Читать книгу The Maternal Management of Children, in Health and Disease - Thomas Bull - Страница 9



I. Accidents and Diseases which may occur to the Infant at Birth, or soon after - 187

1. Still-born - 187

2. Injuries received during Birth - 193

3. Retention of Urine - 194

4. Swelling of the Breasts - 195

5. Inflammation of the Eyes - 196

6. Hare-lip - 199

7. Bleeding from the Navel-string - 201

8. Ulceration or imperfect Healing of the Navel - 20l

9. Bleeding from the Navel - 203

10. Jaundice - 204

11. Tongue-tied - 205

12. Moles and Marks on the Skin, etc. - 206

II. Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels; viz., Indigestion -

Flatulence - Vomiting - Griping and Looseness - 208

1. In the Infant at the Breast - 21O

2. At the period of Weaning - 217

3. In the child brought up by Hand - 221

Maternal Treatment - 222

III. Costiveness - 229

In Infancy - 229

In Childhood - 231

IV. Worms - 234

Not so frequent as popularly supposed; an error productive of mischief - 234

How produced and how best prevented - 237

V. Scarlet Fever - 239

Mild Form - 239

With Sore Throat - 242

Scarlet Fever compared with Measles - 245

Maternal Management - 246

VI. Measles - 253

Description - 253

Compared with Scarlet Fever and Small Pox - 255

Maternal Management - 256

VII. Small-Pox - 262

Natural Small-Pox - 263

Small-Pox in the Vaccinated - 266

Maternal Management - 268

VIII. Hooping Cough - 275

Description - 276

Maternal Management - 279

IX. Croup - 286

Signs of its Approach - 286

Maternal Management - 289

Its prevention - 289

X. Water in the Head - 291

Its Prevention - 292

Maternal Management - 298

The Maternal Management of Children, in Health and Disease

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