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The Tarot is something which functions on many levels.

On one level, it is a set of cards which portray a way of looking at the world. A way of making sense of the world, rather than an attempt to define and limit it.

On another level, it is an approach to life, which enables each of us to move away from our own private realities towards the point of being able to have a multi-viewpoint.

A lot of top-level executives these days are finding themselves on expensive courses which attempt to nudge them out of their own personal mind-set and develop qualities of mental flexibility and creativity. This was – and is – the first and primary purpose of the Tarot: to give us a set of windows through which we can look upon life. It has other qualities too:

It is a counselling tool.

It is a means through which communication – sometimes on a highly psychic or intuitive level – can take place.

It is the means through which countless people over countless years have found a place to gain a resolution to the problems which have beset them.

The Tarot works through synchronicity – in other words, the random patterns in which the cards seem to fall are part of a greater pattern within the cosmic scheme of things. This may seem chaotic to some, but not to those who seek to understand the nature of the causes of things; to those who have learned to look for causes which in turn give rise to effects.

This, then, is the function of the Tarot: to facilitate our grasp of how things may be changed in the future through a deepening of our realization of what has happened in the past.

As a trainee, you are entering a new doorway.

May your life never be the same again!

Step by Step Tarot

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