Читать книгу Lifespan Development - Tara L. Kuther - Страница 22

Chapter 2


 Updated coverage and streamlined Cell Reproduction

 Updated coverage of Ethical and Policy Applications of Life Span Development: Prenatal Sex Selection and retitled as Applying Developmental Science: Prenatal Sex Selection

 Updated coverage of Genes Shared by Twins

 Updated and extended coverage of Dominant–Recessive Inheritance to include additional information about sickle cell trait

 Updated and expanded coverage of Genomic Imprinting

 Updated coverage of Dominant–Recessive Disorders

 Updated and reorganized coverage of X-Linked Disorders

 Updated and expanded coverage of Chromosomal Abnormalities

 Updated coverage of Mutation

 New section: Genetic Counseling with new subsections on Reproductive Technology and Adoption

 Updated and expanded coverage of Prenatal Testing to include fetal MRI

 Updated and expanded coverage of Prenatal Treatment of Genetic Disorders to include fetoscopy

 Updated coverage of Behavioral Genetics, including Genetic Influences on Personal Characteristics, Gene–Environment Interactions, Canalization, and Gene–Environment Correlations

 Updated coverage of Epigenetic Influences on Development replaces Epigenetic Framework

 Updated Applying Developmental Science: Altering the Epigenome retitled as Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Altering the Epigenome

Lifespan Development

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