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It’s an honour to present such a strong collection of original stories. They are as unusual, as exciting and surprising, as the city to which they pay homage, and like Berlin they reward careful attention.

Having been part of this project from start to finish – from competition launch, to judging, to working with the authors to edit these stories for publication – it’s satisfying to see it reach its conclusion. I’m haunted by more than one piece which didn’t make the final selection, and am conscious of the editor’s burden, the continuing worry about whether I’ve served these tales as well as they deserve. I have respected the authors’ differences with regard to British or American English. If any errors remain I take full responsibility for them.

Books, I’ve learned, have two lives: the one prior to publication which is full of striving and struggle, and the one that comes afterwards in which they are free to wander the world, striking up conversations with strangers. It’s time to set this book free to find its readers. I hope it brings them as much pleasure as it has brought me.

Victoria Gosling

The Reader Berlin

July 2015

Streets of Berlin

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