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Depressions, a Bit of History


Creating a depression on a national scale takes careful planning and manipulation. While depressions are a normal phenomenon that take place from time to time in any economy, creating one on a national scale requires a level of intentional, well-crafted careful preparation and influence from an outside source. Without this influence, depressions tend to be more localized and rarely if ever occur on a national scale. In an economy uninfluenced and left to the natural laws of economics, depressions tend to be more segmented, impacting only areas of the economy that have become overextended or areas in which production surpasses demand.

What is common to all national depressions is that in order to create or suffer a depression on a national scale, the government must first control that nation’s money supply or dictate what that money supply should be. Second, the government of that nation must in some form practice intervention into that nation’s economy. Nations in which governments intervene or control their economy practice either the socialist or communist philosophy. Nations whose governments do not intervene in the economy but prefer to leave the economy to the consumption and production patterns of the nations citizens practice capitalism as their economic philosophy.

What few Americans know or understand, is that America’s economic philosophy was altered from capitalism to socialism about one hundred years ago. The foundation was layed in 1913, and the full transformation occured in the 1930s. I know this is a bit of information that is hard to swallow and at first will seem absolutely ludicrous to the majority of the readers. However, if you read on, you too may find this statement to be true. The deception that the United States has been and still is a capitalistic society (like our forefathers intended) over the last century, has been nothing more than an illusion. One necessary and imperative to maintain as a handful of talented theives set into motion the ingredients in this recipe allowing them to steal the wealth of this once great nation.

Prior to America adopting the socialist philosophy, depressions did not occur on the level of the first Great Depression neither in duration or severity. While depressions/recessions are a natural occurrence in any society, in a “free” or pure capitalistic society, boom and bust cycles are relatively localized and impact smaller areas or pockets of a nation. The United States has suffered several depressions, one of the worst being the Great Depression which started in 1929 and lasted through the 1930s. The Great Depression is what I consider the first depression that the United States experienced under socialist ideals.

Let’s take a closer look at the history of American depression/recession occurrences:

 1797-lasted 3 years.

 1807-lasted 6 years.

 1819-lasted two years.

 1832-lasted two years.

 1836-lasted six years.

 1857-lasted two years.

 1869-lasted two years.

 1873-lasted 5 years.

 1896-lasted 3 years.

 1901- lasted 1 year.

 1907-Bank failures (intentionally created by the largest bankers).

 1913-U.S. nationalized the banking system. (onset of the socialist philosophy).

 1920-lasted 2 years.

 1929-lasted 11 years (total transformation to socialism).

If we take a look at both the historical length and time span between these depressions, we can see that prior to socialism taking root in America, depressions lasted on average of two and a half years and occurred on average once every eleven and a quarter years. Once America began to socialize its economic philosophy (1913), it created a depression that lasted eleven years, or three hunderd forty percent longer than the average of previous depressions. The 1930s Great Depression, was the only depression in our history in which the nation claimed internal bankruptcy. This was the crisis that was used as the catalyst which allowed for the full transformation of our economy to that of socialism. This fundamental change in philosophy is what laid the foundations to take the United States of America from the most productive, wealthiest nation on planet earth, to the debtor nation she is today. In the process of doing so, it has created wealth beyond comprehension for the select few that have been laying the foundation for the next, up and coming Great Depression.

Whether you are an aspiring politician or just a person that wants to reap huge profits, time is running out for you to benefit from what remains of this particular economic cycle in America. If becoming a politician is your goal and you can find a way to get elected soon, there is still opportunity to amass some personal fortune at the expense of its citizens, but I would suggest you hurry. In the event it is too late for you to take advantage of America’s next Great Depression, don’t worry. There are other nations to rob and pillage. Become familiar with this recipe to prepare for when that opportunity arises. Keep this in mind, “Success is when opportunity meets preparedness”.

What is interesting in America since the government started to embrace socialist policies, is that we started calling depressions, recessions. Nearly all of the recessions from the 1900s to present have been no less severe than what many of our past depressions were in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Historically, more personal suffrage has been felt on a per capita basis in many of our current recessions than was experienced during most depressions from the pre-socialist era in America. Realistically, America has had several small depressions since the 1930s. As a country, we are now due for what we can only call a “Great Depression”. This time, however, the ingredients are in place that will make the depression of the 1930s look like a mild recession by comparison. For all intents and purposes, the American depression makers did a superb job. Their work has paved the road for all those who may be inspired to usurp the wealth of a nation.

A Simple Recipe for Stealing the Wealth of a Nation

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