Читать книгу The Shakespeare-Expositor - Thomas Keightley - Страница 27

The Second Part of King Henry IV.


Editions. 4to, 1600; in the folio, 1623.

Date. Apparently in one of the years between 1597 and 1600. As has been already observed, it could hardly have been in existence when Meres wrote, or he would not have placed Titus Andronicus in his list. It is an objection that before 1597 Shakespeare had changed the name Oldcastle to Falstaff in the First Part, while in the 4to edition of this play a speech (I. 2) has the prefix Old. instead of Fal. But surely that may have been a slip of the copyist's memory, in consequence of Oldcastle having been the original title.

Origin. The same as of the First Part.

The Shakespeare-Expositor

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