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I must request your assistance, my Dear Mrs. B., in a charge which I have lately undertaken: it is that of instructing my youngest sister, a task, which I find proves more difficult than I had at first imagined. I can teach her the common routine of children's lessons tolerably well; but she is such an inquisitive little creature, that she is not satisfied without an explanation of every difficulty that occurs to her, and frequently asks me questions which I am at a loss to answer. This morning, for instance, when I had explained to her that the world was round like a ball, instead of being flat as she had supposed, and that it was surrounded by the air, she asked me what supported it. I told her that it required no support; she then inquired why it did not fall as every thing else did? This I confess perplexed me; for I had myself been satisfied with learning that the world floated in the air, without considering how unnatural it was that so heavy a body, bearing the weight of all other things, should be able to support itself.

Mrs. B. I make no doubt, my dear, but that I shall be able to explain this difficulty to you; but I believe that it would be almost impossible to render it intelligible to the comprehension of so young a child as your sister Sophia. You, who are now in your thirteenth year, may, I think, with great propriety, learn not only the cause of this particular fact, but acquire a general knowledge of the laws by which the natural world is governed.

Emily. Of all things, it is what I should most like to learn; but I was afraid it was too difficult a study even at my age.

Mrs. B. Not when familiarly explained: if you have patience to attend, I will most willingly give you all the information in my power. You may perhaps find the subject rather dry at first; but if I succeed in explaining the laws of nature, so as to make you understand them, I am sure that you will derive not only instruction, but great amusement from that study.

Emily. I make no doubt of it, Mrs. B.; and pray begin by explaining why the earth requires no support; for that is the point which just now most strongly excites my curiosity.

Mrs. B. My dear Emily, if I am to attempt to give you a general idea of the laws of nature, which is no less than to introduce you to a knowledge of the science of natural philosophy, it will be necessary for us to proceed with some degree of regularity. I do not wish to confine you to the systematic order of a scientific treatise, but if we were merely to examine every vague question that may chance to occur, our progress would be but very slow. Let us, therefore, begin by taking a short survey of the general properties of bodies, some of which must necessarily be explained before I can attempt to make you understand why the earth requires no support.

When I speak of bodies, I mean substances, of whatever nature, whether solid or fluid; and matter is the general term used to denote the substance, whatever its nature be, of which the different bodies are composed. Thus, the wood of which this table is made, the water with which this glass is filled, and the air which we continually breathe, are each of them matter.

Emily. I am very glad you have explained the meaning of the word matter, as it has corrected an erroneous conception I had formed of it: I thought that it was applicable to solid bodies only.

Mrs. B. There are certain properties which appear to be common to all bodies, and are hence called the essential or inherent properties of bodies; these are Impenetrability, Extension, Figure, Divisibility, Inertia and Attraction. These are also called the general properties of bodies, as we do not suppose any body to exist without them.

By impenetrability is meant the property which bodies have of occupying a certain space, so that where one body is, another can not be, without displacing the former; for two bodies can not exist in the same place at the same time. A liquid may be more easily removed than a solid body; yet it is not the less substantial, since it is as impossible for a liquid and a solid to occupy the same space at the same time, as for two solid bodies to do so. For instance, if you put a spoon into a glass full of water, the water will flow over to make room for the spoon.

Emily. I understand this perfectly. Liquids are in reality as substantial or as impenetrable as solid bodies, and they appear less so, only because they are more easily displaced.

Mrs. B. The air is a fluid differing in its nature from liquids, but no less impenetrable. If I endeavour to fill this phial by plunging it into this bason of water, the air, you see, rushes out of the phial in bubbles, in order to make way for the water, for the air and the water can not exist together in the same space, any more than two hard bodies; and if I reverse this goblet, and plunge it perpendicularly into the water, so that the air will not be able to escape, the water will no longer be able to fill the goblet.

Emily. But it rises some way into the glass.

Mrs. B. Because the water compresses or squeezes the air into a smaller space in the upper part of the glass; but, as long as it remains there, no other body can occupy the same place.

Emily. A difficulty has just occurred to me, with regard to the impenetrability of solid bodies; if a nail is driven into a piece of wood, it penetrates it, and both the wood and the nail occupy the same space that the wood alone did before?

Mrs. B. The nail penetrates between the particles of the wood, by forcing them to make way for it; for you know that not a single atom of wood can remain in the space which the nail occupies; and if the wood is not increased in size by the addition of the nail, it is because wood is a porous substance, like sponge, the particles of which may be compressed or squeezed closer together; and it is thus that they make way for the nail.

We may now proceed to the next general property of bodies, extension. A body which occupies a certain space must necessarily have extension; that is to say, length, breadth and depth or thickness; these are called the dimensions of extension: can you form an idea of any body without them?

Emily. No; certainly I can not; though these dimensions must, of course vary extremely in different bodies. The length, breadth and depth of a box, or of a thimble, are very different from those of a walking stick, or of a hair.

But is not height also a dimension of extension?

Mrs. B. Height and depth are the same dimension, considered in different points of view; if you measure a body, or a space, from the top to the bottom, you call it depth; if from the bottom upwards, you call it height; thus the depth and height of a box are, in fact, the same thing.

Emily. Very true; a moment's consideration would have enabled me to discover that; and breadth and width are also the same dimension.

Mrs. B. Yes; the limits of extension constitute figure or shape. You conceive that a body having length, breadth and depth, can not be without form, either symmetrical or irregular?

Emily. Undoubtedly; and this property admits of almost an infinite variety.

Mrs. B. Nature has assigned regular forms to many of her productions. The natural form of various mineral substances is that of crystals, of which there is a great variety. Many of them are very beautiful, and no less remarkable by their transparency or colour, than by the perfect regularity of their forms, as may be seen in the various museums and collections of natural history. The vegetable and animal creation appears less symmetrical, but is still more diversified in figure than the mineral kingdom. Manufactured substances assume the various arbitrary forms which the art of man designs for them; and an infinite number of irregular forms are produced by fractures and by the dismemberment of the parts of bodies.

Emily. Such as a piece of broken china, or glass?

Mrs. B. Or the masses and fragments of stone, and other mineral substances, which are dug out of the earth, or found upon its surface; many of which, although composed of minute crystals, are in the lump of an irregular form.

We may now proceed to divisibility; that is to say, a susceptibility of being divided into an indefinite number of parts. Take any small quantity of matter, a grain of sand for instance, and cut it into two parts; these two parts might be again divided, had we instruments sufficiently fine for the purpose; and if by means of pounding, grinding, and other similar methods, we carry this division to the greatest possible extent, and reduce the body to its finest imaginable particles, yet not one of the particles will be destroyed, but will each contain as many halves and quarters, as did the whole grain.

The dissolving of a solid body in a liquid, affords a very striking example of the extreme divisibility of matter; when you sweeten a cup of tea, for instance, with what minuteness the sugar must be divided to be diffused throughout the whole of the liquid.

Emily. And if you pour a few drops of red wine into a glass of water, they immediately tinge the whole of the water, and must therefore be diffused throughout it.

Mrs. B. Exactly so; and the perfume of this lavender water will be almost as instantaneously diffused throughout the room, if I take out the stopper.

Emily. But in this case it is only the perfume of the lavender, and not the water itself that is diffused in the room.

Mrs. B. The odour or smell of a body is part of the body itself, and is produced by very minute particles or exhalations which escape from the odoriferous bodies. It would be impossible that you should smell the lavender water, if particles of it did not come in actual contact with your nose.

Emily. But when I smell a flower, I see no vapour rise from it; and yet I perceive the smell at a considerable distance.

Mrs. B. You could, I assure you, no more smell a flower, the odoriferous particles of which did not touch your nose, than you could taste a fruit, the flavoured particles of which did not come in contact with your tongue.

Emily. That is wonderful indeed; the particles then, which exhale from the flower and from the lavender water, are, I suppose, too small to be visible?

Mrs. B. Certainly: you may form some idea of their extreme minuteness, from the immense number which must have escaped in order to perfume the whole room; and yet there is no sensible diminution of the liquid in the phial.

Emily. But the quantity must really be diminished?

Mrs. B. Undoubtedly; and were you to leave the bottle open a sufficient length of time, the whole of the water would evaporate and disappear. But though so minutely subdivided as to be imperceptible to any of our senses, each particle would continue to exist; for it is not within the power of man to destroy a single particle of matter: nor is there any reason to suppose that in nature an atom is ever annihilated.

Emily. Yet, when a body is burnt to ashes, part of it, at least, appears to be effectually destroyed: look how small is the residue of ashes in the fire place, from all the fuel which has been consumed within it.

Mrs. B. That part of the fuel, which you suppose to be destroyed, evaporates in the form of smoke, and vapour, and air, whilst the remainder is reduced to ashes. A body, in burning, undergoes no doubt very remarkable changes; it is generally subdivided; its form and colour altered; its extension increased: but the various parts, into which it has been separated by combustion, continue in existence, and retain all the essential properties of bodies.

Emily. But that part of a burnt body which evaporates in smoke has no figure; smoke, it is true, ascends in columns into the air, but it is soon so much diffused as to lose all form; it becomes indeed invisible.

Mrs. B. Invisible, I allow; but we must not imagine that what we no longer see no longer exists. Were every particle of matter that becomes invisible annihilated, the world itself would in the course of time be destroyed. The particles of smoke, when diffused in the air, continue still to be particles of matter as well as when more closely united in the form of coals: they are really as substantial in the one state as in the other, and equally so when by their extreme subdivision they become invisible. No particle of matter is ever destroyed: this is a principle you must constantly remember. Every thing in nature decays and corrupts in the lapse of time. We die, and our bodies moulder to dust; but not a single atom of them is lost; they serve to nourish the earth, whence, while living, they drew their support.

The next essential property of matter is called inertia or inactivity; this word expresses the resistance which matter makes to a change from a state of rest, to that of motion, or from a state of motion to that of rest. Bodies are equally incapable of changing their actual state, whether it be of motion or of rest. You know that it requires force to put a body which is at rest in motion; an exertion of strength is also requisite to stop a body which is already in motion. The resistance of the body to a change of state, in either case, arises from its inertia.

Emily. In playing at base-ball I am obliged to use all my strength to give a rapid motion to the ball; and when I have to catch it, I am sure I feel the resistance it makes to being stopped. But if I did not catch it, it would soon fall to the ground and stop of itself.

Mrs. B. Matter being inert it is as incapable of stopping of itself as it is of putting itself into motion: when the ball ceases to move, therefore, it must be stopped by some other cause or power; but as it is one with which you are yet unacquainted, we can not at present investigate its effects.

The last property which appears to be common to all bodies is attraction. All bodies consist of infinitely small particles of matter, each of which possesses the power of attracting or drawing towards it, and uniting with any other particle sufficiently near to be within the influence of its attraction; but in minute particles this power extends to so very small a distance around them, that its effect is not sensible, unless they are (or at least appear to be) in contact; it then makes them stick or adhere together, and is hence called the attraction of cohesion. Without this power, solid bodies would fall in pieces, or rather crumble to atoms.

Emily. I am so much accustomed to see bodies firm and solid, that it never occurred to me that any power was requisite to unite the particles of which they are composed. But the attraction of cohesion does not, I suppose, exist in liquids; for the particles of liquids do not remain together so as to form a body, unless confined in a vessel?

Mrs. B. I beg your pardon; it is the attraction of cohesion which holds this drop of water suspended at the end of my finger, and keeps the minute watery particles of which it is composed united. But as this power is stronger in proportion as the particles of bodies are more closely united, the cohesive attraction of solid bodies is much greater than that of fluids.

The thinner and lighter a fluid is, the less is the cohesive attraction of its particles, because they are further apart; and in elastic fluids, such as air, there is no cohesive attraction among the particles.

Emily. That is very fortunate; for it would be impossible to breathe the air in a solid mass; or even in a liquid state.

But is the air a body of the same nature as other bodies?

Mrs. B. Undoubtedly, in all essential properties.

Emily. Yet you say that it does not possess one of the general properties of bodies—attraction.

Mrs. B. The particles of air are not destitute of the power of attraction, but they are too far distant from each other to be influenced by it so as to produce cohesion: and the utmost efforts of human art have proved ineffectual in the attempt to compress them, so as to bring them within the sphere of each other's attraction, and make them cohere.

Emily. If so, how is it possible to prove that they are endowed with this power?

Mrs. B. The air is formed of particles precisely of the same nature as those which enter into the composition of liquid and solid bodies, in each of which we have a proof of their attraction.

Emily. It is then, I suppose, owing to the different degrees of cohesive attraction in different substances, that they are hard or soft, and that liquids are thick or thin.

Mrs. B. Yes; but you would express your meaning better by the term density, which denotes the degree of closeness and compactness of the particles of a body. In philosophical language, density is said to be that property of bodies by which they contain a certain quantity of matter, under a certain bulk or magnitude. Rarity is the contrary of density; it denotes the thinness and subtilty of bodies: thus you would say that mercury or quicksilver was a very dense fluid; ether, a very rare one. Those bodies which are the most dense, do not always cohere the most strongly; lead is more dense than iron, yet its particles are more easily separated.

Caroline. But how are we to judge of the quantity of matter contained in a certain bulk?

Mrs. B. By the weight: under the same bulk bodies are said to be dense in proportion as they are heavy.

Emily. Then we may say that metals are dense bodies, wood comparatively a rare one, &c. But, Mrs. B., when the particles of a body are so near as to attract each other, the effect of this power must increase as they are brought by it closer together; so that one would suppose that the body would gradually augment in density, till it was impossible for its particles to be more closely united. Now, we know that this is not the case; for soft bodies, such as cork, sponge, or butter, never become, in consequence of the increasing attraction of their particles, as hard as iron?

Mrs. B. In such bodies as cork and sponge, the particles which come in contact are so few as to produce but a slight degree of cohesion: they are porous bodies, which, owing to the peculiar arrangement of their particles, abound with interstices, or pores, which separate the particles. But there is also a fluid much more subtile than air, which pervades all bodies, this is heat. Heat insinuates itself more or less between the particles of all bodies, and forces them asunder; you may therefore consider heat, and the attraction of cohesion, as constantly acting in opposition to each other.

Emily. The one endeavouring to rend a body to pieces, the other to keep its parts firmly united.

Mrs. B. And it is this struggle between the contending forces of heat and attraction, which prevents the extreme degree of density which would result from the sole influence of the attraction of cohesion.

Emily. The more a body is heated then, the more its particles will be separated.

Mrs. B. Certainly: we find that bodies not only swell or dilate, but lose their cohesion, by heat: this effect is very sensible in butter, for instance, which expands by the application of heat, till at length the attraction of cohesion is so far diminished that the particles separate, and the butter becomes liquid. A similar effect is produced by heat on metals, and all bodies susceptible of being melted. Liquids, you know, are made to boil by the application of heat; the attraction of cohesion then yields entirely to the repulsive power; the particles are totally separated and converted into steam or vapour. But the agency of heat is in no body more sensible than in air, which dilates and contracts by its increase or diminution in a very remarkable degree.

Emily. The effects of heat appear to be one of the most interesting parts of natural philosophy.

Mrs. B. That is true; but heat is so intimately connected with chemistry, that you must allow me to defer the investigation of its properties till you become acquainted with that science.

To return to its antagonist, the attraction of cohesion; it is this power which restores to vapour its liquid form, which unites it into drops when it falls to earth in a shower of rain, which gathers the dew into brilliant gems on the blades of grass.

Emily. And I have often observed that after a shower, the water collects into large drops on the leaves of plants; but I cannot say that I perfectly understand how the attraction of cohesion produces this effect.

Mrs. B. Rain, when it first leaves the clouds, is not in the form of drops, but in that of mist or vapour, which is composed of very small watery particles; these in their descent mutually attract each other, and those that are sufficiently near in consequence unite and form a drop, and thus the mist is transformed into a shower. The dew also was originally in a state of vapour, but is, by the mutual attraction of the particles, formed into small globules on the blades of grass: in a similar manner the rain upon the leaf collects into large drops, which when they become too heavy for the leaf to support, fall to the ground.

Emily. All this is wonderfully curious! I am almost bewildered with surprise and admiration at the number of new ideas I have already acquired.

Mrs. B. Every step that you advance in the pursuit of natural science, will fill your mind with admiration and gratitude towards its Divine Author. In the study of natural philosophy, we must consider ourselves as reading the book of nature, in which the bountiful goodness and wisdom of God are revealed to all mankind; no study can tend more to purify the heart, and raise it to a religious contemplation of the Divine perfections.

There is another curious effect of the attraction of cohesion which I must point out to you; this is called capillary attraction. It enables liquids to rise above their ordinary level in capillary tubes: these are tubes, the bores of which are so extremely small that liquids ascend within them, from the cohesive attraction between the particles of the liquid and the interior surface of the tube. Do you perceive the water rising in this small glass tube, above its level in the goblet of water, into which I have put one end of it?

Emily. Oh yes; I see it slowly creeping up the tube, but now it is stationary: will it rise no higher?

Mrs. B. No; because the cohesive attraction between the water and the internal surface of the tube is now balanced by the weight of the water within it; if the bore of the tube were narrower the water would rise higher; and if you immerse several tubes of bores of different sizes, you will see it rise to different heights in each of them. In making this experiment, you should colour the water with a little red wine, in order to render the effect more obvious.

All porous substances, such as sponge, bread, linen, &c. may be considered as collections of capillary tubes: if you dip one end of a lump of sugar into water, the fluid will rise in it, and wet it considerably above the surface of the water into which you dip it.

Emily. In making tea I have often observed that effect, without being able to account for it.

Mrs. B. Now that you are acquainted with the attraction of cohesion, I must endeavour to explain to you that of Gravitation, which is probably a modification of the same power; the first is perceptible only in very minute particles, and at very small distances; the other acts on the largest bodies, and extends to immense distances.

Emily. You astonish me: surely you do not mean to say that large bodies attract each other?

Mrs. B. Indeed I do: let us take, for example, one of the largest bodies in nature, and observe whether it does not attract other bodies. What is it that occasions the fall of this book, when I no longer support it?

Emily. Can it be the attraction of the earth? I thought that all bodies had a natural tendency to fall.

Mrs. B. They have a natural tendency to fall, it is true; but that tendency is produced entirely by the attraction of the earth: the earth being so much larger than any body on its surface, forces every body, which is not supported, to fall upon it.

Emily. If the tendency which bodies have to fall results from the earth's attractive power, the earth itself can have no such tendency, since it cannot attract itself, and therefore it requires no support to prevent it from falling. Yet the idea that bodies do not fall of their own accord, but that they are drawn towards the earth by its attraction, is so new and strange to me, that I know not how to reconcile myself to it.

Mrs. B. When you are accustomed to consider the fall of bodies as depending on this cause, it will appear to you as natural, and surely much more satisfactory, than if the cause of their tendency to fall were totally unknown. Thus you understand that all matter is attractive, from the smallest particle to the largest mass; and that bodies attract each other with a force proportional to the quantity of matter they contain.

Emily. I do not perceive any difference between the attraction of cohesion and that of gravitation; is it not because every particle of matter is endowed with an attractive power, that large bodies consisting of a great number of particles, are so strongly attractive?

Mrs. B. True. There is, however, this difference between the attraction of particles and that of masses, that the former takes place only when the particles are contiguous, whilst the latter is exerted when the masses are far from each other. The attraction of particles frequently counteracts the attraction of gravitation. Of this you have an instance in the attraction of capillary tubes, in which liquids ascend by the attraction of cohesion, in opposition to that of gravity. It is on this account that it is necessary that the bore of the tube should be extremely small; for if the column of water within the tube is not very minute, the attraction of cohesion would not be able either to raise or support it in opposition to its gravity; because the increase of weight, in a column of water of a given height, is much greater than the increase in the attracting surface of the tube, when its size is increased.

You may observe also, that all solid bodies are enabled by the force of the cohesive attraction of their particles to resist that of gravity, which would otherwise disunite them, and bring them to a level with the ground, as it does in the case of a liquid, the cohesive attraction of which is not sufficient to enable it to resist the power of gravity.

Emily. And some solid bodies appear to be of this nature, as sand, and powder for instance: there is no attraction of cohesion between their particles?

Mrs. B. Every grain of powder, or sand, is composed of a great number of other more minute particles, firmly united by the attraction of cohesion; but amongst the separate grains there is no sensible attraction, because they are not in sufficiently close contact.

Emily. Yet they actually touch each other?

Mrs. B. The surface of bodies is in general so rough and uneven, that when in apparent contact, they touch each other only by a few points. Thus, when I lay this book upon the table, the binding of which appears perfectly smooth, so few of the particles of its under surface come in contact with the table, that no sensible degree of cohesive attraction takes place; for you see that it does not stick or cohere to the table, and I find no difficulty in lifting it off.

It is only when surfaces, perfectly flat and well polished, are placed in contact, that the particles approach in sufficient number, and closely enough, to produce a sensible degree of cohesive attraction. Here are two plates of polished metal, I press their flat surfaces together, having previously interposed a few drops of oil, to fill up every little porous vacancy. Now try to separate them.

Emily. It requires an effort beyond my strength, though there are handles for the purpose of pulling them asunder. Is the firm adhesion of the two plates merely owing to the attraction of cohesion?

Mrs. B. There is no force more powerful, since it is by this that the particles of the hardest bodies are held together. It would require a weight of several pounds to separate these plates. In the present example, however, much of the cohesive force is due to the attraction subsisting between the metal and the oil which is interposed; as without this, or some other fluid, the points of contact would still be comparatively few, although we may have employed our utmost art, in giving flat surfaces to the plates.

Emily. In making a kaleidoscope, I recollect that the two plates of glass, which were to serve as mirrors, stuck so fast together, that I imagined some of the gum I had been using had by chance been interposed between them; but I am now convinced that it was their own natural cohesive attraction which produced this effect.

Mrs. B. Very probably it was so; for plate-glass has an extremely smooth, flat surface, admitting of the contact of a great number of particles, when two plates are laid upon each other.

Emily. But, Mrs. B., the cohesive attraction of some substances is much greater than that of others; thus glue, gum and paste, cohere with singular tenacity.

Mrs. B. Bodies which differ in their natures in other respects, differ also in their cohesive attraction; it is probable that there are no two bodies, the particles of which attract each other with precisely the same force.

There are some other modifications of attraction peculiar to certain bodies; namely, that of magnetism, of electricity, and of affinity, or chemical attraction; but we shall confine our attention merely to the attraction of cohesion and of gravity; the examination of the latter we shall resume at our next meeting.

Conversations on Natural Philosophy, in which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly Explained

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