Читать книгу An Angel Called My Name: Incredible true stories from the other side - Theresa Cheung, Theresa Cheung - Страница 5

Simply Believing


Just as angels can appear in various guises, everyone connects with them in their own unique way. Some people are blessed with the rare ability to see or hear angels, or the spirits of those who have passed on, but it is more common to smell an essence, hear a familiar sound or simply sense a shift in energy or feeling. More common still – and my experience seven years ago may fall in this category – are revealing dreams, meaningful coincidences, subtle signs, flashes of insight and those little whispers, voices, inspirations and understandings we hear that encourage, comfort, guide or support us through life.

It is difficult to prove to someone the existence of angels since most of us can’t touch or even see them, but this lack of proof only seems to be a problem to those who don’t believe. To those who do believe there is no need to prove something they already know with absolute certainty.

Angels can occasionally appear uninvited in times of grief and danger to both believers and non-believers, but more often than not we need to let our angels know we are open to their help before they speak to us. Simply believing in them is really all that it takes to invoke the love and guidance of angels into our hearts and our lives. Our belief lets them know we want their guidance and we want them to be a part of our lives. Our belief is what lifts the veil between this life and the next.

An Angel Called My Name: Incredible true stories from the other side

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