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I have heard it said writing is a solitary effort. We sit at our computers for hours at a time, oblivious to the world going on around us in favor of the one in our heads, one peopled by men and women of our own creation. Solitary? As a famous wizard once said, just because it’s happening in your head, doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Our worlds, our characters, the events we write are very real. We make them real, we hope, for our readers. Solitary? Hardly.

We also have editors and copy editors and cover artists. Whole teams work on bringing our novels from files in our computers to books winging their way out into the world. Without my editor, Penny Barber-Schwartz, Bitterly, Connecticut and all its inhabitants would not be in this book, at this time. For that, darling Penny, not only I, but my characters thank you.

Thanks to my sisters in romance, the members of CoLoNY. Not only did you help birth The Bitterly Suite, but you have encouraged, supported, and celebrated with me every step of the way.

As always, thanks to my brilliant dollbabies, women who are not just a week on the beach, writing, eating cake, and laughing. They are the core of my writing life. We don’t see one another but a week every year, but they are with me every day. Hands on my shoulder. Whispered words of encouragement. Messages on Facebook.

And though it’s going to make her blush, I want to especially thank Sharon Struth. She is kindred of a kind one doesn’t find every day. Thanks, Shar—without you, I wouldn’t be writing this acknowledgement in the first place.

Last, as always, thanks to my Frankie D. He knows why.

Seeking Carolina

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