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1 Introduction to Blockchain Technology

1.1 Key blockchain concepts

What is a blockchain?

What are nodes?

What is cryptocurrency?

What are tokens?

What does distributed mean?

1.2 Summary

1.3 Test your knowledge

2 Key parts of blockchain technology

2.1 Cryptography

Machines that encrypted data in the past

Modern encryption

Private and public keys

2.2 What is a hash?

From blocks to hashes

2.3 Ledgers

Transactions and trade

2.4 The public witness

Computers that witness

2.5 Summary

2.6 Test your knowledge

3 The structure of the network: consensus algorithm

3.1 Proof of Work

3.2 Proof of Stake (PoS)

3.3 Delegated Proof of Stake

3.4 Proof of Authority

3.5 Proof of Elapsed Time

3.6 Proof of Capacity and Proof of Space

3.7 Proof of Burn

3.8 Hyperledger Fabric

3.9 Summary

3.10 Test your knowledge

4 Key blockchain networks and technologies

4.1 The history of blockchain networks

4.2 Top challenges for blockchain networks

4.3 A deeper dive into Bitcoin

The top challenges that face Bitcoin’s global adoption

Major Bitcoin contributors

4.4 Hyperledger

4.5 EOS’s delegated Proof of Stake

4.6 Ripple

4.7 Unearthing Ethereum

4.8 The Waves platform – a Russian blockchain

4.9 Summary

4.10 Test your knowledge

5 Second generation applications of Blockchain technology

5.1 Smart contracts

Smart contracts: origins and how they function

Creating and deploying smart contracts

5.2 Tokens

Token standards

Second generation tokens

5.3 Decentralized applications

How are DApps constructed?

5.4 Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

How DAOs work

Key takeaways about DAOs

Legality of DAOs

5.5 Summary

5.6 Test your knowledge

6 Expanding applications of blockchain

6.1 Decentralized identity

Online identity - the honey pot

Self-sovereign identity

What is identity?

History of identity documentation

Challenges of identity

6.2 Blockchain protected identity



IBM’s Trusted Identity


6.3 Blockchain and IoT



6.4 Artificial Intelligence and blockchain

The history of Artificial Intelligence

Companies building blockchain technology for AI



Matrix AI network

6.5 Decentralized marketplaces and exchanges

Challenges of decentralized marketplaces

Lack of legal framework

Emerging developments

Loss of customer touch

Popular decentralized marketplaces and exchanges




6.6 Summary

6.7 Test your knowledge

7 Blockchain and the world economy

7.1 Supply chain industry

Supply chain of the past

Supply chain of the future

Supply chain using blockchain technology

7.2 Cross-border money transfer

A little history in cross-border money transfer

Innovation in cross-border payment

Cross-border payment of the future

Top three challenges in cross-border money transfer

7.3 Financial change agents

The Ripple protocol

The R3 consortium




7.4 Summary

7.5 Test your knowledge

8 New frontiers in blockchain and business

8.1 Digital fiat currency

History of digital fiat currency

Top challenges in the digital fiat currency industry

Long-term effects to physical tenders

8.2 Disrupters in banking and currency


Blockstream - Liquid




8.3 Blockchain and insurance

History of insurance

Insurance of the present

Insurance of the future

Top challenges in the insurance industry

Blockchain startup companies in the insurance industry





8.4 Intellectual property rights and providence

History of intellectual property rights

Intellectual property at present

Intellectual property of the future

Top challenges in the intellectual property rights industry

Digital reproduction

Coverage expansion of rights

Digital IP of the future




8.5 Summary

8.6 Test your knowledge

9 Blockchain and people

9.1 Lean governments

9.2 Estonia’s e-Residency

9.3 Better authentication and notarization in China

9.4 The trust layer for the internet

9.5 Spam-free email

9.6 Blockchain oracles for IoT

9.7 IP and trusted authorship

9.8 Intellectual property rights

9.9 Government

Smart cities of China - Hangzhou

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Singapore’s Smart Nation project

Singapore satellite cities in India

China’s Whole Country strategy

9.10 Financial capitals of the world


Exciting projects across the UK

9.11 Dubai’s 2020 goal

9.12 BitLicense of New York City

9.13 Malta, the blockchain island of the EU

9.14 German blockchain

9.15 French blockchain efforts

9.16 Summary

9.17 Test your knowledge

10 Blockchain and the inhibitors

10.1 Blockchain vulnerabilities

Smart contract vulnerabilities

Centralized public networks

Centralized private networks

10.2 Community fractures and feuds

10.3 Fraud and scams

Advanced fee schemes

Identity theft and credit card fraud

Internet and device hacking

Market manipulation

Pyramid and Ponzi schemes

10.4 Summary

10.5 Test your knowledge

Appendix A: Answer Keys


Introduction to Blockchain Technology

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