Читать книгу Magnolia Bride - Tara Randel - Страница 3


He turned to her. “This is a disaster.”

She couldn’t argue. Juliet’s party had been reduced to a manic free-for-all.

He tightened his grip on her hand and a memory flashed of the day they’d gone to the courthouse to say their vows. He’d held her hand just as tightly then. The promise of a future together had made her giddy, and she’d stuttered when it came time to say “I do.”

Standing next to Dane now, so close she could feel his body heat, made her heart race. Just one touch from Dane and she reverted back to a love-struck teenager? She couldn’t let Dane get to her. They’d had their moment in time and blew it. She would not let these jumbled feelings for him ruin years of healing the wound he’d inflicted.

No. Not now.

Magnolia Bride

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