Читать книгу Criminal Law - The National People's Congress of China - Страница 2

Table of Contents


Chapter I The Aim, Basic Principles and Scope of Application of the Criminal Law

Chapter II Crimes

Chapter III Punishments

Chapter IV The Concrete Application of Punishments

Chapter V Other Provisions

Part Two Specific Provisions

Chapter I Crimes of Endangering National Security

Chapter II Crimes of Endangering Public Security

Chapter III Crimes of Disrupting the Order of the Socialist Market Economy

Chapter IV Crimes of Infringing upon Citizens' Right of the Person and Democratic Rights

Chapter V Crimes of Property Violation

Chapter VI Crimes of Obstructing the Administration of Public Order

Chapter VII Crimes of Impairing the Interests of National Defence

Chapter VIII Crimes of Embezzlement and Bribery

Chapter IX Crimes of Dereliction of Duty

Chapter X Crimes of Servicemen's Transgression of Duties

Supplementary Provisions

Appendix I

Appendix II

Criminal Law

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