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The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science

Author: Thomas Troward

Late Divisional Judge, Punjab. Honorary Member of the

Medico-Legal Society of New York. First Vice-President

International New Thought Alliance

New York

Robert M. McBride & Company

Copyright, 1921, by S. A. Troward

All rights reserved

Sixth Printing September 1936

Printed in the United States of America

The material comprised in this volume has been selected from unpublished

manuscripts and magazine articles by Judge Troward, and "The Hidden

Power" is, it is believed, the last book which will be published under

his name. Only an insignificant portion of his work has been deemed

unworthy of permanent preservation. Whenever possible, dates have been

affixed to these papers. Those published in 1902 appeared originally in

"EXPRESSION: A Journal of Mind and Thought," in London, and to some of

these have been added notes made later by the author.

The Publishers wish to acknowledge their indebtedness to Mr. Daniel M.

Murphy of New York for his services in the selection and arrangement of

the material.

The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science

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