Читать книгу The Secret Heiress - Terri Reed - Страница 3


“What in the world?”

Don’s mutter drew Caroline’s attention. His gaze was fixed on a truck bearing down on them at a rapid speed from the opposite direction. Don slowed and edged as close to the side of the roadway as possible. The truck mirrored their movement without slowing.

Gripping the door handle, Caroline tried to breathe past the knot of apprehension tightening her chest. The older model Ford truck seemed intent on playing some sort of game of chicken as it roared ever closer, directly in their path.


“Hang on!”

At the last second Don revved the motor and swerved to the other side of the road, out of the path of the oncoming vehicle.

Caroline twisted in her seat to stare after the truck until it roared out of sight.

“That was random, right?” She worked to calm her heart rate.

“Given someone stalked you, broke into your apartment, then bombed said apartment? No.”

The Secret Heiress

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