Читать книгу The Boy Travellers in South America - Thomas Wallace Knox - Страница 4

At the Foot of the Andes
On the Sea Again
The Fog Clearing away
Sandy Hook Light-ship
A Stranded Ship
Weighing Baggage
The Shipworm and his Work
The Donkey's Descent
The Wharf at Aspinwall
Departure for Panama
Native Market, Aspinwall
Preparing for a Boat Excursion
Balboa taking Possession of the Pacific
The Isthmus of Darien
Rescue of the Survivors of Strain's Expedition
Strain's Arrival at the Coast
View on the Chagres River
Beach near Aspinwall
In the Rainy Season
A Hand-car Journey on the Panama Railway
Surveying under Difficulties
Native Village on the Isthmus
Native Idea of the Locomotive
The Espiritu Santo Flower
Gatun Station
A Tropical Harbor
Map of the Panama Railway
Crossing the Isthmus in 1849
A Bongo
Bridge Across the Chagres River at Barbacoas
Meeting a Train
The Humming-bird at Work
The Singing Hummer
The Iguana
A Centipede
A Scorpion
Exhibiting a Tarantula
Hills near the Railway
Map Showing how Ocean Routes are Shortened by the Panama Canal
Basaltic Cliff
Panama in the Distance
Station at Panama
Cathedral at Panama
Ramparts, with Old Cannon
Water-carrier and Native Woman
Gate of the Monks
Ruins of Church of San Domingo
A Remarkable Archway
Ruined Church
View from the Ramparts at Panama
On the Northeastern Beach
Watch-tower of San Jerome
A Hermit at Home
Making Chichi
Bridge at Old Panama
Slaughter of Priests by Buccaneers
Pirates' Rendezvous
Buccaneers Embarking on an Expedition
Morgan's Reception at Chagres
Morgan's Men Dining on Leather
Death of the Indian Chief
Moving Through the Forest
Capture of Old Panama by Morgan. (Fac-simile of an old print)
The Lucky Arrow
Bay of Panama, from the Southeastern Rampart
Coast Scene Below Panama
Cave Near Limon River
Vasco Nunez De Balboa
Balboa Carried on Shipboard
Balboa Makes his Appearance
Village on a River of Darien
Balboa and the Indian Princess
Quarrel for the Gold
Marching Through the Forest
Discovery of the Pacific
Cutting Timber for the Ships
Death of Balboa
Cathedral of Guayaquil
Street Scene and Ruins
In the Land of the Earthquake
The Central Part of Ecuador
Las Bodegas, Guayas River
A House in the Tropics
Arriero and Traveller
In Holiday Costume
A Pack-train Under Way
A Mountain Cascade
Baron von Humboldt in 1802
Native Huts Near Guaranda
Among the Lava Beds
View of Cotopaxi
View of Quito and the Volcano of Pichincha
Inca Gateway and Fortress in the Andes
Crossing the Mountains
A Street in Quito
Palacio de Gobierno (Government House), Quito
Priests and Monks
Laundresses of Quito
Balcony View of the Andes
The Crater of Pichincha
El Altar, Volcano, Ecuador
View of Ibarra, Ecuador
Napo Indian Porter
Descending the Napo
Mountain Pass in the Andes
Rapids in a Mountain Stream of South America
Water-carrier and Donkeys
Desert Scene
A Wolf Emigrating
Ships in a Fog
A Garden on the Rimac
A Claimant for the Sidewalk
View of Lima from the Steps of the Cathedral
Lima and the Surrounding Country
Wearing the "Saya y Manto"
A Lady of Lima
Interior Court, Lima
Bridge over the Rimac, Lima
One Use for Chickens
Ladies of Lima at Home
Peruvian Infantry and Cavalry
A Passage of Politeness
A Peruvian Cavalier
Horse-breakers at Work
Native Women of Lima
Ruins of Pachacamac
Head of Peruvian Statue
Terraced Space on a Hill-top
Peruvian Mummies
Sepulchral Tower
Golden Vase Found in a Tomb
Silver Vase
Peruvian Idol
Peruvian Copper Knives
Ruins on Titicaca Island
Part of Temple of the Sun, Cuzco
Outer Wall of Fortress of Cuzco
Stones in the Wall of Cuzco
Part of Wall of Fortress
Peruvian Vases
Ornaments of Peruvian Walls
Ancient Palace at Huanco
Doorway Cut Through a Single Stone
Central Figure over Doorway
Deep Cutting on a Railway
Among the Foot-hills
Guano Islands
Sea-birds at Home
Scene on a Coolie Ship
On the Edge of the Desert
Indians of Arequipa
Arequipa, and the Volcano of Misti
The Old Way of Travel
View of Lake Titicaca
The Nevada de Sorata, Crown of the Andes
View on Lake Titicaca
Peruvian Heads, Ancient and Modern
Cathedral of Puno
Quichua Woman (from a photograph)
Coca Plant
Ancient Gateway near Puno
The Vicuna
Indians and Llama Among the Ruins
Cattle Feeding on Rushes, Lake Titicaca
Tortora Bridge Over the Outlet of Lake Titicaca
Head-dress of Aymara Women
Aymara Men, Puno
Aymara Woman, Puno
A Ride on a Balsa, Lake Titicaca
Closed Doorway, Titicaca Island
Palace of the Inca
Bath of the Inca
Room in the Inca's Palace
The Sacred Rock of Manco Capac
Ground-plan of "Palace of the Inca," Titicaca Island
Bridge and Custom-house at the Frontier
Ruins on Coati Island
Indians Celebrating the Chuno, or Potato Festival
Head-dress of Indian Female Dancers
Plan of Part of Ruins of Tiahuanaco
The American Stonehenge
Front View of Monolithic Doorway
Symbolical Slab
Terrace Walls and Scattered Blocks of Stone
Remains of Palace at Cuzco
Inca Doorway, Cuzco
Old Bridge at Cuzco
Court of Convent, with Ancient Fountain
Church and Convent of Santo Domingo, Cuzco
Terra-cotta Figures, Cuzco
Ancient Stone Sculpture, Cuzco
Section of Walls of the Fortress
Salient Angle of Fortress
Road Leading to Fortified Hill
Ancient Dwelling-house
Specimen of Cyclopean Wall
Ancient Sun Circle, Sillustani, Peru
Tanatero (ore-carrier)
Section of a Silver Mine
A Primitive Mill
Arastra, with Mule-power
Breaking Ore
Indians Extracting Silver from Ore
Galleries in a Silver Mine
Caving in
Wild Indian of Bolivia
Limited Accommodations
Aymara Skull
Turf House near Lake Titicaca
Chulpas, or Burial-towers
Ancient Sepulchre
Loading the Mules
The Start
A Mountain Trail
Hacienda among the Mountains
Travelling by Silla
Dead Whale on Shore
Shot at a Condor
Puma, Cougar, or American Lion
Game for the Jaguar
Steamer Leaving Para
Head of Navigation
A Chance Acquaintance
A Landing-place
Humming-birds of the Andes
Humming-bird's Nest
Pair of Toucans and their Nest
Tanagers and Nest
Toucan & Parrots
An Amazonian Dwelling
Near the Village
Agave, or Sisal Hemp
Hunting with the Blow-gun
A Giant of the Forest
Turtle-shooting in South America
South American River Scene
South American Monkey with Prehensile Tail
Howling Monkey
A Monkey Robbing Birds'-nests
Hunting the Monkey
Amazonian Mosquitoes at Home
An Indian of Northern Bolivia
Breakfast Scene on the River Bank
Plaza and Church at Exaltacion
Mojos Indians Celebrating Mass
The Cherimbita
A Mojos Indian
The Agouti
Hunting the Tapir
Water-snakes at Home
Rattlesnake Disturbed by a Wildcat
Visiting the Caripunas
A Caripuna Indian
A Walk in the Forest
Branch of the India-rubber Tree
India-rubber Making on the Madeira
Leaves, Fruit, and Flowers of the Cow-tree
Milking the Cow-tree
Dragging a Boat Around Teotonio
Inscriptions on the Rocks at Ribeirao
Cuttings on Stones near the Rapids
Buried in the Tropical Forest
Banana in Blossom
Rubber Tree and Parasites
Station of a Rubber Collector
A River Town
Pira-rucû, a Fish of the Amazon
Deposits in the Amazon Valley
Wasp-nest, Showing Interior Construction
Leaves, Nut, and Flowers of Sapucaya, an Amazon Tree
Ferns, Trees, and Creepers
Natives on the Middle Amazon
In an Igaripé
Fruit Pedlers
Arrival at Manaos
Giant Fig-tree
Natives of the Banks of the Ucayali
A Brazilian Landing-place
The Ant-eater Asleep
The Mouths of the Amazon
Para, from the River
Environs of Para
A Tropical Plant
A Dealer in Monkeys
Street in Para with Silk-cotton Trees
Nazareth Square, Para
A Para Belle
The Market at Para
Theatre of Our Lady of the Peace
The Government Palace at Para
Sourré and Salvaterra
A Snake Merchant
Going Ashore in a Jaganda
Street Scene in Pernambuco
Pack Horses Laden with Sugar
View of Bahia
Diamond-washing in Brazil
"Star of the South"
Porters Asleep
Brazilian Humming-birds
Market Scene, Bahia
Porters and Cask
Sedan Chair
Frame of Sedan
Entrance to the Harbor of Rio
View of Rio Janeiro from the Sea
Front View of the City
Modern Innovations
Pedlers of Dry-goods
Poultry Dealer
Fruit Vender
View in the Bay of Rio de Janeiro
An Imperial Palace
Statue of Pedro I.
Scene in a Brazilian Suburb
Votive Offerings in a Church at Rio
View in the Bay
Religious Festival in Front of a Church
Monk in a Procession
The Aqueduct
A Brazilian Forest, with Characteristic Mammalia
Coffin Closed
Coffin Opened
Cemetery of the Paula Church
View of Rio from Boa Vista
Hotel at Tijuca, near Rio
Cascade at Tijuca
The Armadillo
Road over the Serra, near Petropolis
The Palace at Petropolis
Religious Procession in Brazil
Negro Hut near the Railway
Entrance to a Coffee Plantation
Victims of the Famine
Dying for Lack of Food
A Tropical Railway Station
Mandioca Plant
Plantation Negro
In the Fields
Slaves with Collars
Slave with Mask
Household Servant
Slaves Gathering Sugar-cane
At Home with the Sugar-cane
Intrudo Sports Thirty Years Ago
Intrudo Balls and Bottles
Wooden Cannon
The Condor and the Bull
Embalmed Head
Ancient Musical Instruments
Ancient Comb
Brazilian Basin
Montevideo from the Sea
View in the Capital of Uruguay
Ox-cart of Buenos Ayres
Soldiers of the Argentine Republic
A Guacho
A Guacho on Horseback
Post-station on the Pampas
A Steamer on the River Plate
A Refuge from Mosquitoes
Branding Cattle on an Estancia
Use of the Lasso and Bolas
Costumes of Paraguay
Indians of the "Gran Chaco"
Battle with Chaco Indians
Indians of the Lenqua, River Plate
Indians Shooting Fishes
A River Port during the War
Headquarters of General Lopez
Paraguayan Mother and Daughters
A Landed Proprietor
Cups and Tubes for Maté
Paraguayan Cart
Carlo Antonio Lopez, former President of Paraguay
Olive Branch from the Banks of the Parana
Map of Chili, Argentine Confederation, and Uruguay
In the Strait of Magellan
Arrival of Travellers at a Guacho Village
A Dance at San Luis de la Punta
The Police-office at Mendoza
The Birlocha
The Pampa Coach
Ox-carts near Mendoza
Coming to Town
Exercising the Mules
A Start under Disadvantages
Pass of Uspallata
Near the Base of the Andes
A Dangerous Road in the Mountains
Peons at Rest
A Mountain Cañon
Snow-slide on the Trail
Hanging Bridge in the Andes
Deep Chasm in the Mountains
A Victim of the Storm
A Chilian Ox-cart
The Condor
Travelling in the Snow
A Natural Highway
Cutting Steps Along the Mountain
Bridge of the Apurimac
Looking Across the Bridge
By the Roadside
Court-yard of the Posada
A Pedler of Forage
The Alameda
A Street Scene
Customs Guard-house, Valparaiso
Spanish-American Costumes
Seal of the Falkland Islands
Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego
The Penguin
The Home of the Sea-birds
The Cormorant
A Steamer Entering the Strait of Magellan
Chilian Settlement at Sandy Point
Patagonian Dress
A Patagonian Belle
The Guanaco
Seeking Safety
The Ostrich and his Hunters
Skeleton of the Ostrich
Captain Smiley
Mountains and Glaciers in Magellan's Strait
Jemmy Button's Sound
Fuegians Visiting a War Steamer
The "Allen Gardiner" at Banner Cove
Starvation Beach
A Fuegian and his Food
A Fuegian Feast
Ruins at Port Famine
Borgia Bay
Inscriptions at Borgia Bay
"H" Cliff, Wateree Bay
The Yankee Wood-dealer
Near the Coast of Patagonia
Map of South America, with Route of the Boy Travellers
Physical Map of South America
The Boy Travellers in South America

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