Читать книгу A Drive-By Wedding - Terese Ramin - Страница 2

What a choice: rock, hard place, deep end of the ocean, Jeth thought.


He opened his eyes and sighed. “Okay. I probably need my head examined, but okay. Wife.”

“Husband,” Allyn confirmed, then wrapped her hands around his wrists and stood on tiptoe to seal the pact with a kiss.

If he hadn’t recognized it previously, that was the exact instant Jeth knew he was lost. And knew he had to walk away from Allyn.

So he kissed her back with feeling, an early goodbye, with all of himself poured into it. With longing and desire, but mostly with need.

“Wow,” Allyn murmured, dazed, when he lifted his head. “Wow. That was—that was—” She blinked. “Can we do that again?”

Jeth smoothed back her hair with his thumb, more than a little bemused himself. “Yeah, definitely,” he muttered, cherishing her mouth, her being.

And therein lay both salvation and destructive flame.

A Drive-By Wedding

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