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1: What Is Problem Behavior and What Causes It?

Aggression behavior is always a problem, but it can often be helped with positive training.

Having a dog with behavior problems is very frustrating. When your dog does something you don’t like, it’s easy to take it personally. Doesn’t he love you? Doesn’t he realize how good he has it? Both are typical human responses. Dogs see things differently. Your dog probably doesn’t see his behavior as a problem at all. Many of the things that annoy people about dogs, such as jumping, digging, growling, and chewing, are very typical examples of canine behavior. This doesn’t mean you have to put up with such behavior, but in order to fix any problems you need to understand that you and your dog may have different definitions of what a problem is. Heck, people don’t always agree on what is a problem and what is not!

For example, you have a strict policy of no dogs on the furniture. Your cousin lets her dogs up on every piece of furniture in her house. You don’t want your dog to jump up on you. Your cousin encourages her dog to jump up on her all the time. Which of you is correct? You both are!

Many canine behaviors are only problems if they bother you. The rules you have in your home can be completely different from those in someone else’s home. That’s completely OK.

When Behavior Becomes a Problem

Behavior becomes a problem when it annoys you, your family members, friends, or the neighbors. It’s a problem if your dog is destructive. If a behavior is unhealthy or dangerous to the dog, other people, or other animals, then it is definitely a problem behavior. Aggression, for example, is a serious problem behavior. It puts people or other animals at risk. It’s also a risk to the dog who is aggressive because it could mean euthanasia if it can’t be resolved.

If you are struggling with problem behaviors, there is one important thing to understand right away. The problem is not likely to go away on its own. You can’t ignore it and hope the dog outgrows it. Please don’t make excuses for your dog, either. It’s one thing to try to understand why your dog behaves the way he does and another thing to find excuses for his behavior. Saying “Oh, he growls over his food because he was a stray” isn’t going to calm down anyone the dog bites.

Postponing treating the problem will just make it worse. The more a dog practices a behavior, the more ingrained it becomes, until it becomes a habit or your dog’s preferred response to a situation. Ingrained behaviors are harder to fix.

A growling puppy can grow up to be an adult dog who bites. A dog who starts to dig will just learn to dig more or bigger holes. Unruly dogs will not magically turn into perfect ladies and gentlemen overnight. Luckily for you, you’re not ignoring a problem, or you wouldn’t be reading this book! You’ve already taken a positive step in the right direction.

Digging holes is a habit that can easily turn into a problem if left unchecked.

Why Problems Arise

Choosing to share your life with a dog means you’re bound to encounter a problem sooner or later. Maybe your dog won’t stop barking, pees in the house, drags you down the street, or won’t let you take a bone away from him. Maybe he runs away from home or hides when you try and groom him. Why?

There are many reasons why problem behaviors arise. Some are inherent simply because dogs are a different species to us. Dogs love to follow their noses, even if it means dragging their human along with them in the quest to find the source of the scent. They dig holes. They are born to chew on things. They also have to pee and poo, and they don’t understand why you don’t want them to do either in the house. We bring dogs into our lives and expect them to live by our rules, but we’re not always very good at explaining the rules to them in terms they can understand.

A vet will check for any physical causes of problem behavior.

Physical Problems

Having a “problem dog” can be disheartening and frustrating. You brought a dog home to be a pet, not a problem! Where did things go wrong? Why did your dog develop problems in the first place?

Many owners mistakenly put down changes in behavior to simple stubbornness. For example, your dog normally loves walking in the neighborhood, but one day, near the end of your walk, he balks and refuses to budge. This soon turns into a habit. Walks start out great, but after a while your dog just stops and won’t go any farther. Before assuming your dog is just being defiant or stubborn, it’s time for a veterinary examination.

If there is a physical reason for your dog’s behavior, then trying to get him to modify it will not be practical until the physical problem is treated. Fixing that may resolve the behavior altogether. This is why many modern trainers will suggest you take your dog to a veterinarian for a physical exam before starting a training program. Unexpected changes in behavior, especially, are a red flag for physical issues. If your dog suddenly develops a behavior problem, your first move should be to take him to a veterinarian to rule out any physical cause. For example, if your dog has been housetrained for a long time and suddenly starts peeing in the house, he could have a urinary tract infection or other related illness.

Medical Problems

That’s by no means all. For instance, your dog could be developing an orthopedic problem, such as hip dysplasia. This is an abnormal formation of the hip socket that is both crippling and painful. (It’s also a common genetic disease in many breeds, including Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Rottweilers, Shih Tzus, and Golden Retrievers.)

While hip dysplasia usually affects older dogs, it can occur in very young dogs as well. Like other orthopedic and joint diseases, it can cause a dog to limit his activity. So can a pulled muscle or a torn muscle or ligament. If your dog stops wanting to jump in the car or on the bed, or he refuses to climb up and down stairs, there may well be a physical issue at the root of the problem. It’s not defiance at all—it’s pain.

When a dog is in pain, he can be withdrawn or even aggressive. For example, the little dog who snaps when you pick her up may have arthritis. The dog who is normally social and friendly might snap at the veterinarian who examines his ear to treat an ear infection.

An older dog may find it harder to get around if his joints are painful.

Chronic Conditions

Other diseases, such as diabetes, can also impact on behavior. A diabetic dog can get very thirsty and will naturally drink a lot of water as a result. This may cause him to pee more frequently. If he can’t get outside in time, he may pee in the house. Arthritis or other painful joint conditions may lead a dog to pee and poo in the house as well. It’s just too hard and painful for him to get outdoors.


Deafness can be a problem, too. As a dog ages, he may lose his hearing, so he can’t hear you when you call him or give him other spoken cues. He’s not being stubborn, he’s simply deaf.

Watch Your Dog’s Body Language: It Hurts!

Have you noticed that when petting your dog, he tenses when you reach a certain spot? Maybe he looks away or starts licking his lips? Or, he’s panting and when you reach a specific spot, he stops panting and closes his mouth tight shut? Once you move on from that spot, he relaxes again.

Do you have an older dog who used to love your younger dog, but recently has started lifting his lip when the younger dog gets near to him? Are you starting to see squabbles when they used to be best pals? These and similar situations call for a veterinarian visit. Your dog may be getting stressed or aggressive because he’s in pain.

With some dogs, it’s easy to tell when they are hurting. Others may be more subtle with their signals. You may have to play detective to find out what’s really going on. Your veterinarian can help you rule out any physical issues that may be causing a problem.

Lack of Training

Many problem behaviors are simply due to lack of training. If you’ve never taught your dog, then he doesn’t know what you expect from him. You also have to instruct him in terms he can understand.

Remember, dogs aren’t born automatically understanding your language. Yelling at your dog to “Come HERE!” isn’t going to mean anything to him unless you’ve trained him to come when you say those words. Shouting “Sit, sit, sit, SIT! SIT!” over and over again doesn’t teach your dog how to sit.

Dogs learn body language before they learn verbal language. This is why it’s normally easier to teach a dog hand signals than verbal signals. Dogs just understand them more quickly. This doesn’t mean you should only communicate to your dog using hand signals (although if your dog is deaf, this makes perfect sense). It just means you will need to be more patient with your dog as he learns to catch on to your verbal cues. Just saying a word doesn’t communicate what it means to your dog. You need to teach him what words mean.

Dogs don’t know automatically how you expect them to behave. You have to teach them this, too. For example, it’s normal for a dog to follow his nose. Sometimes that might mean following a nose right up on top of the kitchen counter if there’s food on it. Your dog doesn’t realize the kitchen counter is off limits unless you teach him that it is. A dog will bolt out the door, happy just to get outside. He doesn’t know he should wait at doorways unless you teach him. Puppies are notorious for putting everything in their mouths. They don’t know what’s appropriate to chew on and what’s not until you teach them.

Positive Training

You may have very clear ideas about what your dog should and shouldn’t do, but you need to communicate those expectations to your dog in terms he can understand. You can absolutely do that with positive training.

Every teacher also has to adapt to his student if he wants to communicate effectively. Can you imagine being taught how to drive by an instructor who didn’t understand or speak your language? How would you ask him questions when you were confused? How would you know if you were getting something right or wrong? Would you be nervous about driving in a city rush hour under this teacher’s guidance? It would be very frustrating, and you would learn at a really slow pace, if at all.

You can’t speak dog. But you can learn how to understand your dog better so you can communicate with him more effectively. This will make you a better trainer and give you a better chance of teaching your dog what standards of behavior you expect from him.

This may sound like having a dog involves a lot of training. It does! If you want your dog to be a good family companion, training is important. And for a dog who has problem behaviors, training is critical. Positive training can help resolve them.

You do not have to use physical punishment to get your dog to learn.

Lack of Proper Socialization

During puppyhood, from birth to anywhere between 12 and 16 weeks, puppies form their view of the world. The experiences they have during this time will impact on them for a lifetime. The late Dr. R. K. Anderson, DVM, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Medicine and Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, was a strong proponent of early puppy education. He stated “breeders, new puppy owners, veterinarians, trainers and behaviorists have a responsibility to assist in providing these learning/socialization experiences with other puppies/dogs, with children/adults and with various environmental situations during this optimal period from birth to 16 weeks. Many veterinarians are making this early socialization and learning program part of a total wellness plan for breeders and new owners of puppies during the first 16 weeks of a puppy’s life—the first 7−8 weeks with the breeder and the next 8 weeks with the new owners. This socialization program should enroll puppies from 8 to 12 weeks of age as a key part of any preventive medicine program to improve the bond between pets and their people and keep dogs as valued members of the family for 12 to 18 years.”

What if you didn’t get your dog as a puppy, so you have no idea what happened during his critical socialization period? Or what if you didn’t realize how important the critical socialization period was, and you missed this window of opportunity? A lack of proper socialization can cause problem behaviors.

For example, a puppy who doesn’t have positive experiences with children during his socialization period may be fearful of children when he meets them as an adult dog. He may growl or snap at them because he is afraid of them. A puppy who never leaves the house or only goes out to visit the veterinarian’s office may be fearful as an adult of strange environments. A puppy who isn’t properly socialized with other dogs may growl and lunge on leash at them as an adolescent dog. Puppyhood is a vital formative time. If your dog didn’t get the benefit of proper socialization, it could be the prime reason for the problems you’re seeing now.

Puppy Options: The Power of Proper Socializationa

Socialization is not just making sure your puppy has a lot of different experiences. It is ensuring that your puppy has a lot of different, positive experiences. If he meets people who scare him, or things happen to him that he perceives as frightening, he could be fearful of similar people and situations as an adult.

Also note that socialization doesn’t just stop at 16 weeks. Even though the critical socialization window closes at about that time, if you stop socializing your puppy altogether he may have difficulty retaining the benefits into adulthood. Socialization is a continuing process, especially with some dogs who are prone to being fearful or shy.

It is true that some dogs have lousy childhoods and still end up saints. They are the lucky ones! The great debate over nature versus nurture is never ending; no one really knows why some dogs with rough starts thrive while others falter. Your best bet for the future of your puppy is to make the most of the socialization period while you can to best influence his adulthood.

An adult dog will be more likely to enjoy children if positively introduced to them as a puppy.

Owner Miscommunication

Many folks think they are good communicators. It’s often the case, however, that while your directions would be clear to another person, they’re easily misunderstood by your dog.

For example, Roman the Bull Terrier loves to jump on his owner, Dan. Dan yells at Roman when he does this and pushes him off. Dan thinks he’s being very clear: “Roman, don’t jump on me!” Roman keeps jumping up, though. Why doesn’t he understand what Dan wants?

One possible reason is that Roman likes attention, even if Dan is yelling. Roman also loves it when Dan pushes him. It’s like enthusiastic petting to him. It’s fun! So Roman bounces off Dan, thinking it’s a great game. Dan meant to teach his dog not to jump up. What he actually taught Roman was to jump up more often. Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! What started as a minor behavioral problem is now a major one.

Some people also tend to mix and match words, intending them to have the same meaning. This can be very confusing to a dog. If you say, “Get down!” a couple of times when your dog jumps up on you but “Off!” at other times, this is not consistent communication. Remember, dogs don’t understand verbal language unless you teach them. Have you taught him that both “Get down” and “Off” mean the same thing? What if you then also expect him to lie down when you say “Down?” What’s the difference to your dog between “Down” and “Get Down”? Are you confused yet? So is your dog!

Inconsistent Direction

Inconsistent behavior occurs when there is inconsistent direction. For example, you have a dog who doesn’t come to anyone consistently when he is called. It turns out that when you want your dog to come to you, you say, “Come here!” Your spouse uses “Come!” Your oldest son uses “Get over here,” and your daughter uses “C’mere!” To top it off, every time family members want your dog to do this one action, they use a different term for it. This is very confusing for people, let alone a dog. It results in a dog who doesn’t come consistently when he’s called because he’s called differently each time.

If you or your family are using inconsistent cues, your dog’s problem behaviors may be due to confusion. At a minimum, inconsistent communication is going to make problems harder to solve.

Vague Communication

A classic example of vague communication is the common use of the word “No!” If your dog steals your socks, you yell, “No!” You intend “No” to mean “Don’t steal my socks.” But he might interpret your “No” to mean don’t chew the sock or don’t lie down with the sock on the couch. So he still steals your socks. Worse, he brings you a sock and your sharp “No!” could teach him not to bring you a sock. So he will still go on stealing your socks, but now he’ll hide them. “No” can certainly indicate to your dog that you’re displeased, but it’s not very specific. It doesn’t tell him what you want him to do instead.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ever say “No” to your dog. If you haven’t trained your dog and he’s doing something wrong—and definitely if he’s doing something that can hurt him or someone else—go ahead and use “No.” Just be aware that it’s not the best way of communicating. For example, if you teach your dog to sit, you could cue “Sit” to prevent him from jumping up on the kitchen counter. If you teach your dog to leave things alone, you could cue “Leave it!” when he’s headed for your socks, and he would understand he’s to leave them alone. “No” is just vague—it isn’t instructional communication.


Another example of miscommunication is when you reward your dog for performing behaviors sometimes but not others. For example, when Linda plays fetch with her terrier mix, Fritz, he barks until Linda throws the ball. He barks and Linda tosses the ball. Linda is paying him for barking with the reward of chasing the ball. Fritz starts barking for other things—his food, his leash, and Linda’s attention, for example. Linda yells at him for this. Well, she’s already taught Fritz that barking is a good thing. She’s been paying him for it. He doesn’t understand why he gets paid sometimes for barking and not for other behaviors.

It’s simple. Linda accidentally has miscommunicated to her dog that she likes a certain type of behavior. He doesn’t understand it’s only appreciated within a specific context. If you reward behavior sometimes but not others, the unpredictability can only make behavior get worse.

There are a lot of other ways that people can miscommunicate their expectations to their dogs. Until everyone in the family gets on the same page and starts communicating consistently, problem behaviors will not go away.

If you encourage your dog to jump up in play, you may have trouble controlling this behavior in other situations.

Unrealistic Expectations

Do you have realistic expectations based on your dog’s species, age, and breed (or breed combination)? If not, this can often lead to problem behaviors. Here are some common examples of unrealistic expectations:

•An 8-week-old puppy can hold his bladder and bowels all night without a potty break.

•A 4-month-old puppy can hold his bladder and bowels during a typical eight-hour workday without a potty break.

•Dogs should be able to tolerate any behavior from children, including when kids climb on them, pull their ears or tail, or hold their heads and stare into their eyes.

•Dogs should know not to chew on certain things, like couches, cabinets, children’s toys, shoes, etc.

•Dogs who have taken a training class on leash should always come when called off leash.

•Dogs should always do what they’re told no matter what’s going on around them.

•Shy dogs will get over their fears just given time.

•A dog should just work for you for praise—that’s all the motivation he should need in order to comply.

Do you get frustrated when your Retriever puts everything in his mouth? Or your Border Collie chases your children? Or when your Boxer has so much energy you think he’s nuclear? These are breed-specific traits. You may or may not want to do the things your dog was bred to do, but that won’t shut off his DNA. If you have a mixed-breed dog, he will share a combination of breed traits.

Having unrealistic expectations can make inherent problem behaviors worse because your dog can’t live up to them. Before you start any training plan, make sure you fully understand what your dog should be able to do. If necessary, talk to a professional trainer or your veterinarian to be sure you are setting realistic goals. Take a look at the more realistic picture of these expectations:

✗ An 8-week-old puppy can hold his bladder and bowels all night without a potty break.

✓ A normal puppy this young will need to pee and poo at least once, maybe twice, during the night.

✗ A 4-month-old puppy can hold his bladder and bowels during a typical 8-hour workday without a potty break.

✓ A normal puppy this young will need at least one break mid-day for a potty break. In general, you take a puppy’s age in months and add one to determine the amount of hours he can hold it when confined. So four months plus one is five. That’s the maximum time he can spend in confinement until he needs to potty.

✗ Dogs should be able to tolerate any behavior from children, including when kids climb on them, pull their ears or tail, or hold their heads and stare into their eyes.

✓ While some dogs do tolerate these types of behaviors, and some even enjoy it, not all dogs do. Dogs are not jungle gyms or horses. They should not be ridden or climbed on. It is cruel to pull a dog’s ears or tail. Holding a dog’s head still and staring into his eyes is also an extremely assertive gesture in canine language and could be interpreted as a threat. That’s why children get bitten. We certainly don’t tolerate being manhandled by everyone we meet, so why do some people expect their dogs to put up with it?

Also note that while this is unfair on the dog, it’s also unfair to the child. A child who grows up crawling all over a dog and grabbing at the dog’s body parts ends up thinking it’s OK to do this to all dogs. Young children have difficulty understanding that their dog may behave differently from other people’s dogs. A dog is a dog is a dog to a toddler or small child. Allowing a child to interact with the family dog inappropriately can cause that child to do the same to another dog who is far less tolerant. This can have disastrous consequences.

✗ Dogs should know not to chew on certain things, like couches, cabinets, children’s toys, shoes, etc.

✓ Dogs can learn not to chew on specific items, but you need to teach them. They will not automatically know what is off limits for chomping. Chewing is a natural canine behavior. While you see your leather shoes as stylish, your dog sees them as delicious.

✗ Dogs who have taken a training class on leash should always come when called off leash.

✓ Just as we learn new things, dogs learn by starting with the basics and gradually moving on to more challenging lessons. There is too great a gap between on-leash and off-leash behaviors. Your dog can learn to respond to you off leash, but you need to build up to that level of learning with transitional steps. If you haven’t trained your dog with the intermediate steps, this is an unrealistic expectation.

✗ Dogs should always do what they’re told no matter what’s going on around them.

✓ This is another example of something that needs to be taught. It’s not automatic. Your dog may sit when you cue him, but will he do it when the doorbell rings? If you dropped a plate of hamburgers next to him? If a squirrel runs across his path? Teaching your dog to perform behaviors while experiencing different distractions is called “proofing.” If you haven’t proofed your dog’s behaviors, then it’s unrealistic to expect him to perform around distractions.

✗ Shy dogs will get over their fears just given time.

✓ Fear is a powerful emotion. Dogs need help overcoming their fears. They won’t go away without proper intervention. Instead of time, a dog may need behavior modification and maybe even medication, depending on the severity of the problem.

✗ A dog should work for you just for praise—that’s all the motivation he should need in order to comply.

✓ If you give a dog the choice between food and praise, or a squirrel and praise, which do you think is more likely to grab his attention? Praise is a good reinforcer, but it rarely can compete with other items that a dog naturally finds of higher value. This is humbling, but normal. While your praise may mean a lot to another person, it may not rank as highly with your dog.

Environmental Influences

Dogs can easily be distracted, especially puppies. It’s completely normal for dogs to be distracted by things going on around them. Such distractions, however, can cause problem behaviors. If your dog is so obsessed with squirrels, cats, or cars that he lunges on his leash and won’t listen to you, it could be a problem.

When you go out into the neighborhood, you can sense many things around you. Your dog can sense a lot more. Dogs can smell things you can’t. Did you know, for instance, that dogs can smell 100,000 times better than humans and smell something up to 40 feet underground? They can hear things you can’t as well. Dogs with erect ears hear better than a dog with floppy ears, but, in general, dogs can hear about four times greater than humans. This means that your dog is being bombarded with many more environmental distractions than you are.

In order for dogs to perform reliably, behaviors need to be trained to fluency. This means they need to be trained with a variety of distractions, under different circumstances, in order for dogs to perform them consistently. If that training hasn’t been done, then what’s going on around him will have a greater impact on a dog’s performance.

The environment especially impacts on a frightened dog. A shy or fearful dog constantly monitors his surroundings for danger. It is much more difficult for a dog like this to concentrate on learning since his energy is dedicated to keeping safe. For example, you take a fearful dog to a park festival. Your dog jumps up on you, trying to get some comfort. You tell him to sit. He continues to jump up on you because he is afraid. He’s too scared to sit. The problem behavior is not disobedience or jumping up. It’s simply fear.

The environment is always competing for your attention. With positive training, you can trump the environment’s temptations. You can even learn to use the environment to your advantage. For example, if your dog loves to sniff, you can use giving him the opportunity to sniff as a reward. Instead of the environment causing problems or making problem behaviors more challenging, you can put it to work for you!

It’s a natural instinct for dogs to investigate all sorts of scents, especially since their sense of smell is so well-developed.

Anxiety, Shyness, and Fear

Anxiety, shyness, and fear can cause many problem behaviors. Shyness can prevent a dog from bonding. If a dog isn’t bonded to you, he doesn’t have a vested interest in doing things you ask of him. If he’s so shy you can’t pet or even touch him, you will have problems grooming him, cleaning his ears, doing his nails, or tending to him if he is sick or injured. If he gets loose, he’s not likely to come to you if he has no relationship with you. This is why modern trainers will often have you work on basic foundational behaviors before you even try to tackle advanced problems of fear. Your dog has to have a solid, positive relationship with you—a relationship of trust—before you can help him overcome his anxiety.

A dog who is anxious and fearful may growl, snap, or bite. Most aggression is based in fear. For example, a dog who is frightened of children may growl or snap if a child goes to pet him. A dog who is afraid of other dogs can act aggressively if another dog enters his personal space.

Some dogs only experience anxiety in certain settings. For example, a dog who is happy and outgoing at home may be fearful outside the home or around the neighborhood. Or a dog who has never been to the groomer may panic and bite in self-defense when put on the grooming table for the first time. Some anxiety is situational. For example, a dog turns destructive only when left alone. Or a dog will pee in the house only during a thunderstorm. The destructiveness and house soiling are both problems rooted in anxiety.

Illness or injury can also cause anxiety. A dog who has broken out in an itchy rash isn’t comfortable, and he may pace restlessly or bite at his skin. A dog developing arthritis in his forelegs can start licking obsessively at his skin, causing open sores. Similar behavior can occur because of fleas or ticks. For some dogs, a single fleabite sends them into a frenzy of biting and scratching themselves.

Illness or injury can also cause a dog to become aggressive. A dog who is otherwise social and friendly may cower or growl at the veterinarian’s office during examination. He doesn’t feel well, so he’s less tolerant of handling. He’s trying to protect himself.

If your dog has behavior problems rooted in anxiety or fear, you will need to address them on several fronts. These dogs can learn. You just need to understand their challenges so you can have patience while helping them overcome their problem behaviors.

Small Dog Issues: It’s a Big World

Small dogs often don’t act like they realize they are tiny. It’s true that you should treat small dogs very similar to big dogs—they are capable of many things! There are some considerations you need to keep in mind if you have a small dog, however. Sometimes, a small dog’s size alone can contribute to behavior problems.

To a 4- or 7-pound dog, the world is a big place. Imagine what it would feel like if everything loomed over you. A toddler looks like an uncoordinated, drunken giant. When a cookie sheet crashes to the floor, it might as well be a slab of concrete. When someone scoops you up, you rise several stories in the air at great speed. This can be terrifying. This is why small dogs can develop some aggressive behaviors. Growling, snapping, or biting is self-defense against a world that threatens to crush them underfoot.

Other times, little dogs are so pampered and spoiled that it leads to different behavior problems. Their owners do not set clear boundaries. So, on the rare occasion owners try to establish some rules, they find out the hard way that what they’ve created are tiny dictators. This certainly occurs with larger dogs as well, but it just seems easier for people to tolerate obnoxious behavior in a tiny dog rather than his larger cousin.

Not every small dog will turn timid or into a tyrant simply because he barely tips the scale. But for some dogs, when it comes to problem behaviors, size does matter!

Breed-Specific Traits

Dog breeds were created for specific purposes. Certain dogs were developed to retrieve, herd, hunt vermin, help people hunt other animals, guard, be companions, and more. These traits were cultivated on purpose, but they can sometimes cause problems in the average family household.

A Golden Retriever who puts everything in his mouth can be annoying. A Collie who chases the children can be frightening. A Fox Terrier who attempts to “kill” your children’s precious toys can be frustrating. A German Shepherd who won’t let your friends come into the house can be dangerous.

Do you have a mixed-breed dog? If you know his parentage, you can better understand why he behaves in the way he does. If you have no idea what breeds make up your dog, you can sometimes determine the types they are from his behavior. Does your dog love to chase children, often nipping at their heels? There may be some herding in his genetic makeup. Does he stare at birds and lift one foot in point? There could be a sporting breed in the mix.

Hopefully, you researched your dog’s breed or breeds thoroughly before bringing him home, so you knew what to expect. If not, you might have been in for quite a surprise.

Your dog can’t help his DNA. While there are some dogs who are not interested in or adept at living up to their genetic inheritance, most dogs are fairly good at following the breed plan. If you’re not going to pursue the task for which your dog was bred, your dog’s DNA still wants to try. This doesn’t mean you have to put up with problem behaviors, but it’s important to understand that your dog is not trying to be a pain. Instead of getting angry at your dog for being who he is, you can teach him other behaviors you prefer.

A Golden Retriever will mouth almost everything he comes across, including the remote!

The Dog Behavior Problem Solver

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