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“My lord admiral! He’s gone! I can find no trace of him!”

The agitated voice of Captain Poppleton reached the ears of the two middle-aged men so casually passing the port back and forth between them. He came charging up through the gardens, his gray tails flapping behind him, his usually placid face a mask of wild-eyed dismay.

“What’s wrong, Poppleton?” The admiral’s voice held a chiding note. “What has happened to get you into such a state?”

“General Bonaparte, my lord! I dropped back a little distance to watch the sun sinking. When I turned around again, he was gone! My lord admiral, I assure you he was nowhere in sight. I’ve been everywhere—the houses, the gardens, the orchard. No trace of him have I found.”

“Come, Poppleton, this is absurd. Do you think he has plunged into the sea? Do you believe he can swim all the way back to France?”

“As to that, I can’t say, sir.”

The loud tones of the excited officer had brought Mrs. Balcombe to the porch. In a quiet voice, she asked, “What is wrong?”

“This young donkey is convinced that General Bonaparte has made his escape already from the island,” explained Admiral Cockburn.

“He’s been taking a walk through the upper grounds,” explained Mrs. Balcombe, smiling reassuringly at the unhappy Poppleton. “I assure you, Captain, that I caught a glimpse of him a few minutes ago. There’s a path leading up to a point from which it’s possible to look out to sea. I’m sure that is where he has gone.”

The three men joined her on a section of the porch from which a full view was possible. As they watched, a figure with a tricornered hat emerged from a lower level.

“It’s Bonaparte,” declared the admiral. “Now, Poppleton, are you satisfied? There’s someone with him but I expect you won’t be satisfied unless you tag along at their heels.”

“Quite, my lord.”

Mrs. Balcombe’s fingers had tightened on her husband’s arm. She whispered to him in a voice filled with astonishment: “William! It’s Betsy with him. Our Betsy.” She waited a moment and then went on in a hushed tone. “They are strolling along together. Hand in hand!”

The Last Love

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