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PAT Snooker
Snooker is a lot more difficult than it appears at first glance, especially when watching a top player.
It is vital for beginners – both children and adults – to acquire the basics first and then, gradually and methodically, build their skills on them. One of the first important things to realize is that there are no short cuts and that it takes considerably longer to see actual improvement if you try to jump ahead a few steps or ignore the basics.
Playing snooker is fun and there is nothing wrong with that – quite the contrary! However, every play-er has to make a clear distinction between the fun that comes with playing and the practice you need to learn how to play.
The right level of discipline and concentration, paired with the drive to master the right techniques, will make snooker even more pleasurable!
PAT is short for “Playing Ability Test”, and it is more than just an assessment procedure.
It is a methodical evaluation system for all skills re-quired to play good snooker up to a very high level.
PAT Snooker 2 is the continuance of a training sys-tem that covers the entire range of billiards – from the very basics and fundamental shots all the way to the technically perfect positional play produced by professional players who are able to complete frame after frame in a seemingly effortless way that leave the audience amazed.
PAT Snooker 2 – like all other PAT levels – assess-es partial aspects of the game (each in itself cru-cial for the development of playing skills). Each ex-ercise stipulates how the balls are to be positioned and played and awards a certain number of points for the correct execution of the task – thus every at-tempt can be measured and compared against fur-ther attempts.
The procedure is simple: work your way through the exercises carefully and diligently, place the balls correctly as described and follow the instructions. Then keep repeating the exercises until you can reach the given target easily.
PAT lets you plan your own training and identify your short-, medium- and long-term goals –and of course it helps you to reach these goals eventually!
This training booklet contains, in addition to descrip-tions of the PAT exercises, forms for further exercis-es and training frames in order to enhance the skills
What is PAT Snooker?
acquired during training, on which you can docu-ment the results.
When used correctly, this training programme will become your long-term partner on your way to the next official performance test. However, it cannot re-place a (good) coach!