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Table of Contents

The following are the principal works consulted in the prosecution of the investigations here recorded:—

1763. Adanson, M. Familles des Plantes.

1805. Albertini—see under Schweinitz.

1841. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London, various volumes: 1841, Ser. I., vol. vi.; 1850, Ser. II., vol. v.

1887. Annals of Botany, vols. i-xxxi.

1783. Batsch, A. J. G. C. Elenchus Fungorum; with Continuatio I. 1786; Continuatio II. 1789.

1775. Battara, A. Fungorum Agri Arimensis Historia.

1860. Berkeley, M. J. Outlines of Fungology.

1789. Bolton, J. History of Funguses about Halifax.

1851. Bonorden, H. F. Mycologie.

1875. Botanical Gazette, The. Various volumes to 1921.

1843. Botanische Zeitung. Various volumes to 1898.

1892. Bulletin Laboratories Nat. Hist. Iowa, vol. ii.

1873. Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club. Various volumes to 1898.

1791. Bulliard, P. Histoire des Champignons de la France.

1721. Buxbaum, J. C. Enumeratio Plantarum.

1863. Cienkowski, L. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Myxomyceten.

1893. Celakowsky, L. Die Myxomyceten Bœhmens.

1871. Cooke, M. C. Handbook of British Fungi.

1877. Cooke, M. C. Myxomycetes of Great Britain.

1877. Cooke, M. C. Myxomycetes of the United States.

1837. Corda, A. I. C. Icones Fungorum.

1854. Currey, F., in Quart. Journal Microscopical Science.

1848. Curtis, M. A. Contributions to the Mycology of North America; Am. Journal of Science and Arts.

1859. De Bary, A. H. Die Mycetozoen.

1866. De Bary, A. H. Morphologie der Pilze, Mycetozoen und Bacterien.

1802. De Candolle, A. P. Flore Française.

1719. Dillenius, J. J. Catalogus Plantarum circa Cissam nascentium.

1813. Ditmar, L. P. F., Sturm, Deutschlands Flora, 3te Abtheil; Die Pilze Deutschlands.

1878. Ellis, J. B. North American Fungi. Exsiccati. et seq.

1818. Ehrenberg, C. G. Sylvæ Mycologicæ Berolinenses.

1761. Flora, Danica, vol. i.; also vols. iii. iv. v.

1817. Fries, Elias M. Symbolæ Gasteromycetum.

1818. Fries, Elias M. Observationes Mycologicæ.

1829. Fries, Elias M. Systema Mycologicum.

1873. Fuckel, I. Symbolæ Mycologicæ.

1791. Gmelin, C. C. Systema Naturæ, Tom. II., Pars. ii.

1823. Greville, R. K. Scottish Cryptogamic Flora.

1872. Grevillea, various volumes to 1897.

1751. Hill, Sir John. A History of Plants.

1795. Hoffman, G. C. Deutschlands Flora.

1773. Jacquin, N. I. Miscellanea Austriaca.

1885. Journal of Mycology and seq.

1878. Karsten, Mycologia Fennica.

1809. Link, H. F. Nova Plantarum Genera.

1753. Linné, C. Systema Naturæ—to 1767.

1894. Lister, Arthur. The Mycetozoa; 1911, Second Edition, revised by Gulielma Lister.

1892. Massee, George. Monograph of the Myxogastres.

1729. Micheli, P. A. Nova Plantarum Genera.

1892. Morgan, A. P. Myxomycetes of the Miami Valley—to 1895.

1816. Nees, Ch. G. D. Das System der Pilze und Schwamme.

1837. Nees, T. F. L. et A. Henry. Das System der Pilze.

1869. Peck, Charles H. Reports N. Y. State Museum Nat. History—to 1898.

1795. Persoon, C. H. Observationes Mycologicæ, Pars prima.

1799. Persoon, C. H. Observationes Mycologicæ, Pars secunda.

1797. Persoon, C. H. Tentamen Dispositionis Methodicæ Fungorum.

1801. Persoon, C. H. Synopsis Methodica Fungorum.

1844. Rabenhorst, L. Deutschland's Kryptogamenflora.

1884. Raciborski, M. Myxomycetes Agri Krakov. Genera, Species et Varietates novæ.

1888. Raunkiær, C. Myxomycetes Daniæ.

1769. Retzius, A. J. In Handlungen, Kon. Svensk. Vet. Acad.

1890. Rex, George A. In Proceedings Philad. Acad. of Nat. Sciences—to 1893.

1873. Rostafinski, J. Versuch eines Systems der Mycetozoen.

1875. Rostafinski, J. Sluzowce Monografia.

1778. Roth, A. W. Tentamen Floræ Germanicæ.

1888. Saccardo, P. A. Sylloge Fungorum, vol. vii., et seq.

1841. Sauter, A. Flora, vol. xxiv., p. 316.

1762. Schaeffer, J. C. Fungi qui in Bav. et Pal. nascuntur—to 1774.

1797. Schrader, H. A. Nova Genera Plantarum.

1890. Schroeter, J. Myxomycetes, in Engler u. Prantl Pflanzenfamilien.

1885. Schroeter, J. Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien, die Pilze.

1801. Schumacher, C. F. Enumeratio Plant. Sæll. crescentium.

1805. Albertini, I. and Schweinitz, L. D. de. Conspectus Fungorum.

1822. Schweinitz, L. D. de. Synopsis Fungorum Car. Sup.

1834. Schweinitz, L. D. de. Synopsis Fungorum in America Boreali.

1797. Sowerby, J. English Fungi—to 1809; 3 vols.

1760. Scopoli, J. A. Flora Carniolica—to 1772.

1797. Trentepohl, K. Observations Botanicae—to Roth, Catalecta Botanica, Fasc. i.

1833. Wallroth, C. F. Flora Cryptogamica Germaniae.

1787. Willdenow, K. L. Florae Berolinensis Prodromus.

1886. Wingate, Harold, Jour. Mycol. ii., 125.

1889. Wingate Harold, In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad.

1890. Wingate, Harold—in Revue Mycologique.

1873. Woronin u. Famintzin, Ueber Zwei neuen Formen von Schleimpilzen.

1885. Zopf, W. Die Pilzthiere oder Schleimpilze.

To these may be added the many contributions on the general subject, as these are found in all sorts of current botanical literature; cited everywhere in this volume as occasion offered.

The North American Slime-Moulds

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