Lifespan Development

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Tara L. Kuther. Lifespan Development
Lifespan Development
Brief Contents
Detailed Contents
Contextual Perspective
Emphasis on Application
Current Research
Accessible Writing Style
Learning Objectives and Summaries
Critical Thinking
Supplements. Original Video
For Instructors
For Students
What’s New in Lifespan Development: Lives in Context, Second Edition?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Chapter 19
About the Author
Part I Foundations of Lifespan Human Development
1 Understanding Human Development: Approaches and Theories
Learning Objectives
What is Lifespan Human Development?
Development Is Multidimensional
Development Is Multidirectional
Development Is Plastic
Development Is Influenced by Multiple Contexts
Cultural Influences on Development. Defining Culture
What Do You Think?
Developmental Science Is Multidisciplinary
Thinking in Context 1.1
Basic Issues in Lifespan Human Development
Continuities and Discontinuities in Development
Individuals Are Active in Development
Nature and Nurture Influence Development
Thinking in Context 1.2
Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development
Psychoanalytic Theories
Freud’s Psychosexual Theory
Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory
Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Social Learning Theory
Cognitive Theories
Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory
Information Processing Theory
Contextual Theories
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Systems Theory
Lives in Context. Sociohistorical Influences on Development
What Do You Think?
Ethology and Evolutionary Developmental Theory
Thinking in Context 1.3
Research in Human Development
The Scientific Method
Methods of Data Collection
Observational Measures
Self-Report Measures
Physiological Measures
Research Designs
Case Study
Correlational Research
Experimental Research
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Methods of Studying the Brain
What Do You Think?
Developmental Research Designs
Cross-Sectional Research Design
Longitudinal Research Design
Sequential Research Designs
Thinking in Context 1.4
Research Ethics
Applying Developmental Science. The Real-World Significance of Developmental Research
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 1.5
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
2 Biological and Environmental Foundations
Learning Objectives
Genetic Foundations of Development
Cell Reproduction
Sex Determination
Genes Shared by Twins
Applying Developmental Science. Prenatal Sex Selection
What Do You Think?
Patterns of Genetic Inheritance
Dominant–Recessive Inheritance
Incomplete Dominance
Polygenic Inheritance
Genomic Imprinting
Thinking in Context 2.1
Chromosomal and Genetic Problems
Genetic Disorders
Dominant–Recessive Disorders
X-Linked Disorders
Chromosomal Abnormalities
Lives in Context. Genes as Protective Factors in Development
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 2.2
Reproductive Choices
Genetic Counseling
Reproductive Technology
Cultural Influences on Development. Internationally Adopted Children
What Do You Think?
Prenatal Diagnosis
Prenatal Treatment of Genetic Disorders
Thinking in Context 2.3
Heredity and Environment
Behavioral Genetics
Methods of Behavioral Genetics
Genetic Influences on Personal Characteristics
Gene–Environment Interactions
Range of Reaction
Gene–Environment Correlations
Epigenetic Influences on Development
Applying Developmental Science. Altering the Epigenome
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 2.4
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
3 The Prenatal Period, Birth, and the Newborn
Learning Objectives
Prenatal Development
Germinal Period (0 to 2 Weeks)
Embryonic Period (3 to 8 Weeks)
Fetal Period (9 Weeks to Birth)
Second Trimester (14 to 26 Weeks)
Third Trimester (27 to 40 Weeks; Seventh, Eighth, Ninth Months)
Contextual and Cultural Influences on Prenatal Care
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Pregnancy and the Maternal Brain
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 3.1
Environmental Influences on Prenatal Development
Principles of Teratology
Types of Teratogens
Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs
Cigarette Smoking
Cocaine and Heroin
Applying Developmental Science. Maternal Drug Use While Pregnant
What Do You Think?
Maternal Illness
Environmental Hazards
Parental Characteristics and Behaviors
Emotional well-being
Maternal age
Thinking in Context 3.2
Medication During Delivery
Cesarean Delivery
Cultural Influences on Development. Cultural Differences in Childbirth
What Do You Think?
Natural Childbirth
Home Birth
Thinking in Context 3.3
The Newborn
Medical and Behavioral Assessment of Newborns
The Newborn’s Perceptual Capacities
Newborn States of Arousal
Low-Birthweight Infants: Preterm and Small-for-Date Babies
Lives in Context. HIV Infection in Newborns
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 3.4
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
Part II Infancy and Toddlerhood
4 Physical Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Learning Objectives
Body Growth and Nutrition in Infants and Toddlers
Growth Norms
Solid Food
Failure to Thrive
Applying Developmental Science. Vaccination
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 4.1
Brain Development During Infancy and Toddlerhood
Processes of Neural Development
The Cerebral Cortex
Experience and Brain Development
Sleep and Brain Development
Cultural Influences on Development. Co-Sleeping
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 4.2
Early Learning Capacities
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Thinking in Context 4.3
Sensation and Perception During Infancy and Toddlerhood
Smell and Taste
Lives in Context. Pain and Neonatal Circumcision
What Do You Think?
Intermodal Perception
Thinking in Context 4.4
Motor Development During Infancy and Toddlerhood
Gross Motor Development
Fine Motor Development
Biological and Contextual Determinants of Motor Development
Biological Influences on Motor Development
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Hand Preference and Language Development in Infancy
What Do You Think?
Contextual Influences on Motor Development
Motor Development as a Dynamic System
Thinking in Context 4.5
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
5 Cognitive Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Learning Objectives
Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory
Processes of Development
Sensorimotor Substages
Substage 1: Reflexes (Birth to 1 Month)
Substage 2: Primary Circular Reactions (1 to 4 Months)
Substage 3: Secondary Circular Reactions (4 to 8 Months)
Substage 4: Coordination of Secondary Circular Reactions (8 to 12 Months)
Stage 5: Tertiary Circular Reactions (12 to 18 Months)
Substage 6: Mental Representation (18 to 24 Months)
Evaluating Sensorimotor Reasoning
Violation-of-Expectation Tasks
A-Not-B Tasks
Deferred Imitation Tasks
Core Knowledge Theory: An Alternative Perspective
Lives in Context. Baby Videos and Infant Learning
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 5.1
Information Processing Theory
Organization of the Information Processing System
Infants’ Thinking
Applying Developmental Science. Baby Signing
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 5.2
Individual Differences in Infant Intelligence
Testing Approach to Intelligence
Intelligence as Information Processing
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Poverty and Development
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 5.3
Language Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Early Preferences for Speech Sounds
Prelinguistic Communication
First Words
Learning Words: Semantic Growth
Two-Word Utterances
Theories of Language Development
Learning Theory and Language Development
Nativist Theory and Language Development
Interactionist Perspective on Language Development
Biological Contributions to Language Development
Contextual Contributions to Language Development
Cultural Influences on Development. Culture and Language Development in Infancy
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 5.4
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
6 Socioemotional Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Learning Objectives
Psychosocial Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Trust Versus Mistrust
Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt
Cultural Influences on Development. Father–Infant Interactions
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 6.1
Emotional Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Infants’ Emotional Experience
Basic Emotions
Self-Conscious Emotions
Emotion Regulation
Social Interaction and Emotional Development
Parental Interaction
Social Referencing
Cultural Influences on Emotional Development
Emotional Display Rules
Stranger Wariness
Lives in Context. Maternal Depression and Emotional Development
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 6.2
Temperament in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Styles of Temperament
Context and Goodness of Fit
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Trauma and Emotional Development
Cultural Differences in Temperament
Thinking in Context 6.3
Attachment in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Bowlby’s Ethological Perspective on Attachment
Infants’ Signals and Adults’ Responses
Phases of Attachment
Secure Base, Separation Anxiety, and Internal Working Models
Ainsworth’s Strange Situation and Attachment Classifications
Attachment-Related Outcomes
Influences on Attachment
Stability of Attachment
Applying Developmental Science. Infant Child Care
What Do You Think?
Cultural Variations in Attachment Classifications
Thinking in Context 6.4
The Self in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Emerging Self-Concept
Thinking in Context 6.5
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
Part III Early Childhood
7 Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood
Learning Objectives
Physical Development in Early Childhood
Lives in Context. Picky Eating
What Do You Think?
Brain Development
Motor Development
Gross Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Thinking in Context 7.1
Cognitive-Developmental and Sociocultural Reasoning in Early Childhood
Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory: Preoperational Reasoning
Characteristics of Preoperational Reasoning
Evaluating Preoperational Reasoning
Research Findings on Egocentrism and Animism
Research Findings on Reversibility and the Appearance–Reality Distinction
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
Guided Participation and Scaffolding
Zone of Proximal Development
Evaluating Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
Thinking in Context 7.2
Information Processing in Early Childhood
Working Memory and Executive Function
Long-Term Memory
Memory for Information
Memory for Scripts
Autobiographical Memory
Applying Developmental Science. Children’s Suggestibility
What Do You Think?
Theory of Mind
False Belief
Context and Theory of Mind
Thinking in Context 7.3
Language Development in Early Childhood
Early Grammar
Private Speech
Thinking in Context 7.4
Moral Development in Early Childhood
Social Learning Theory
Cognitive-Developmental Theory
Heteronomous Morality
Preconventional Reasoning
Conceptions of Moral, Social, and Personal Issues
Cultural Influences on Development. Culture and Theory of Mind
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 7.5
Early Childhood Education
Child-Centered and Academically Centered Preschool Programs
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Brain-Based Education
What Do You Think?
Early Childhood Education Interventions
Thinking in Context 7.6
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
8 Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood
Learning Objectives
Emerging Sense of Self
Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood
Cultural Influences on Development. Children’s Participation in Household Work
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 8.1
Emotional Development in Early Chlidhood
Emotional Understanding
Emotion Regulation
Empathy and Prosocial Behavior
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Sleep and Emotional Regulation in Young Children
What Do You Think?
Prosocial Behavior
Influences on Prosocial Behavior
Biological Influences
Emotional Influences
Family Influences
Contextual Influences
Thinking in Context 8.2
Parenting Styles
Authoritarian Parenting
Applying Developmental Science. Physical Punishment
What Do You Think?
Permissive Parenting
Uninvolved Parenting
Authoritative Parenting
Culture, Context, and Parenting
Child Maltreatment
Effects of Child Maltreatment
Risk Factors for Child Maltreatment
Thinking in Context 8.3
Gender Stereotypes, Gender Differences, and Gender Development
Gender Role Norms and Gender Stereotypes
Sex Differences
Theoretical Perspectives on Gender Role Development
Biological Explanations
Cognitive Explanations
Lives in Context. Transgender Children
What Do You Think?
Contextual Explanations
Thinking in Context 8.4
Play and Peer Relationships in Early Childhood
Types of Play
Play and Children’s Development
Peer Relationships
Imaginary Companions
Thinking in Context 8.5
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
Part IV Middle Childhood
9 Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood
Learning Objectives
Physical and Motor Development in Middle Childhood
Body Growth
Motor Development
Common Health Issues in Middle Childhood
Childhood Injuries
Childhood Obesity
Lives in Context. Body Image Dissatisfaction
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 9.1
Cognitive Development in Middle Chldhood
Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory: Concrete Operational Reasoning
Culture and Concrete Operational Reasoning
Information Processing
Cultural Influences on Development. Children’s Understanding of Illness
What Do You Think?
Working Memory and Executive Function
Metacognition and Metamemory
Memory Strategies
Context and Cognition
Thinking in Context 9.2
Intelligence Tests
Individual and Group Differences in IQ
Contextual Influences on IQ
Alternative Views of Intelligence
Multiple Intelligences
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Thinking in Context 9.3
Moral Development in Middle Childhood
Moral Reasoning: Piaget’s Theory
Children’s Conceptions of Justice: Kohlberg’s Cognitive-Developmental Perspective
Distributive Justice Reasoning
Distinguishing Moral and Conventional Rules
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Moral Development and the Brain
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 9.4
Language Development in Middle Chidhood
Thinking in Context 9.5
Learning and Schooling in Middle Chldhood
Reading and Mathematics
Bilingualism and Learning a Second Language
Simultaneous Bilingualism
Applying Developmental Science. Grade Retention
What Do You Think?
Second Language Learning
Transition to First Grade
Educating Children With Special Needs
Intellectual Disability
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Learning Disabilities
Special Education
Thinking in Context 9.6
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
10 Socioemotional Development in Middle Childhood
Learning Objectives
Psychosocial Development in Middle Childhood
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Self-Concept and the Brain
What Do You Think?
Achievement Motivation
Contextual Influences on Achievement Attributions and Motivation
Cultural Influences
Thinking in Context 10.1
Peer Relationships in Middle Childhood
Peer Acceptance, Popularity, and Rejection
Peer Rejection
Children Who Bully
Victims of Bullying
Intervening in Bullying
Applying Developmental Science. Antibullying Legislation
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 10.2
Families in Middle Childhood
Parent–Child Relationships
Cultural Influences on Development. China’s One-Child Policy
What Do You Think?
Same-Sex Parented Families
Single-Parent Families
Cohabiting Families
Divorced and Divorcing Families
Blended Families
Thinking in Context 10.3
Common Socioemotional and Developmental Problems in Middle Childhood
School Refusal
Child Sexual Abuse
Resilience in Middle Childhood
Thinking in Context 10.4
Lives in Context. Exposure to War and Terrorism and Children’s Development
What Do You Think?
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
Part V Adolescence
11 Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence
Learning Objectives
Conceptions of Adolescence
Is Adolescence a Period of Storm and Stress?
Adolescent Moodiness
Thinking in Context 11.1
Physical Development in Adolescence
Changes in Body Size and Shape
Sexual Characteristics
Sexual Maturation
Cultural Influences on Development. Menarche Rituals of the !Xoo
What Do You Think?
Individual Differences in the Timing of Pubertal Maturation
Psychosocial Effects of Pubertal Timing
Puberty and Sleep Patterns
Nutrition and Development
Thinking in Context 11.2
Brain Development in Adolescence
Socioemotional Perception
Risk Taking
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Substance Use and the Brain
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 11.3
Adolescent Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory: Formal Operational Reasoning
Information Processing Theory
Attention, Response Inhibition, and Working Memory
Metacognition and Scientific Reasoning
Implications of Adolescent Thinking
Adolescent Egocentrism
Decision Making
Applying Developmental Science. Legal Implications of Adolescent Decision Making
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 11.4
Adolescent Moral Development
Postconventional Moral Reasoning
Social Interaction and Moral Reasoning
Gender and Moral Reasoning
Culture and Moral Reasoning
Lives in Context. Volunteer Work and Social Responsibility
What Do You Think?
Moral Reasoning and Behavior
Thinking in Context 11.5
Schools and Academic Functioning in Adolescence
School Transitions
School Dropout
Parenting and Academic Competence
Thinking in Context 11.6
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
12 Socioemotional Development in Adolescence
Learning Objectives
Psychosocial Development: The Changing Self
Identity Statuses
Influences on Identity Development
Outcomes Associated With Identity Development
Ethnic Identity
Cultural Influences on Development. Cultural Views of Gender
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 12.1
Adolescents and Their Families
Parent–Adolescent Conflict
Parental Monitoring
Thinking in Context 12.2
Adolescents and Their Peers
Cliques and Crowds
Peer Conformity
Lives in Context. Adolescent Dating Violence
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 12.3
Adolescent Sexuality
Sexual Activity
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Adolescents
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Peer Interaction and the Brain
What Do You Think?
Contraceptive Use
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Adolescent Pregnancy
Thinking in Context 12.4
Problems in Adolescence
Depression and Suicide
Applying Developmental Science. Self-Harm: Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
What Do You Think?
Eating Disorders
Alcohol and Substance Use
Thinking in Context 12.5
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
Part VI Emerging and Early Adulthood
13 Physical and Cognitive Development in Emerging and Early Adulthood
Learning Objectives
Emerging Adulthood: Transition to Adulthood
Markers of Emerging Adulthood
Contextual Nature of Emerging Adulthood
Thinking in Context 13.1
Cultural Influences on Development. Emerging Adulthood and Culture
What Do You Think?
Physical Development in Emerging and Early Adulthood
Physical Changes
Fertility and Reproductive Capacity
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in Athletes
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 13.2
Health, Fitness, and Wellness in Emerging and Early Adulthood
Overweight and Obesity
Physical Activity
Sexual Activity
Sexual Coercion
Substance Abuse
Alcohol Use and Abuse
Applying Developmental Science. Marijuana Legalization
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 13.3
Cognitive Development in Emerging and Early Adulthood
Postformal Reasoning
Pragmatic Thought and Cognitive-Affective Complexity
Evaluating Cognitive-Developmental Approaches to Adult Development
Thinking in Context 13.4
Education and Development in Emerging and Early Adulthood
Developmental Impact of Attending College
First-Generation College Students
Nontraditional College Students
The Forgotten Third
Thinking in Context 13.5
Career Development in Emerging and Early Adulthood
Occupational Stages
Influences on Vocational Choice
Transition to Work
Diversity in the Workplace
Lives in Context. Gender and STEM Careers
What Do You Think?
Work and Family
Thinking in Context 13.6
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
14 Socioemotional Development in Emerging and Early Adulthood
Learning Objectives
Psychosocial Development in Emerging Adulthood and Early Adulthood
Identity Versus Role Confusion
Intimacy Versus Isolation
Lives in Context. Internet Dating
What Do You Think?
The Social Clock
Thinking in Context 14.1
Relationships in Psychosocial Development in Emerging and Early Adulthood
Romantic Relationships
Mate Selection
Components of Love
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Your Brain on Love
What Do You Think?
Intimate Partner Violence
Thinking in Context 14.2
Lifestyles and Romantic Partnerships
Same-Sex Marriage
Applying Developmental Science. The Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 14.3
Parenthood in Early Adulthood
Becoming a Parent
Cultural Influences on Development. Family Leave Policies
What Do You Think?
Never-Married Single Parent
Same-Sex Parents
Thinking in Context 14.4
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
Part VII Middle Adulthood
15 Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood
Learning Objectives
Physical Development in Middle Adulthood
Theories of Aging: What Causes Aging?
Sensory Aging
Skin, Muscular, and Skeletal Aging
Reproductive Aging
Reproductive Changes in Women
Reproductive Changes in Men
Cultural Influences on Development. Cultural Perspeves on Menopause
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 15.1
Health in Middle Adulthood
Common Illnesses
Cardiovascular Disease
Applying Developmental Science. Hormone Replacement Therapy
What Do You Think?
Hardiness and Health
Sexual Activity
Thinking in Context 15.2
Intellectual Abilities in Middle Adulthood
Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
Intelligence Over the Adult Years
Lives in Context. The Flynn Effect: Context and IQ
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 15.3
Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood
Processing Speed
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Sleep and Neurocognitive Functioning
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 15.4
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
16 Socioemotional Development in Middle Adulthood
Learning Objectives
Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood
Erikson’s Generativity Versus Stagnation
Levinson’s Seasons of Life
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Mindfulness Meditation and the Brain
What Do You Think?
Midlife Crisis
Thinking in Context 16.1
The Self in Middle Adulthood
Self-Concept in Middle Adulthood
Subjective Age
Cultural Influences on Development. Use of Cosmetic Procedures in Middle Adulthood
What Do You Think?
Possible Selves
Gender Identity in Middle Adulthood
Self and Well-Being in Middle Adulthood
Personality in Middle Adulthood
Thinking in Context 16.2
Relationships in Middle Adulthood
Marriage and Divorce
Parent–Child Relationships
Parents to Adult Children
Parents to Infants and Young Children
Lives in Context. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
What Do You Think?
Caring for Aging Parents
Thinking in Context 16.3
Careers in Middle Adulthood
Job Satisfaction
Applying Developmental Science. Age Discrimination
What Do You Think?
Planning for Retirement
Thinking in Context 16.4
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
Part VIII Late Adulthood
17 Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood
Learning Objectives
Physical Development in Late Adulthood
Brain Aging
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Aerobic Exercise and the Brain
What Do You Think?
The Senses
Smell and Taste
Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Immune Systems
Motor Aging
Thinking in Context 17.1
Health in Late Adulthood
Lives in Context. Centenarians
What Do You Think?
Chronic Illness
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Thinking in Context 17.2
Dementia in Late Adulthood
Alzheimer’s Disease
Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease
Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease
Vascular Dementia
Cultural Influences on Development. Ethnicity and Alzheimer’s Disease
What Do You Think?
Parkinson’s Disease
Lewy Body Dementia
Thinking in Context 17.3
Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood
Working Memory
Context, Task Demands, and Memory Performance
Applying Developmental Science. Disclosing a Dementia Diagnosis
What Do You Think?
Emotion and Working Memory
Long-Term Memory
Aging and Language
Problem Solving and Wisdom
Influences on Cognitive Change in Adulthood
Thinking in Context 17.4
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
18 Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood
Learning Objectives
The Self in Late Adulthood
Cultural Influences on Development. Cultural Attitudes Toward Old Adults
What Do You Think?
Subjective Age
Reminiscence and Life Review
Ego Integrity
Religiosity in Late Adulthood
Thinking in Context 18.1
Late Adulthood and Social Contexts
Social Support in Older Adulthood
Aging and the Social World
Disengagement, Activity, and Continuity Theories
Socioemotional Selectivity Theory
Aging in Place
Applying Developmental Science. Poverty and the Older Woman
What Do You Think?
Residential Communities
Nursing Homes
Thinking in Context 18.2
Relationships in Late Adulthood
Sibling Relationships
Marriage, Divorce, and Cohabitation
Divorce and Remarriage
Sexuality in Late Adulthood
Relationships With Adult Children and Grandchildren
Elder Maltreatment
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Neurological Risk for Financial Abuse
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 18.3
Deciding to Retire
Transition to Retirement and Adjustment
Influences on Retirement Adjustment
Lives in Context. Social Security
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 18.4
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
Part IX Endings
19 Death and Dying
Learning Objectives
Patterns of Mortality and Defining Death
Defining Death
Lives in Context. The Opioid Epidemic
What Do You Think?
End-of-Life Issues
Advance Directives
Physician-Assisted Suicide
Thinking in Context 19.1
Conceptions of Death Across the Lifespan
Children’s Understanding of Death
Adolescents’ Understanding of Death
Adults’ Understanding of Death
Cultural Influences on Development. Cultural Rituals Surrounding Death
What Do You Think?
Thinking in Context 19.2
Dying and the Experience of Death
The Dying Process
Applying Developmental Science. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
What Do You Think?
Emotional Reactions to Dying
The Experience of One’s Death
The Dying Child
The Dying Adolescent
The Dying Adult
Thinking in Context 19.3
Bereavement and Grief
The Grief Process
Models of Grieving
Contextual Influences on the Grief Process
Adjusting to the Death of a Loved One
Losing a Spouse
Brain and Biological Influences on Development. Grief and the Brain
What Do You Think?
Losing a Child
Losing a Parent
Bereavement in Childhood and Adolescence
Bereavement in Childhood
Bereavement in Adolescence
Thinking in Context 19.4
Apply Your Knowledge
Descriptions of Images and Figures
References. Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Name Index
Subject Index. A
Отрывок из книги
To Fred
Second Edition
Naturalistic observation permits researchers to observe patterns of behavior in everyday settings, such as whether a particular event or behavior typically precedes another. Such observations can help researchers determine which behaviors are important to study in the first place. For example, a scientist who studies bullying by observing children’s play may notice that some victims act aggressively before a bullying encounter (Kamper-DeMarco & Ostrov, 2017). The scientist may then decide to examine aggression in victims not only after a bullying incident but also beforehand. Naturalistic observation is a useful way of studying events and behaviors that are common. Some behaviors and events, however, are uncommon or are difficult to observe, such as physical aggression among adults, requiring a researcher to observe for very long periods of time to obtain data on the behavior of interest. For this reason, many researchers make structured observations.
Structured observation entails observing and recording behaviors displayed in a controlled environment, a situation constructed by the experimenter. For example, children might be observed in a laboratory setting as they play with another child or complete a puzzle-solving task. The challenges of identifying and categorizing which behaviors to record are similar to those involved in naturalistic observation. However, the laboratory environment permits researchers to exert more control over the situation than is possible in natural settings. In addition to cataloguing observable behaviors, some researchers use technology to measure biological functions such as heart rate, brain waves, and blood pressure. One challenge to conducting structured observations is that people do not always behave in laboratory settings as they do in real life.