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When I visited Cedar Key for the first time, in 1994, I knew I was in my element—surrounded by water and Mother Nature. But when I relocated there in 2005, my love for the town deepened because I found that it was the people who were the soul of the island.

The locals made me feel welcome and gave me a sense of belonging. I was inspired by their strength, their compassion for neighbors, and their love for family. Without them, my story wouldn’t have been possible, so I owe a huge debt of gratitude to each and every one.

A few in particular touched the writer in me. By sharing their own childhood stories, Cedar Key history, and island folklore, they unknowingly allowed my imagination to create a fictional story. My deepest thanks to Dottie Haldeman, Mary Rain, Frances Hodges, Rita Baker, Jan Allen, Beth Davis, Dr. John Andrews, Marie Johnson, Shirley Beckham, and so many others who enabled me to feel the true essence of Cedar Key.

Thank you to Alice and Bill Phillips, owners of the Cedar Key Bed & Breakfast—for your in-depth tour and enthusiasm for my story.

For Alice Jordan, my high school friend, I can’t thank you enough for renewing my interest in knitting, turning me into an addicted knitter, and always being a phone call away to answer any knitting questions. For Bill Bonner, my friend and writing partner, your belief in my work made the tough times easier. And huge thanks to both of you for reading this story and giving me your constructive advice and loyal support.

Thank you to my children, Susan Hanlon, Shawn, and Brian DuLong—for your love and enthusiasm.

Most sincere gratitude goes to my editor, Audrey LaFehr, for your professional support and for making my story a reality. And to the entire team at Kensington for bringing it all to fruition.

Thank you to my husband, Ray, who gave me wings to soar, encouraged my destiny, and has kept me airborne with belief in myself.

And to you, my reader—thank you for including me on your bookshelf.

Spinning Forward

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