Читать книгу Курс разговорного английского языка. Speaking. 7 038 слов и выражений - Татьяна Олива Моралес - Страница 5
Часть 2. Speaking (7 038 words)
ОглавлениеПрочитайте вопрос, переведите его на русский язык, ответьте на него как можно полнее (на один вопрос желательно дать ответ длинною в несколько предложений). При необходимости воспользуйтесь помощью Гугл переводчика https://translate.google.ru/?sl=en&tl=ru&op=translate
1. Art
1. What kind of art do you like?
2. What kind of art don’t you like?
3. Do you enjoy visiting art galleries?
4. When did you last visit an art gallery?
5. Do you have a favourite piece of art?
6. Do you have a favourite artist?
7. Have you ever seen any famous works of art?
8. Have you ever been shocked by a piece of art?
9. Do you always believe what art critics say?
10. What do you think of modern art?
11. What do you think of street art?
12. What do you think of body art?
13. Do you have any artistic talents?
14. Should children study art at school?
15. Have you got any pictures at your walls?
16. If you could buy a great work of art, what would it be?
17. Should people buy expensive pieces of art instead of helping people in need?
18. What would life be like without art?
2. Books
1. Are you reading a good book at the moment?
2. What kind of books do you like?
3. What kind of books don’t you like?
4. What’s your favourite book?
5. Do you sometimes reread your favourite books?
6. Do you ever recommend your favourite books to your friends?
7. How do you decide what to read?
8. Can you judge a book by its cover?
9. Have you ever read a book that, in your opinion, was overrated?
10. Do you usually finish books you don’t like at first?
11. Can you remember your first book?
12. Have you ever read a book that had a big effect on your life?
13. When did you last visit a library?
14. Will libraries disappear in the future?
15. Do you ever order books online?
16. Do you prefer e-books or traditional ones?
17. What do you think about pirating e-books?
18. Will e-books replace traditional ones in the future?
3. Cinema
1. How often do you go to the cinema?
2. Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema?
3. What kind of films do you like?
4. What kind of films don’t you like?
5. Do you prefer old films or modern ones?
6. Who are your favourite actors?
7. Do you have a favourite producer?
8. How do you decide what to watch?
9. Do you buy films on DVD?
10. Do you download films from the Internet?
11. Do your prefer watching a film alone or with somebody?
12. Can you remember being shocked by a film?
13. What film have you seen the most times?
14. What’s the funniest film you’ve ever seen?
15. What’s the scariest film you’ve ever seen?
16. Have you ever walked out of a cinema before the film finished?
17. Have you ever seen a film that had a big effect on your life?
18. How will the cinema change in the next 20 years?
4. Clothes
1. What kind of clothes do you like?
2. What kind of clothes don’t you like?
3. What’s your favourite piece of clothing?
4. What do you never wear?
5. What do you wear now that you never wore 10 years ago?
6. What did you wear 10 years ago that you never wear now?
7. How long does it take you to decide what to wear when you get dressed?
8. Do you ever have any problems with clothes?
9. Do you enjoy shopping for new clothes?
10. Where do you know from what fashionable is?
11. Have you ever bought something quite expensive, but never really worn?
12. Do you ever make your own clothes?
13. How important is it to be well-dressed?
14. Do people feel different in different clothes?
15. Can you judge someone by clothes?
16. Do the clothes reflect what is inside?
17. What’s the strangest fashion you’ve seen?
18. What will we wear in 20 years?
5. Food
1. What kind of food do you like?
2. What kind of food don’t you like?
3. Do you like fast food?
4. How often do you eat out?
5. What’s your favourite restaurant?
6. Do you ever get takeaway food?
7. Are you good at cooking?
8. Is eating mostly routine or pleasure for you?
9. What time do you usually have dinner?
10. Do you usually eat at the same time on weekdays and at weekends?
11. Do you have a healthy diet?
12. Do you care where the food you eat comes from?
13. Do you avoid any food or drinks for health reasons?
14. What do you think about vegetarians?
15. When you eat out, do you prefer something new or what you know?
16. What’s the most unusual dish you’ve ever tried?
17. Have your tastes changed since your childhood?
18. How has food changed over the recent years?
6. Holiday
1. Do you prefer beach holidays or sightseeing ones?
2. Do you prefer travelling alone or with somebody?
3. What do you like about travelling?
4. What do you dislike about travelling?
5. How do you like to travel?
6. Do you usually take a lot of luggage or do you travel light?
7. What’s the best hotel you’ve ever stayed in?
8. What’s the worst hotel you’ve ever stayed in?
9. What can ruin a holiday?
10. Do you ever get bored when you are on holiday?
11. What do you like doing in a new place?
12. Are you good at using maps?
13. Have you ever lost being on holiday?