Читать книгу Alaskan Sanctuary - Teri Wilson, Teri Wilson - Страница 8



Many thanks to the best agent in the world, Elizabeth Winick Rubinstein and her fabulous staff at McIntosh & Otis, Rachel Burkot, Melissa Endlich and the wonderful people at Love Inspired, my critique partner, Meg Benjamin, my writing bestie, Beckie Ugolini, and my family and friends for their unwavering support.

Thanks also to Sue Healey for naming Shasta the wolf and Chris Meager for naming the Pinnacle Hotel, where our hero Ethan Hale grew up.

And as always, I thank God for the gift of words, making my dreams come true and allowing me to write for a living.

This book could not have been written without the help from the staff of the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center. If you love wolves, please visit them at wolfeducation.org. If I’ve made any mistakes in my depiction of these beautiful animals, please forgive me.

Alaskan Sanctuary

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