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Because colours are a dynamic part of our lives, affecting us in many ways (see Colours), some believe that colour can be used as a tool for divination and guidance.

All about colours

The following provides some typically accepted attributes of colour that can help us gain insight into people no matter how they present themselves.

Red: Colour of strength and power, linked to sexual energy; can indicate an active person with lots of energy; darker shades can reflect strong emotions, even anger; can also indicate a creative person.

Orange: The colour of fun, creativity and generosity (they may be too generous); a bright and optimistic person.

Yellow: Intelligence, happiness, curious by nature; a person who prefers to take the lead.

Green: Colour of healing; peaceful, emotional balance and compassion; a person who is honest and helpful.

Blue: Spiritual understanding; a person who is usually perceptive, has a need for calm and is deeply involved in their work, sometimes to the point of neglecting other things; someone who is dedicated and talented and can be critical of others.

Indigo: Vision, intuition, psychic ability.

Purple and Violet: Seekers, impatient with others, including themselves; have high ideals but can become depressed if ideals not met; someone who needs and seeks spiritual experiences.

Black: Colour of protection and groundedness, psychic ability; when worn with another colour strengthens that colour; secretive, a quiet strength.

White: Colour of spirit and of balance, could also indicate detachment; a person who is hopeful and spiritual; when worn with other colours amplifies those colours.

Brown: Strength and nobility; someone who is down to earth, practical and helpful; someone who has strong friendships, is a devoted worker but can be overly critical.

Pink: Love warmth tenderness innocence, the impulse to nurture.

Each colour has its own unique qualities. Some are uplifting and exciting, and some are soothing. Some stimulate healing, and some are depressing. We all have colours we like and dislike. Many believe we subconsciously pick colours we know will help us through the day and that it is possible to divine the mood of others by the colours they choose to wear or the colours they are most drawn to.

Energy healers who read auras believe that auras are made up of colours and that the colour of a person’s aura can tell an enormous amount about a person and how she or he is feeling at that moment. For example, a person with a happy disposition might have a bright yellow aura, but it could change to red if they are angry. Someone else might have a red aura, suggesting they are often angry. If someone’s aura has dark spots it could suggest ill health or disturbing emotions.

The Element Encyclopedia of the Psychic World: The Ultimate A–Z of Spirits, Mysteries and the Paranormal

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