Читать книгу Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения - Т. С. Бочкарева - Страница 3
2 Тексты для изучающего чтения, лексические программы, упражнения
2.1 Тексты I семестр для студентов экономических и финансовоэкономических, юридических специальностей
Оглавление2.1.1 Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:
world economy- мировая экономика;
trade – торговля;
consumer – потребитель;
goods and services – товары и услуги;
pension fund – пенсионный фонд;
endowment – фонд, вклад, пожертвование;
to earn money – зарабатывать деньги;
investment – капиталовложение, инвестирование real estate – недвижимое имущество, недвижимость;
company – компания, товарищество;
to provide – снабжать, обеспечивать, предоставлять;
job – работа; to expand – расширять (ся);
to make up – составлять;
interaction – взаимодействие;
business – дело, деятельность, торговое предприятие, выгодная сделка, производство, бизнес;
border – граница;
illegal (legal) – незаконный (законный);
drugs – наркотики;
to join – присоединить (ся), объединиться;
to substitute – заменять;
food crop – продовольственная сельскохозяйственная культура;
to use – применять, использовать;
to employ economic sanctions – применять экономические санкции;
whatever – все что;
to cross – пересекать;
transfer of funds – перевод денежных средств;
to contribute to – вносить вклад в;
economic activity – экономическая деятельность.
2.1.2 Задание 2. Прочитайте текст А переведите его письменно Тext А. What is the World Economy?
In many ways, we are all part of the world economy. When we drink our imported coffee or hot chocolate in the morning, when we use a foreign-made videocassette recorder, or when we travel abroad on holiday, we are participating in the growing world of international trade and finance.
And it is not only as a consumer of foreign goods and services that we are part of the world economy. The money that our pension funds or university endowments earn from global investments may actually be paying for our retirement or a new building on campus. Foreign investment in local real estate and companies can also provide needed jobs for our friends and families. Even the local athlete who has signed a contract to play abroad is part of the expanding global economy.
The world economy is made up of all those interactions among people, businesses, and governments that cross international borders, even the illegal ones. If we buy drugs – or if we join the fight against drugs by helping Bolivian farmers substitute food crops for coca – we become part of the world economy. We also use the world economy to achieve specific political or ecological objective when we employ economic sanctions to fight racial segregation or the illegal killing of whales.
Basically, whatever crosses an international border – whether goods services or transfers of funds – is part of the world economy. Food imports, automobile exports, investments abroad, even the trade in services such as movies or tourism contribute to each country's international economic activity. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту А
1 How are we participating in the growing world of international trade and finance?
2 How can money be part of the world economy?
3 What is the world economy made up of?
4 What do we use the world economy for?
5 What is basically part of the world economy?
6 What contributes to each country's international economic activity?
2.1.3 Задание 3. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:
nation's wealth – богатства страны;
to determine – определять;
to be better off – быть богаче;
to earn money – зарабатывать деньги;
earn – заработок;
per capita – на душу населения;
to save money – экономить деньги;
way – путь, способ;
to define – определять;
to own – владеть, иметь;
stock – акция;
real estate – недвижимое имущество level – уровень;
income –доход;
to be well off – быть состоятельным (зажиточным);
salary – жалование, оклад;
unit of measure – единица измерения;
to compare the value of currencies – сравнивать стоимость валюты;
exchange rate – обменный курс;
in terms of – в исчислении, в выражении;
exchange market – валютный рынок;
to convert – конвертировать, превращать;
the cost of living – стоимость жизни;
purchasing power – покупательная способность;
purchasing power parity (P.P.P.) – паритет покупательной способности;
goods and services – товары и услуги;
insurance – страхование.
2.1.4 Задание 4. Прочитайте текст B переведите его письменно Тext B. How is Wealth Determined Around the World?
A nation's wealth can best be determined by looking at its people. But it is difficult to rely on any one statistic. Are the Kuwaitis better off because they earn more money per capita than the Brazilians? Are the French better off if they have more telephones per household than the Japanese? Are the Italians better off because they save more money than the Canadians?
There are many different ways to determine wealth. Economists define wealth as what a person owns, such as stocks and real estate, but many people look first to their level of income to see if they are well off. Comparing salaries in different countries, however, is like comparing apples and oranges, because the salaries in each country are paid in different currencies. We need to somehow translate what each person earns into a common unit of measure.
One way of translating salaries is to first compare the value of the currencies of the countries in question. This is usually done by using exchange rates that tell us the value of one currency calculated in terms of another.
Exchange rates, determined by the foreign exchange markets around the world, reflect the markets' view of each country's economic and political situation. By using exchange rates, a salary in yen in Tokyo can be converted into U.S. dollars to make it comparable to a salary in Los Angeles. Or it can be converted into French francs to make it comparable to a salary in Paris.
Because the cost of living varies widely from one country to another, however, it is difficult to translate salaries by simply using currency exchange rates. If an apartment costs three times as much in Tokyo as in Los Angeles or Paris, a higher salary in Japan does not necessarily mean a Japanese worker is better off than an American or French worker.
It is sometimes more valuable to look at what salaries will actually buy in each country. A salary's "purchasing power" tells us how many goods and services it can actually buy. Comparing the cost of a group of goods and services from country to country, therefore, gives us a more reliable exchange rate, called purchasing power parity (PPP). The PPP exchange rate is calculated by looking at the cost of groceries and other items such as vacation trips, automobiles, insurance, and rent in different countries.
By choosing this basket of goods and services and calculating their cost in different countries around the world, we can compare the purchasing power or "real" value of salaries from country to country. Although one country may be richer in terms of the amount of money each citizen owns or earns, what counts in the long run is what each person can do with this wealth. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту В
1 How can a nation’s wealth be determined?
2 What do the exchange rates tell us?
3 What do the exchange rates reflect?
4 Does the cost of living vary from one country, to another?
5 What tell us how much goods and services a person can buy?
6 How can we compare salaries in different countries?
7 What do we call “purchasing power parity” (PPP)?
8 What is PPP exchange rate calculated by?
9 How can we compare the purchasing power?
10 In what terms may one country be richer than another country?
Тексты, лексические программы для студентов специальности «Юриспруденция» Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:
procurator's office – прокуратура;
application and observance of laws – применение и соблюдение законов;
to investigate – расследовать, рассматривать (дело);
criminal case – уголовное дело;
evidence – улика, свидетельское показание;
to appeal – аппелировать, подавать аппеляционную жалобу;
prosecution – отстаивание (исковых требований).
court – суд, судья;
to administer juctice – отправлять правосудие;
first instance – первая инстанция;
to examine a case – рассматривать дело;
in substance – по существу;
to bring in a sentence – выносить приговор;
judgement – судебное решение, приговор;
judicial organ – судебный орган;
to try – разбирать, рассматривать дело;
assessor – заседатель, асессор;
proceeding(s) – судебное разбирательство;
trial – судебный процесс, разбирательство;
victim – потерпевший, жертва;
accused – обвиняемый;
plaintiff – истец;
defendant – обвиняемый, ответчик, подсудимый, подзащитный.
law – право, закон;
rule – правило, норма права;
to deal with – иметь дело;
legal – юридический, законный, правовой, судебный;
executive – исполнительный;
taxation – налогообложение, таксация (судебных издержек);
civil law – гражданское право;
property – собственность, право собственности;
institution – основание.
to provide for – обеспечивать;
encroachment – посягательство;
to regard – рассматривать;
to commit – совершать;
guilt – вина;
intoxication – опьянение;
to release – освобождать;
exceptional – исключительный;
to enumerate – перечислять.
judicial – судебный;
people's assessors – народные заседатели;
to be in session – заседать;
majority – большинство;
to determine – определять;
equal standing – равная правоспособность;
to exclude – исключать;
to appeal – обращаться;
to supervise – осуществлять надзор, наблюдать;
to exercise supervisory – осуществлять надзор;
observance – соблюдение;
application – применение;
to see to – присматривать;
according to – в соответствии с. … as a rule – как правило;
premeditated – предумышленный;
intent – намерение;
to put into effect – приводить в действие;
to plot – замышлять;
to depend on – зависеть от;
to contain – содержать;
to abandon – отказываться;
corpus delicti – состав преступления. Задание 2. Прочитайте тексты А, В, С, D, E, F переведите их письменно
Text A. The Procurator’s Office
The Procurator's Office is a state organ that ensures the correct application end observance of the state's laws by all ministries, organisations persons in office and all the citizens. It also protects the personal rights of citizens. It investigates criminal cases, collects evidence against criminals and sees to it that other investigating organs act according to the law.
The procurator has the right to appeal against any unlawful decisions and actions of state organs and persona in office. The procurator maintains prosecution before the court in the name of the state.
Text B. The Courts in our Country
The court is an organ of state that administers justice on the basis of the laws of the state.
There are courts of first instance and second instance. A court of first instance examines a case in substance and brings in a sentence or a judgement. A court of second instance examines appeals and protests against sentences and judgements of courts of first instance.
The basic judicial organ is the district court. It tries both criminal and civil cases. The district court consists of a judge and two assessors. Cases are tried in public and proceedings are oral. The participants in the trial (the victim, the accused, the plaitiff, the defendant and others) speak in open court. The accused has the right to defence.
The higher courts are city courts, regional courts and others. These courts hear and determine more important cases. They also sit as courts of appeals.
The highest judicial organ is the country's Supreme Court supervising the activities of all the judicial organs of the state.
As a court of first instance it tries the most important criminal and civil cases. It also hears appeals against sentences and judgements of lower courts.
Text C. The System of Law in our Country
Law is a system of rules established by the state.
The main aim of law is to consolidate and safeguard the social and state system and its economic foundation. The system of law in our country consists of different branches of law.
Constitutional law is а leading branch of the whole system of law. It's principal source is the country's Constitution. It deals with social structure, the state system, organization of state power and the legal status of citizens.
Administrative law is closely connected with constitutional law but it deals with the legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of a government and ministries.
Financia1 law regulates the budget, taxation, state credits and other spheres of financial activity.
Civil law is connected with relations in the economic sphere of social life, with relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. The right in property is the central institution of civil law.
The rules of labour law include the legislation on the labour of industrial and office workers and regulate matters arising from labour relations.
Criminal law defines the general principles of criminal responsibility, individual types of crimes and punishment applied to criminals.
Criminal law takes the form of a criminal code consisting of a general and special part.
Text D. Criminal Law
Criminal Law is to provide for the Russian social and state system, personal property and the personal rights of citizens against criminal encroachments.
Criminal Law defines the acts which are socially dangerous and mustbe regarded as crimes. It lays down the penalties that should be applied to persons committing these crimes. Here are some leading principles of Russia Criminal Law:
1 A person may be charged with criminal responsibility only when he has committed an act specially provided for in Criminal Law.
2 Responsibility can exist only in the presence of guilt.
3 Criminal punishment shall be applied only by sentence of the court.
4 Persons committing crimes in a state of intoxication are not released from criminal responsibility.
5 The death sentence may be passed as an exceptional penalty in cases specifically enumerated in law.
Text E. The Russian Court and the Procurator’s Office
The Russian Court is an organ of state that administers justice on the basis of the laws of the Russian State.
The basic Russian judicial organ is the district People's Court which consists of a judge and two people's assessors having the rights of a judge when the court is in session.
The district People's Court hears the majority of the cases. More important cases such as the crimes against the state are determined by the regional court or a court of equal standing.
The Supreme Court of Russia is the highest judicial organ of the Russia State. It is charged to supervise the work of all judicial organs.
The Procurator's Office is established to exercise supervisory power over the strict observance and application of the law by all organizations, officials as well as by all citizens of the country.
Other duties of the Procurator's Office are to investigate criminal cases, collect evidence against the criminals and see to it that other investigating bodies act according to the law.
So it may be said that the Procurator's Office, like all the Russian courts, protects legality, law and order.
Text F. Stages of Criminal Activity
As a rule, premeditated criminal activity consists of several stages: preparation, attempt and commission.
Preparation of a crime is the search for an adaptation of means or instruments, or any other premeditated creation of combinations for the commission of a crime. Preparation of a crime is generally a punishable offence. But in determining the penalty, the court must take into consideration the extent of. the danger to society involved in the preparations, the degree to which the criminal intent has been put into effect, and the causes that prevented the full commission of the crime. In cases where the person plotting a crime has not gone beyond the preparation the court usually imposes a milder penalty or none at all. An attempt is a premeditated act directly aimed at the commission of a crime but not completed for reasons not depending on the will of the guilty person.
An attempt is a punishable offense. But in determining the penalty the court must also take into consideration the character, the degree of the danger to society involved in the act committed by the guilty person, the degree to which the criminal intent has been put into effect, and the causes that prevent the full commission of the crime.
A crime is considered as committed when the guilty person has performed the act containing the corpus delicti of crime.
Desisting from completion of a crime is possible in the stages of preparation and attempt when a person having the possibility, of completing the crime, of his own free will abandons his criminal intent before its completion. He is then responsible only in the act performed by him contains the corpus delicti of another crime. Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по текстам А, В, С, D, E, F
1 What does the Procurator’s office ensure?
2 What right has the procurator?
3 What kind of cases does a court of first instance examine?
4 Who are the participants in the trial?
5 What is the highest judicial organ in our country?
6 What is the main aim of Law?
7 What branches of Law in the Law System of our country do you know?
8 What does the Financial Law regulate?
9 How do the graduates administer justice?
10 What acts does Criminal Law define?
11 What leading principles of Russian Criminal Law do you know?
12 What is the Russian Court?
13 What is the basic Russian judicial organ?
14 What is the highest judicial organ?
15 What is the Procurator’s Office established for?
16 What stages does the criminal activity consist of?
17 What does an attempt mean?
18 What must the court take in to consideration?
19 When is a crime considered as committed?