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Tatiana Zubkova

Professor, Doctor of Medicine Zubkova Tatiana was born in Donetsk in 1957, lived with her parents in India for several years. Tatiana graduated the Donetsk Medical Institute with a diploma of a general practitioner.

In 1981, she entered the postgraduate course at the Department of Pathological Anatomy.

The academic degree Candidate of Medical Science was awarded for her dissertation by the council of the Russian National Research Medical Universityand approved in 1987. Thesis topic: «Ultrastructural, Ultracytochemical and morphometrical features of placenta during gestosis». The doctoral thesis was defended in 1995 at the specialized board of the Research Institute of Human Morphology of RAMS (Moscow). Thesis topic: «Morphogenesis of heat trauma».

In 1997, Tatiana became assistant dean of the Faculty of Medicine and worked at the Belgorod State University.

In 1998, she established the Department of Pathology.

Now, it has the status of «Golden department of Russia». In addition, she was the author of the series «Medicine» in the journal «Scientific Records of the Belgorod State University».

The academic degree of Professor of Pathology (pathologicalanatomyandpathologicalphysiology) of the Faculty of Medicine at the Belgorod State University was awarded on April 16, 2001. Under her leadership, 20 Candidates and one Doctor of Science defended their degrees. The scope of her work contains 400 pieces, including 150 on the list of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, Web of Science, Scopus. Tatiana is the author of 5 monographs. She was a member of the organizing committee for the 4th Congress of Pathologists on the basis of the Department. She is a memberof several dissertation defence committees in Moscow and Belgorod, a member of the European Society of Pathologists. She presented papers at congresses and conferences in London, Paris, Prague, Lisbon, Rome and other European cities, had several internships in England.Tatiana has been repeatedly a speaker at international congresses. She is a well-deserved inventor of the USSR, a member of presidium of the Russian Society of Pathologists, and a teacher of the English language.There is an established laboratory at the Department: «Nanostructural Research in Medicine».

Zubkova Tatianais the authorof abstract paintings and portraits. She has already had more than ten exhibitions in Belgorod and Moscow, including «Nanoworld», «Mantras of India», «The Fifth Element» and others.

She has been engaged in literary work for more than twenty years. This year, Zvonnitsa Publishing House published her novel «Adam and Eve after Hell» under the pseudonym T. Zubkova.

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The City with the Name of Wind

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