Читать книгу To be a writer. Storybook. Book 1 - Tatiana Oliva Morales - Страница 3

To be a writer


In my view, you are entered into writing, drawn in, sucked like into a swamp. At first you want to kick back, shake off, throw off a heavy pressure load from your shoulders, get to the surface. But the more you flounder and resist, the more you are pulled back.

As a result, having fought for several years, you admit defeat and surrender – now you are a writer.

Your day is clear. In the morning, there is an invariable cup of coffee, the ever-open laptop on the table, a clean white sheet of Word format in it, an endless change of seasons outside the window and the Ministry of Defense with the Russian flag fluttering in the wind.

Sometimes the poems burst into the process of writing prose or textbooks, it cannot be said otherwise. They arrive, uninvited and unexpected, requiring to be immediately written down on a white piece of Word format.

Sometimes they fly in one at a time, and sometimes in packs

accompanied by music, they keep you from sleeping at night, just because they have decided to do so. You cannot refuse them; it is beyond your control. You put off all current affairs and start to please them.

The poet is an ordinary worldly man, and they descend from heaven, like flocks of birds. The poems quietly turn into books, they get their own names and places on the virtual shelves of hundreds of online stores, sometimes they happen to turn into print media on the shelves of familiar and unfamiliar readers.

To be a writer. Storybook. Book 1

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