The person of the God-man the principle of headship in the Church | 178 |
Testimony of the Fathers to this | 179 |
Fourfold unity resulting from this headship | 181 |
First unity of mystical influx | 182 |
The second unity of charity, whose efficient principle is the Holy Spirit. |
—Third unity of faith, whose efficient principle is the Holy Spirit |
acting through the visible hierarchy | 183 |
Set forth by S. Paul also | 185 |
Headship of mystical influx does not obviate the creation of an external |
hierarchy | 188 |
Fourth unity of visible headship.—This the root and efficient principle of |
the visible hierarchy | 190 |
The one body is complete | 192 |
The unity of a college not sufficient to express our Lord's personal unity | 193 |
Positive teaching corresponds to the inherent notion of the Church | 194 |
The Father in the holy Trinity what Peter's see is in the Church | 195 |
Summary of this fourfold unity | 196 |
Importance of S. Peter's office hence resulting | 197 |