Читать книгу BilArid. 12 ways to learn Arabic - Tatiana Prolesko - Страница 5
Ease of the Arabic language
ОглавлениеThe Arabs are very eloquent. Any situation can instantly find a clever saying. See some Arabic winged expressions and proverbs:
Will the shadow be straight if the barrel is curved?
Do not open a door you cannot close.
I am emir, and you emir. Who will drive donkeys?
In conversation, the path shortens.
The heart sees before the head.
The army of sheep, led by a lion, will defeat the army of lions, led by a sheep.
Arabic is a complex and mysterious language for many people until they learn it. I am convinced that everyone can learn Arabic!
First, consider its merits, and in the next chapter, consider its nuances. I do not want to call them cons, although the chapter is specifically referred to as such: it is very likely that a large part of the readers will open it first.
1. Arabic is a flexible language. The same word meaning can be conveyed in several ways: the structure of the proposals is not as rigid as, for example, in English or French. In this respect, Arabic is similar to Russian.
2. Arabic is a mathematical language: words and sentences are constructed by certain formulas. This is a tremendous advantage of Arabic – a minimum number of exceptions to the rules.
So you do not have to cram much! If one learns grammar at a reasonable level, one word can in some cases, be composed of more than a dozen derived words using model formulas.
So, knowing only 500 verbs, we are talking about a vocabulary of about 2,500 words! Besides this, the emphasis in Arabic words is logical and straightforward.
3. In Arabic, words are read as written. There are specific rules, but they are clear. Remember that English has many reading rules, and remember many exceptions. It is not uncommon to find that several very different words in their spelling and meaning sound pronounced very similar, often in the same way! We do not talk about French at all. And these are European languages that are traditionally considered as easy!
4. In Russian and Arabic, there are only three times – past, present, and future. Remember how many are in English!
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5. Most readers do not even realize that they already speak a little Arabic! Many famous words have come precisely from Arabic. For example, “coffee,” “digit,” “zero,” “nabat,” “muslin,” “halva,” and others. A number of these words have the prefix “al,” which tells us about their Arabic origin: “algebra,” “almanac,” “alcohol,” “alchemy,” “Aldebaran,” “Altair,” etc.
______________________________________ (write a familiar word if you remember it!)
6. Arabic is the richest language in the world in words commonly referred to as synonyms in other languages. However, it is unnecessary to be frightened in advance: knowing 500 to 1000 words for a simple conversation is enough.
Consider the example: in Arabic, a few dozen words mean love or close concepts that other language speakers can translate with only one (!) word. The same applies to Antonyms.