Читать книгу Organic Electronics 1 - Thien-Phap Nguyen - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Title Page



1 Semiconductor Theory 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Review of the basic concepts of crystalline semiconductors 1.3. P–N junction 1.4. Impurities and defects 1.5. Metal/semiconductor contact 1.6. Semiconductors under non-equilibrium conditions 1.7. Space charge current 1.8. Hopping conduction

2 Materials 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Organic materials 2.3. Conjugated polymers 2.4. Energy bands 2.5. Small molecules 2.6. Design and engineering of organic materials 2.7. Hybrid materials or nanocomposites 2.8. Transparent and conductive materials 2.9. Materials for encapsulation

3 Optical Processes 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Interaction between light and molecules 3.3. Optical processes 3.4. Excitons 3.5. Experimental techniques

4 Electronic Processes 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Charge carrier injection process 4.3. Charge transport process

5 Interface Processes 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Formation of organic semiconductor/metal interfaces 5.3. Surface characterization techniques 5.4. Interface engineering 5.5. Conclusion

10  List of Acronyms

11  References

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Generation and recombination processFigure 1.2. Energy band diagram of a P–N junction. For a color version of this f...Figure 1.3. Structural defects in semiconductors: a) vacancy; b) interstitial at...Figure 1.4. Trapping and recombination mechanisms: a) capture of an electron; b)...Figure 1.5. The pulse applied to the junction and the variation of the junction’...Figure 1.6. Changes in the SCR of the junction during the trapping process: 1) b...Figure 1.7. The process of light emission in SCs, with and without defects. For ...Figure 1.8. The parameters in the energy band diagram for metals and SCs. For a ...Figure 1.9. The parameters in the energy band diagram for metals and SCs. For a ...Figure 1.10. Schottky barrier at a metal/SC interface with the Schottky effectFigure 1.11. Electron transport in a contact between a metal and an N-type SC. F...Figure 1.12. The change in the concentration of excess carriers as a function of...Figure 1.13. Diffusion of excess carriers within the thickness of an SC lit on o...Figure 1.14. Electronic conduction regime of the space-charge limited current. a...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Basic structure of an SC-based light-emitting diode: (a) inorganic S...Figure 2.2. Structures of polymers. For a color version of this figure, see www....Figure 2.3. Trans and cis configurations of polyacetyleneFigure 2.4. Hybridization of the carbon atom and hybridization mechanism of sp2....Figure 2.5. Atomic orbitals π and π* of the π bondFigure 2.6. Structure of polyacetylene: a) chemical bonds between atoms; b) orbi...Figure 2.7. Structure of benzene: a) chemical bonds between atoms; b) orbitals o...Figure 2.8. Molecular structures of poly(phenylene)Figure 2.9. Different techniques for deposition of polymer films in a solution: ...Figure 2.10. Wave functions of atomic and molecular orbitalsFigure 2.11. Energy levels of the isolated atom, the molecule formed by two atom...Figure 2.12. Representation of solitons: a) energy of a dimer consisting of two ...Figure 2.13. Formation of bipolarons by solitons. For a color version of this fi...Figure 2.14. Doping mechanisms for N-type and P-type organic SCs. For a color ve...Figure 2.15. Molecular structure of small molecules of benzene cyclesFigure 2.16. Examples of polymers and small molecules and their use in electroni...Figure 2.17. Types of chain arrangement in poly(hexylthiophene)Figure 2.18. Preparation of composites by dispersion method: a) materials; b) di...Figure 2.19. Structure of a polyoctahedral silsesquioxane (POSS)Figure 2.20. Nanocomposites using a nanostructured substrate: (a) nanostructured...Figure 2.21. a) Nanowires; b) nanorods; c) nanorod arraysFigure 2.22. Hydrothermal fabrication of ZnO nanorods: a) buffer layer-covered s...Figure 2.23. Transparent and conductive electrodes: a) unordered array of metal ...Figure 2.24. Encapsulation of organic electronic devices: a) by a glass slide; b...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Potential energy of a diatomic molecule as a function of the inter-a...Figure 3.2. Diagram of the energy and electronic transitions in the process of a...Figure 3.3. Energy diagram and possible electronic transitions in a molecule acc...Figure 3.4. Overlap of the emission spectrum of the donor molecule D and the abs...Figure 3.5. Process of energy transfer between molecules: a) transfer by Förster...Figure 3.6. Excitons: a) Frenkel; b) charge transfer; c) Wannier–Mott. For a col...Figure 3.7. The steps of the exciton formation: a) initial electron–hole pair; b...Figure 3.8. Schematic representation of rate constants of photophysical processe...Figure 3.9. Transitions in the processes of: a) infrared absorption; B) Rayleigh...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Schematic representation of the movement of charge carriers in an or...Figure 4.2. Injection process of charge carriers in a simple diode structure. Fo...Figure 4.3. Energy band diagram of electronic devices: a) electron-only; b) hole...Figure 4.4. Energy band diagram of the electronic device with transport layers o...Figure 4.5. a) Intra-chain and inter-chain movements of electrons; b) energy dia...Figure 4.6. Density of states following the Gaussian disorder model (GDM). For a...Figure 4.7. a) Schematic setup for measuring time of flight; b) variation of non...Figure 4.8. a) CELIV measurement setup; b) applied voltage ramp and CELIV spectr...Figure 4.9. The conduction regimes limited by space charges in an SC: a) contain...Figure 4.10. Types of trap distributions: Gaussian and exponentialFigure 4.11. Schematic representation of the effective capture cross-section: a)...Figure 4.12. Steps for measuring the thermally stimulated currentFigure 4.13. The principle of fractional TSC current measurement: temperature cy...Figure 4.14. The principle of charge-based deep-level transient spectroscopy: a)...Figure 4.15. Variati on of capacitance C(ω) and its derivative as a function o...Figure 4.16. Variation of as a function of the direct voltage VDC. 1) trap-fre...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Schematic representation of an N-type semiconductor/metal contact ac...Figure 5.2. Diagram of the energy bands of the metal/SC contact with alignment o...Figure 5.3. Formation of the interface dipole layer: a) metal with a low work fu...Figure 5.4. Schematic representation of the ICT model with the transition from t...Figure 5.5. Energy levels: a) in the metal; b) at the metal/SC interfaceFigure 5.6. Example of the structure of an organic solar cell: a) normal; b) inv...Figure 5.7. a) Structure of a self-assembled monolayer; b) example of the use of...

List of Tables

1 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Comparison of the properties of organic and inorganic SCs

2 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Metal work function and potential barrier for an MEHPPV/metal contact



Table of Contents

Title Page



Begin Reading

List of Acronyms



10  End User License Agreement











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Organic Electronics 1

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