with some young stud, of course.’

Alice sipped her wine. Alcohol wasn’t going to be the answer. And neither was sex. She allowed herself a moment’s reflection. Sally was right, of course. She really had sacrificed her personal life for her career. Not that she had lived an entirely monastic life. There had been men, admittedly not that many, but her job had always been her first priority. Now she could change all that.

‘Do you know what I’d really like to do?’ Sally looked up with interest, pleased to see a smile on her face. ‘I’m thinking about going back to university.’

‘What, as a postgrad?’ Sally sounded genuinely surprised.

‘Yes, I thought I might try and do a Masters.’

‘Something to do with finance? An MBA, maybe?’

Alice shook her head. ‘Nothing to do with work. No, something very, very different.’

‘Such as?’

Alice gave her a smile. ‘History. Don’t laugh. I’ve always been interested in history.’

Sally looked surprised. ‘So what period of history?’

Alice began to look less sure of herself. ‘I don’t really know. I’ve been reading all sorts. Everything from the Egyptians to the Cold War. There’s got to be something in between that gets my juices flowing.’

‘While on that subject, Al, there is always my original suggestion.’ Sally gave her a wink. ‘And by the sound of it, your experience of the opposite sex is back in the realms of history, so you’d be killing two birds with one stone.’

‘Oh, Sally, there’s more to life than sex.’

‘Certainly in your life.’

‘I’ll find myself a man, don’t you worry.’ She glanced across the table. ‘Maybe a handsome young student with a six pack.’

‘So somebody half your age? You’re almost forty, Al. You could be done for cradle snatching. Anyway, from what I remember of university, the only six packs I came across were the ones containing beer.’

‘Anyway, I’ve got to get there first.’

‘Where’s there? Are you going to stay here in London? Or are you thinking of pastures new? Maybe a little thatched cottage in the country?’ She was joking, but she spotted something on Alice’s face. ‘Really? You want to bury yourself in the country, among the yokels?’

‘I was thinking of Devon, actually. And Exeter is one of the best universities in the country, or so they say.’

‘Wow, that’s radical. So you really fancy abandoning the bright lights of the city? And Devon? They’re still eating the missionaries down there, you know.’

Alice gave her a smile. ‘I’ll take my chances. Anyway, I’ll need to find a house first.’

When Alice Met Danny

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