Читать книгу Honeysuckle Bride - Tara Randel - Страница 12



“C’MON, GIRLS,” JENNA called down the hallway from her bedroom as she fastened an earring in place. “We’re running late.”

She hadn’t gotten used to waiting on two young girls to get ready. Always priding herself on punctuality, she’d yet to master getting the three of them dressed and out the door on time.

“Coming,” Abby answered.

At the sound of the oven buzzer, Jenna hurried to the kitchen. The aroma of baking cheese met her before she entered the room. Using three different gourmet cheeses, with a bit of bacon thrown in and a topping of artisan breadcrumbs, she’d made the promised mac and cheese dish for the party. Donning a pair of oven mitts, she pulled the pan out and covered it with aluminum foil. Turning the oven off, she walked back down the hallway, stopping at the door of the girls’ room. Abby was on the floor, slipping on the new sparkly sandals Jenna had bought for the occasion. Bridget sat nearby, brushing the hair on her favorite doll.


“Yes,” they answered in unison.

Returning to her bedroom, she picked up her purse before performing a quick scan of the space. She worried about forgetting to unplug her hair straightener or another electrical appliance, especially after a fire destroyed one of the foster homes she’d lived in. Satisfied everything was in order, she left the room.

“Front and center,” she sang out.

The girls ran to the living room. Jenna smiled as she viewed their matching sundresses, Abby in pink, Bridget in purple. Jenna had pulled their shoulder-length hair into ponytails with matching bows to finish off the look.

Her heart squeezed tight. “Beautiful,” she said, crouching to give them a hug.

“We’re late,” Bridget reminded her.

“Right.” Rising, Jenna smoothed the skirt of her red, sleeveless A-line dress. She’d blown dry her hair in a breezy style, not much else to do with the short length, and added her favorite spiky sandals, which gave her petite frame some height. “Let’s−”

Her cell rang again. “One minute.” She hurried to the kitchen, glancing at the caller ID. Barbara. The woman’s timing was impeccable. It was like she knew exactly when Jenna was in the middle of something with the girls and couldn’t answer the phone. Funny how her agent’s calls had never bothered her before the girls became a permanent part of her life.

“Jenna!” Bridget called.

“Coming.” No time to talk now. She would speak with Barbara later.

Tossing the phone in her purse, she grabbed the handles of the mac and cheese pan and hustled the girls out to the car. Soon, they were on the road. She breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully Nealy wouldn’t be too upset with them for being tardy.

As she pulled into the parking lot of the Grand Cypress Hotel, her cell rang again. Irritated now, she parked the car before digging the phone from her purse. The caller ID showed Barbara’s name. Jenna quickly pressed the talk button.

“Good grief,” Barbara said by way of a greeting. “I didn’t think you’d ever pick up.”

“Sorry. I was driving.”

“Listen, Jenna, I got a call from Kitchen Care. They want you to sign on for the commercial we discussed.”

A major sponsor of Jenna’s show, Kitchen Care Cookware, a large commercial-grade cookware company, was ready to release a new line of products, and they wanted Jenna as their spokesperson.

“Barbara, I can’t do it right now.”

“I know you’re on a break, but Jenna, this is Kitchen Care.”

“I understand.”

A voice sounded from the backseat. “Are we getting out of the car?”

Jenna glanced over her shoulder. “Yes.”

“Yes to Kitchen Care?” Barbara asked.

“No, Barbara. I have the girls in the car. Let me call you tomorrow.”

“Seriously consider this, Jenna. Your decision will affect the show. And your career.”

Barbara wasn’t being overly dramatic. In the world of cable television, pleasing sponsors was vital to a show’s longevity. “I know.”

“Fine. I’ll wait for your call.”

“Thanks.” Jenna almost hung up before a last-minute thought came to her. “Barbara, any photos or stories about me in the tabloids?”

“No. Why?”

“Just making sure.” She was glad her plan to escape the annoying reporter was working.

“After the incident with Rod, I’m very careful, just as you requested.”

Jenna blew out a breath. “Okay.”

“Jenna,” Abby called.

“I have to go, Barbara. Talk to you later.”

After tapping the off button, she got the girls out of the car, picked up the warm pan and headed inside. The name of the room reserved for the party was posted in the ornate lobby.

Nealy swooped down on her as soon as she set foot in the brightly decorated banquet room. A huge Welcome banner took up one entire wall, surrounded by balloons of every shape and color. Tables were scattered about, topped with bright cloths and flower arrangements. A long table, featuring an assortment of appetizers, lined another wall, along with a station set up for drinks.

“Way to be on time,” Nealy mock scolded.

“Sorry. I’m still navigating the ins and outs of getting the three of us dressed and ready to go.”

Nealy took the pan from Jenna. “You’re here now. I have lots of people for you to meet.”

Jenna glanced around the room again. “Wow. You really went all out.”

“I wanted this party to be special. To usher you into your new life.” Nealy crouched in front of the girls. “And I suppose you’d like something more fun to do than talk to old people.”

Both girls nodded their heads.

“My nephew Davey and his girlfriend will take you to the game room.” She called to a teenage boy as she rose then turned her attention back to Jenna. “If it’s okay with you?”

“Can I go with them?”

“Not a chance. Davey’s very reliable and we have work to do.” Nealy carried the pan to the food table, moving a few dishes around before placing it in the empty space.

Jenna spoke briefly with Davey before he took the girls to the game room, then joined Nealy.

“I have to say, my mac and cheese smells delicious,” Jenna teased her cooking-challenged friend.

“You know I hate it when you brag.”

“Hey, I like jealousy on you,” Nealy’s boyfriend, Dane, said as he joined them. “Gives me hope you’ll one day learn to master the kitchen so you can feed me.”

The women looked at each other and laughed.

Nealy leaned in to kiss Dane, then grabbed Jenna’s arm. “C’mon, let’s mingle.”

And mingle they did. Before she knew it, Jenna met half the population of Cypress Pointe. Everyone from the mayor and the police chief to shop owners and other town notables. The list went on, leaving Jenna to try to remember the barrage of names.

She smiled until her cheeks ached. Chatted about her job, her family and whatever else the fine folks of Cypress Pointe found interesting. The old urge to melt into the sidelines threatened to overwhelm her, but she pushed away the inclination. Nealy had gone above and beyond to plan this party for Jenna. The least she could do was enjoy it.

Parched from all the talking, Jenna poured herself a glass of lemon-flavored water. In a quiet corner she regrouped, appreciating a moment alone.

She peered over the crowd, surprised to discover that in a short time, she already liked living here. Her busy life in LA left her little opportunity to develop close relationships, but she found she was fond of the friendly residents and peaceful atmosphere of Cypress Pointe. Here, the pace was much slower. More conducive to enjoying life, rather than barreling through every second of the day to attain the next goal, as she’d been doing for years.

But can this place hold your interest, a voice inside her whispered. Can it keep you and the girls safe?

Until she was here longer, she couldn’t answer that question. Only time would tell.

Nealy weaved through the room toward her, talking to a couple walking with her. Jenna smiled, ready for another round of introductions

“Jenna, meet Max and Lilli, old friends of mine.”

They all shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

“Max is the man responsible for bringing Wyatt to town,” Nealy informed her.

The handsome man smiled at Jenna. “Heard you had a little run-in with my old buddy?”

She shrugged. “More like he saved the day.”

Lilli touched her arm. “You must have been terrified.”

“That’s putting it mildly.”

“Nealy told us about the girls’ mother.” Lilli shook her head. “What a terrible loss.”

“Yes. Carrie should be the one raising her daughters, not me.”

“In a perfect world,” Lilli said. “But they have you.”

“And she’s an awesome mom,” Nealy interjected.

“As long as we stay away from the beach,” Jenna teased, deflecting the direction of conversation. She didn’t want credit for something she hadn’t yet earned.

“Well, welcome to town.” Lilli smiled. “You’re going to love it here.”

Nealy hooked her arm through Lilli’s. “And we have a new friend to add to our girls’ night out.”

“Watch out,” Max deadpanned.

As the women started discussing the merits of a chic-flick evening at home versus a night on the town, minus their men, Jenna felt Max’s gaze focus on her.

“Is there a problem?” she asked, uneasy with his intensity.

“No. Just thinking about you bringing cookies to Wyatt.”

“He told you?”

“Yeah. He was surprised at the gesture. People around here tend to give him a wide berth.”

“I would imagine it’s because he’s so prickly.”

Max chuckled, then quickly sobered. “That, and he hasn’t gotten over the death of his son.”

“I understand something of how he feels. I haven’t lost a child, but my best friend’s death touched me deeply.”

He cocked his head. “Maybe you could talk to him once in a while. No one can convince him to see a counselor, but since you’re both dealing with loss, he could use a friend.”

Sit down with a man still so deep in grief over the death of his son and talk about...what? Life? Moving on? She barely had a handle on it herself.

“I don’t know.”

“Look, it’s just a thought.”

A thought now firmly planted in her mind.

After the brief visit with Wyatt today, she had to admit, she found herself more than a bit curious about him. His dark good looks were made more interesting by the light beard dusting his face. Most guys in LA paid big bucks for the natural look Wyatt achieved without trying. His broad shoulders and muscular arms told her he wasn’t afraid of hard work. And his eyes. So blue. So troubled. Not that she’d noticed or anything.

Right. Okay, she’d noticed. She was only human, after all. And it had been a long time since a man drew her interest.

But this man? The guy who accused her of not watching the girls closely enough. Granted, he was right, but did she want him holding that over her head? No. Plus, he carried the same baggage, probably more, that she did. Could she deal with his loss as well as her own?

But he had rescued Bridget. The least she could do was consider Max’s suggestion.

Soon, Max and Lilli moved on. Nealy went off to take care of some sort of problem in the kitchen, leaving Jenna alone again. She let out a sigh.

“Overwhelming, huh?”

Jenna smiled at the police chief, Bob Gardener, who everyone simply called the Chief. A tall bear of a man with gray hair and a genuine smile, he inspired confidence and respect in those around him.

“Nealy means well.”

“Think you’ll remember everyone’s name?”

She laughed. “I doubt it, but I’m sure the longer I’m here, the better I’ll get.”

“Stayin’ very long?”

She shot him a sideways glance. “Tryin’ to get rid of me already?”

He chuckled. “No, ma’am. Just like to keep a finger on what’s goin’ on in my town.”

“Hopefully the girls and I won’t give you any trouble. So far we’ve been law-abiding citizens. I don’t see us changing anytime soon.”

“Didn’t think you would.” He hesitated, as if getting his timing right. “Might be worried about others, though.”

Her stomach clenched. “Meaning?”

“Heard you had some trouble with a reporter back in LA.”

By the way he looked at her, Jenna knew he’d done more than just hear the news. “Then you know I have a restraining order. We came here to get away from him.”

He nodded. “If he does happen to show up in Cypress Pointe, I promise, he won’t be hassling you.”

Relieved to have someone in law enforcement on her side, she said, “I’m hoping that won’t happen, but with him...there’s no telling what he’ll do.”

“I’ll be ready.” He smiled, reassuring her again.

Before Jenna knew it, another hour flew by. Much as she appreciated the people who had come out to meet her, she wanted a few minutes to catch her breath. Maybe a walk by the outdoor pool would help.

She’d just started to head in that direction when she noticed Wyatt. When had he arrived? So busy chatting up her new neighbors, she’d missed him come in. Clean shaven, with his hair neatly combed, he was more handsome than she remembered. Her pulse leaped, despite her intention to remain unaffected by the man.

Tonight he dressed in a gray button-down shirt and black slacks, a far cry from his work clothes. He stood in a far corner of the room, clearly uncomfortable. She bit her lip. Should she go to him? Attempt small talk again? The decision was taken out of her hands when Max approached Wyatt, handing him a bottle of beer. They spoke briefly before Max rejoined his girlfriend. Curious, she watched as Wyatt looked down at the bottle then set it on a nearby table before walking outside.

Okay, she really should leave the man to his solitude, but when had she ever left a hurting person alone? Never. And she wasn’t about to start now. She strode across the room, grabbed the bottle and followed him outside.

* * *

WYATT TOOK A deep breath of the humid August air. He hadn’t shown up for any public gatherings since arriving in Cypress Pointe, and here he was with real shoes on, even though they pinched. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d worn anything but boat shoes.

He’d convinced himself that Jenna’s promise of her secret mac and cheese recipe drew him here, but he knew better. He simply wanted to see her again.

So far he hadn’t spoken to her. From the moment he arrived, she’d been monopolized by one person after another. Since he’d already had the pleasure of meeting her, he’d wait his turn.

Pleasure? As much as the word had become foreign to him, it fit meeting Jenna. Like no one had done in a long time, she piqued his interest. Was it because she understood what he was going through, having recently lost her friend? Most people didn’t get where he was coming from, couldn’t understand why he didn’t just buck up and face life without his son. She seemed to have a better insight into his state of mind.

Or was he intrigued by this single woman raising two girls on her own? He understood the sacrifice, worry and all-consuming joy of rearing a child. Knew that being a parent was a tough road. Admired her for attempting it on her own.

After engaging in conversation with people he hadn’t seen in a while, his shoulders had started to ache with tension. His chest had grown tighter still when his parents had joined him before he stepped outside.

“Wyatt, I’m so happy to see you,” his mother had said, hugging him. When he returned the gesture, she squeezed him again before drawing back, her gaze filled with concern. “You’re okay?”

“I’m fine, Mother.”

“You’re eating? Sleeping?’

His father chuckled. “Liz, the boy looks healthy to me.”

“Don’t pretend you aren’t worried, Bryce. You’ve spent just as many hours wondering how Wyatt is doing as I have.”

“Both of you can stop worrying,” Wyatt said, trying to infuse humor into his tone. “I’m eating. Working.”

“But not sleeping?” his mother asked.

He sighed. “Mom, let it go.”

“I’m your mother. I never let go.”

Questioning his welfare was part of the dynamic he’d intentionally walked away from. What was wrong with him? They only wanted to help. Be a part of his life. They missed Jamie too. Still, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t respond to them. His father laid a hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Don’t push,” he said quietly.

His mother’s eyes filled with tears. What a rotten son he’d become. She stepped closer to his father as Wyatt began to withdraw.

“Can we at least meet for dinner sometime? If I promise not to interfere?”

“Sure. I’ll call you.”


He forced a grin for his mother’s sake. “I promise.” Guilt and sorrow tugged at him. He hoped someday he would be capable of spending more than a few minutes with his folks, but right now he needed fresh air.

Leaving behind the party chatter, he strode to the far end of the pool area, opened the gate to step onto the lush expanse of grass spreading from the side of the hotel down to the beach. The sweet scent of blooming honeysuckle filled the air. The soft glow from tiered garden lights bordered the neatly manicured foliage surrounding the building. The dim lighting allowed a better view of the moon shining over the calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. He hadn’t realized how on edge he was until the soothing sound of waves lapping against the sand relaxed him in slow degrees.

Heels tapping against the stone path drew his attention from the water. He turned, surprised and pleased to see Jenna walking his way. Pleased indeed.

She held out a bottle. “You left this behind.”

“Thanks, but I don’t want it.”

She lifted a quizzical brow.

Did he really need to explain himself? Probably. A stubborn part of him wanted to tell her to leave him alone, but the tired part of him wanted to talk to someone. Talk to her. So he started, haltingly at first.

“When my son died, I thought it would be easy to get lost in a bottle. You know, just forget.” He shoved his hands in his pants pockets and shrugged in an attempt to make light of the situation. “Funny thing is, I don’t really like to drink. So it never helped me not remember Jamie.”

“That was your son’s name? Jamie?”

“Yes.” Emotion clogged his throat. “You’d think after two years I could say my son’s name without getting choked up, but apparently not.”

“You miss him.”

“Every day with every breath.”

In the garden’s soft light, he saw Jenna’s rapid blinking. Was she fighting back tears? See, she got it.

“He was a great kid,” Wyatt went on. “Full of life. Loved adventure.”

“So Jamie wouldn’t want you to drown your sorrows in a bottle.”

“Probably not any more than your friend would want you to.”

“Carrie,” she said just above a whisper. “My friend’s name.”

As if by silent agreement, they strolled farther away from the building. Away from the music and numerous voices, heading toward a large magnolia tree with a bench positioned beneath. Pink luminous blooms dotted the limbs in the dark night. Wyatt bent over to pick up a fallen flower and handed it to her.

Their fingers brushed in the exchange. He lingered, enjoying the touch of her smooth skin. It had been a long time since he’d touched anyone. At Jenna’s shiver, he let his hand drop.

They took a seat on the cool wrought-iron bench, leaving a wide space between them.

“Most people don’t want to talk about Jamie,” he said. “They find it awkward or think I’m not ready.”

Jenna tilted her head and regarded him. “Do you think you’re ready?”

“Sometimes it feels good to say his name. But other times...” he took a deep breath.

“I know what you mean. I find I have to walk a fine line with the twins. Sometimes we all have a good laugh over a shared memory, but other times the memories make us cry.”

“I guess it’s all part of the grieving process.”

An uneasy silence lapsed again. Jenna broke it first. “So instead of becoming a drinker, you decided to become a brooding, sullen loner?”

He opened his mouth to argue but Jenna held up her hand. “It’s not my opinion. I’m only repeating what I’ve heard.”

Was that what people thought of him? Sullen? Brooding? Okay, the brooding loner part was probably true. “Fair enough.”

Was this what he’d let his life become? A ghost walker during the day. Going through the motions of his job without any effort. Cutting ties with family and friends. Shoot, Jenna and the girls were the only people to visit him in weeks.

Not a very flattering picture, if he did say so himself.

He was so mired in his thoughts that Jenna startled him when she spoke again. “I have to say, I’m surprised you showed up tonight.”

“So am I. After the promise of food, I had to come.” He grinned. “I tasted your masterpiece and I gotta say, you did the mac and cheese crowd proud. And this is coming from a mac and cheese connoisseur.”

“I’m glad you liked it.” She frowned. “But to be honest, meeting all these people is a bit overwhelming. I’m not usually comfortable in big crowds.”

“Something we have in common.” He noticed she still held the bottle. “Want me to take that?”

“No. I guess I should head back inside.” She stood. “I’ll take it with me.”

He stood as well, sorry the brief interlude had ended so soon. Who would have thought diving into the waves after a little girl would lead to meeting a woman he actually wanted to talk to?

“Hey, once again, I’m sorry if I came down too hard on you the other day.”

“Save the lecture,” she warned. “Can’t say I’ve earned the status of mother just yet, but from now on I’ll be more vigilant about watching the girls.”

“Swimming lessons probably wouldn’t hurt,” he suggested.

“I was thinking the same thing. Do you know any instructors?”

He searched his memory. “There’s a YMCA nearby. Better yet, a town directory with a list of services.”

“It can’t be just someone I find on a list. I have to trust whoever works with the girls.”

“You’ll find the right person.”

“I think I have.” She stepped toward him. “How about you?”

He froze. Teach her girls how to swim? Did she realize what she was asking? No way. Not after how he failed Jamie.

“I’m not a teacher.”

“But you clearly swim.”

“Well, yeah, but a teacher? I’m sorry, Jenna. I won’t do it.”

Despite his refusal, she tried to convince him. “The girls think you’re a prince.”

He nearly choked. “Prince?” Not if they knew the truth.

“They’re in a fairy tale princess phase right now, and after your derring-do at the beach, you fall into the knight in shining armor category.”

Please, anything but this.

“Living in this coastal town could be dangerous if they don’t know how to swim.” She worried her lip. “They tend to be a tad headstrong, but after the grand rescue the other day, I think they’ll listen to you.”

No. They couldn’t be trusted with him. “Jenna, I—”

“Wyatt, I don’t let just anyone into the girls’ lives. They like you. They’d never learn from anyone they didn’t feel safe with. You’ve proven you can keep them safe.”

He closed, then opened his eyes. Forced himself to say the words. “Jenna, you realize Jamie drowned, right?”

“I didn’t want to...Nealy said it was a boating accident...” She glanced at him with wide eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m making a mess of this.”

“Then you see why I can’t do this.”

“I disagree.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

She disagreed? “Why?”

“From what I understand, your son’s death was an accident.”

He bit back the bitterness threatening to claim him. Kept his tone even when he said, “You don’t know the details.” Not an accident. As far as he was concerned, Jamie’s death fell squarely on his shoulders.

“Maybe not, but if you were such a bad guy, you never would have dived into the water after Bridget. Maybe you need to help my girls in honor of Jamie.”

He ran a hand over his chin. “This is crazy.”

She shook her head. “This is healing.”

Had this petite woman standing before him just used her kids’ need for swimming lessons to help him feel better?

He shook his head, more adamant now. “I can’t do it.”

A shadow of hurt crossed her face, quickly replaced by a flash of determination. “Okay. I’ll take care of the girls’ lessons on my own.”

“Jenna, I—”

She jerked back, putting distance between them. “No need to explain. You don’t want to get involved. I get it.”

“I’m not saying...” He took a breath. “Jenna, you can’t keep bad things from happening.”

“But I can make sure I’m prepared.” She turned and strode away, leaving him to wonder if he’d just made another life-changing mistake.

Honeysuckle Bride

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