Читать книгу From Runaway To Pregnant Bride - Tatiana March - Страница 4


Author Note

From Runaway to Pregnant Bride completes The Fairfax Brides trilogy.

His Mail-Order Bride tells the story of the oldest sister, Charlotte, who finds happiness with Thomas Greenwood, a strong, steady farmer. The Bride Lottery is about the middle sister, Miranda, who ends up married to Jamie Blackburn, a part Cheyenne bounty hunter.

From Runaway to Pregnant Bride is the story of Annabel, the youngest sister, who longs to prove her independence. Disguised as a boy, she sets out to join her sisters in the West, but robbery and bad luck see her stranded in a New Mexico mining camp.

Clay Collier, orphaned son of tricksters and thieves, grew up with poverty and neglect, and now scratches out a living from the earth. Not fooled by Annabel’s disguise, he gives in to the attraction between them, but his fear for her safety and welfare drives them apart.

When writing this book I worried about repeating myself, because there are so many parallels in the stories of the three sisters—they all flee from their Boston home to the West and end up penniless, in forced proximity with an attractive though reticent man. I worked hard to make each character and relationship different, and I hope you’ll enjoy Annabel’s story.

In the final chapters the sisters face their enemy, Cousin Gareth, and learn that everything is not always as it seems. Perhaps one day I’ll get to write the story of Gareth Fairfax, and give him the love and happiness he deserves.

From Runaway To Pregnant Bride

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