Читать книгу Penal Code - The Government of Japan - Страница 2

Table of Contents


Chapter I Scope of Application

Chapter II Punishments

Chapter III Calculation of the Period of Time

Chapter IV Suspension of Execution of the Sentence

Chapter V Parole

Chapter VI Prescription and Extinction of Punishment

Chapter VII Unpunishable Acts and Reduction or Remission of Punishment

Chapter VIII Attempts

Chapter IX Consolidated Punishments

Chapter X Repeated Convictions

Chapter XI Complicity

Chapter XIII Rules for Aggravation and Reduction


Chapter I (Deleted)

Chapter II Crimes Related to Insurrection

Chapter III Crimes Related to Foreign Aggression

Chapter IV Crimes Related to Foreign Relations

Chapter V Crimes of Obstruction of Performance of Public Duty

Chapter VI Crimes of Escape

Chapter VII Crimes of Harboring Criminals and Suppressing Evidence

Chapter VIII Crimes of Disturbance

Chapter IX Crimes of Arson and Fire Caused through Negligence

Chapter X Crimes Related to Floods and Water Management

Chapter XI Crimes of Obstruction of Traffic

Chapter XII Crimes of Breaking into a Residence

Chapter XIII Crimes of Violating Confidentiality

Chapter XIV Crimes Related to Opium for Smoking

Chapter XV Crimes Related to Drinking Water

Chapter XVI Crimes of Counterfeiting of Currency

Chapter XVII Crimes of Counterfeiting of Documents

Chapter XVIII Crimes of Counterfeiting of Securities

Chapter XVIII-2 Crimes Related to Electronic or Magnetic Records of Payment Cards

Chapter XIX Crimes of Counterfeiting of Seals

Chapter XIX-2 Crimes Related to Electronic or Magnetic Records of Unauthorized Commands

Chapter XX Crimes of Perjury

Chapter XXI Crimes of False Complaints

Chapter XXII Crimes of Obscenity, Forcible Sexual Intercourse, and Bigamy

Chapter XXIII Crimes Related to Gambling and Lotteries

Chapter XXIV Crimes Related to Places of Worship and Graves

Chapter XXV Crimes of Corruption

Chapter XXVI Crimes of Homicide

Chapter XXVII Crimes of Injury

Chapter XXVIII Crimes of Injury through Negligence

Chapter XXIX Crimes of Abortion

Chapter XXX Crimes of Abandonment

Chapter XXXI Crimes of Unlawful Capture and Confinement

Chapter XXXII Crimes of Intimidation

Chapter XXXIII Crimes of Kidnapping and Buying or Selling of Human Beings

Chapter XXXIV Crimes against Reputation

Chapter XXXV Crimes against Credit and Business

Chapter XXXVI Crimes of Theft and Robbery

Chapter XXXVII Crimes of Fraud and Extortion

Chapter XXXVIII Crimes of Embezzlement

Chapter XXXIX Crimes Related to Stolen Property

Chapter XL Crimes of Destruction and Concealment

Penal Code

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