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Chapter Four

Miami, Florida

As soon as Thandie entered the baggage claim area, she saw a sign reading T. Shaw. The man who held it up was handsome, with bright brown eyes, spiky brown hair and a perfectly trimmed goatee.

She made her way toward him, catching his gaze when she was only feet away from him. He smiled brightly.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi.” She smiled and pointed at his sign. “I’m Thandie Shaw.”

His eyes widened. “You’re T. Shaw? Shit, nobody told me you’re a...” He cleared his throat and collected himself. “Forgive me. It’s just that...you’re not at all what I expected.”

“So I see,” she murmured coolly.

“It’s just that we’ve never worked with a woman.”

“So I hear,” she murmured coolly.

He blushed rather innocently. “Sorry to stare. I’ve worked for Babylon for two years, and this is the first time I’ve known a woman to be hired before. You must really be good at what you do.” He folded the sign up and tossed it into a nearby trash bin. His hands now free, he offered to shake her hand. “I’m Adam Parr. Elliot thought it would be good for me to collect you, since we’re going to be working so closely together. I’m the VIP host.”

She nodded her head appreciatively. Adam helped her with her bags, and the two headed outside.

Adam smiled. “So how do you know the big boss?”

“Big boss?”

“Elliot Richards. How do you know him?”

“I don’t,” she said simply.

“Oh,” he paused. “I thought you two knew each other and that was how you landed the job.”

“No.” She pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes. “We’ve never met. I’m actually a friend of Warren Radcliffe.”

“Oh, the other boss.” He lifted her bags into the trunk of his car. “Warren’s cool. He’s very...active for a guy his age.”

Thandie smiled. “I bet they were saying that when he was twenty.”

“Knowing Warren, you’re probably right.” Adam slammed the trunk closed and opened the passenger door for her. “I was told you would be traveling with a group.”

“Raja and Len had to tie up a few things for me at the office. They’re flying in later this week.”

“Sounds like a plan. Have you ever been to Miami?”

“Not as often as I would have liked.”

He laughed. “Well, you’re in for a treat. There is no place on earth like South Beach.”

Adam drove Thandie around the city, taking her through Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, and passing by Star Island. Adam turned out to be a great tour guide. He pointed out all the best spots. By the time they turned onto Washington Avenue, Thandie was relaxed and ready to meet the rest of the staff. Finally, Adam pulled in front of huge four-level building, and killed the engine.

“We’re home,” he announced.

“Home?” she asked.

“Club Babylon.” Adam waved his hand, indicating she follow him toward the building’s entrance. When Adam pushed through the front doors, Thandie was surprised by the activity. It was the middle of the day, and people were rushing about in every direction. Men were carrying bags of ice, crews were cleaning the floors, and the lights changed from gold to blue, then purple. Movement caught Thandie’s eye, causing her attention to be pulled toward the stage.

She tapped Adam. “I thought you said you didn’t work with women?”

Adam followed her stare and then grinned. “Oh, that’s the entertainment. We have plenty where that came from.”

Adam must have caught her reaction. He jutted his chin toward the women who were gathered on the elevated catwalks. “We have plenty of girls.”

That was an understatement. Thandie was astounded by the parade of pretty women strutting about. Everywhere she looked there were beautiful, tanned bodies. Some were on stage, practicing a dance routine that easily resembled a striptease, while others lounged near the bar.

“This place wouldn’t operate as well without eye candy,” Adam explained. “And Club Babylon has the best in the city.” He pointed to the stage. “Every club needs dancers, and Miami is a haven for professional dancers. Working at clubs is a great gig for them. It pays the bills and allows them to go on auditions during the day. That means we get to pick from the cream of the crop.”

“Adam,” a pretty brunette from the stage called out. “Tell Elliot to come down here.”

Adam’s brows perked. “Why, Marina?”

“Because I want to tell him I love him,” she said with a wicked grin.

Adam laughed. “You and every other female here.” He turned to Thandie. “Get used to that. The women love Elliot. He has a certain effect on them.”

She nodded. “I’ve been warned.”

Adam laughed. “You think I’m joking, but I’m offering you sound advice.”

“That’s sweet, Adam, but I can take care of myself.”

“Suit yourself,” he said with a shrug. He turned to look up a wide stairway that ended at a closed door. There was a huge beast of a man guarding the entrance. “That’s Elliot’s office through there,” Adam confirmed. “It looks like he’s busy right now. How about I give you a tour of the VIP area?”

She nodded.

“Please follow me.” Adam pointed the way as he led her toward another staircase. “VIP is up this way. I would recommend you lead your guests along the south wall. Crossing the dance floor to get to the stairs is a nightmare, and going by the bar is a deathtrap. I’ll need to introduce you to Bruno. He checks VIP guests in. He’s very thorough. If you aren’t VIP, you don’t get past him. Security will give you bands for all your guests when you come in. That way, your party can come and go through the different areas as they please.”

He went up the stairs, pointing out certain areas of the club that could only be seen from his vantage point. She was amazed by the beautiful details of the building. The higher they climbed, the more she was able to discover. Without question the most awe-inspiring part were the hanging gardens that appeared to float above the dance floor. She imagined the view was more spectacular when the theater lights illuminated their perfection.

Adam paused to let her admire the view. “It’s spectacular, isn’t it?”

“Breathtaking,” she agreed.

“It was Elliot’s idea. He had this vision to make the club resemble the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. He flew in a historian and a landscape architect to recreate it. We were all skeptical at first, but the results speak for themselves.” He leaned forward and wiggled his eyebrows mischievously. “And they retract. See those cords?” He pointed to one of the gardens. Thandie could just make out thin black cords attached to the planter’s metal railing. “The cords go all the way up to the ceiling,” he explained. “That’s how the gardens are housed and maintained. We have a gardener who comes in daily. Because they’re delicate, we don’t display the gardens often. But when we do, this place is magical.”

Keeping them on task, Adam nudged her to continue moving. At the top of the steps was yet another door. Adam pushed the large door that opened into the VIP room. It was a three-level, glass-enclosed “club within a club.” The wall facing the main arena was made entirely of glass, giving everyone below a great “envy” view.

Adam stood alongside Thandie. “I’ve managed VIP rooms in Miami and LA,” he confessed. “This is by far the coolest lounge I’ve ever been in. It’s six-thousand-square-feet. Seats up to two hundred, holds up to five hundred standing. There are three full bars, one on each level. Five bartenders and eight servers. Private bathrooms are on the left of the bar on all levels. A DJ is always stationed on the main floor; however, if we have a guest DJ performing we pipe in the music. Pretty cool, huh?”

Thandie was speechless. As Adam walked her through the rooms, she was impressed by the display of sheer luxury.

“If you think this is nice, wait until you see the Tower,” he said.

“The what?”

“Just a minute.” He walked over to a hidden elevator and waved his hand over the panel. “Only the staff is allowed to use the elevator. During working hours, we ask everyone to refrain from using it. However, you and your guests are welcome to use it during off hours. It leads up to the Tower. You can take the stairs if you like. It’s more scenic, but if you prefer a straight shot, the elevator is always here. The code to go to the Tower is one-two-two-one.”

He punched in the code, and they rode up to the Tower. When the doors opened, she couldn’t suppress her gasp. It was a beautiful oasis of hanging gardens, private balconies, open fountains and satin pillows. Adam seemed happy she was impressed with the room.

“I knew you would love it,” he boasted. “We call it the Tower of Babel. This room is reserved for the ultimate VIP guests. There is a private entrance that leads up from the parking garage. This is the pinnacle in intimacy and privacy. It seats up to thirty, standing room for up to fifty. There are six servers and a private restroom. As you can imagine, this room is in high demand. This is Elliot’s best idea yet. It’s been a huge hit since we reopened from the renovation. We’ve had several parties up here already. It’s a great revenue-turner. Even on slow nights, the Tower brings in serious cash. We’ve already got a waiting list.”

She felt his gaze on her as she walked about the room running her fingers along the smooth furnishings.

“It’s ten times more impressive at night, lit primarily by candlelight. Sexy stuff.”

She nodded her agreement. “This is amazing, Adam.”

“It is.” He clapped his hands. “Bruno should be here by now. Let’s go downstairs and get you two acquainted. If we’re lucky, Elliot will be free to speak with you soon.”

The office door belonging to the mysterious Elliot Richards was still closed when they returned to the main floor; however, Bruno was available. He didn’t have much to say, only grunts and occasional nods. Adam helped by briefly explaining Bruno’s role and indexing a long list of responsibilities that fell under his authority.

Almost as soon as Adam and Bruno finished their overview, Thandie was introduced to Markie Duran, the club’s general manager. He was pleasant enough and eager to bring her up to speed on Babylon’s network of rules and securities. There was so much to take in, Thandie doubted she absorbed half of it. She was coming to realize Club Babylon was not simply a nightclub—it was a money-making machine. It was unlike anything she’d ever seen before.

“I should have brought a notepad to take notes,” Thandie commented once Markie finished his presentation.

“Don’t worry,” Markie said with a laugh. “In a few short nights, you’ll know this place like the back of your hand.”

Thandie hoped he was right about that. The sheer size of the club was intimidating.

“It’s too bad you weren’t in town a week earlier,” Adam added. “You missed the birthday bash.” He winked at Markie, and both men gave a wicked laugh.

“Whose birthday?” Thandie’s question faded when the door leading to Elliot’s office suddenly opened. The reaction was immediate. The muscular man guarding the door stepped aside to allow several men to exit the office and descend the staircase. Thandie craned her neck, trying to get a good look at each man. “Which one is Elliot?”

“None,” Adam confirmed with a quick glance. “It looks like Elliot’s free. We better grab him while we can.”

Taking hold of Thandie’s elbow, he guided her up the stairs, pausing only long enough to quickly introduce her to the burly black man who stood guard outside the office door. She learned his name was Vincent Michelle, but preferred to be called Michelle.

Thandie crossed the threshold and stepped into a spacious, sleekly decorated office. The walls facing the arena were made entirely of one-way glass, providing an uninhibited view of the club without being seen. Oddly shaped lamps lit the room, which softened the modern furniture and created an intimate atmosphere.

Thandie’s gaze continued to sweep over the room, and then she faltered. There he was. The man she’d flown over a thousand miles to meet—Elliot Richards. He was leaning casually against the edge of a large glass desk, staring at her. It was as if he’d been patiently waiting her for the entire time, and not the other way around.

The instant her eyes met his, Thandie froze in place. She watched, spellbound, as the sinfully handsome man pulled himself up to his full height and approached them. He was tall, tanned and mouth-watering. A one-of-a-kind Ferrari. He was perfection in motion. With every step he took, Thandie became more convinced of one thing: Elliot Richards had been well worth the wait.

He had satin black hair, captivating silver eyes, a strong chin and kissable lips. He was dressed in a crisp white button-up shirt and black slacks that could only be tailor-made to fit. His shirt pulled tightly across a muscular chest, his golden skin a stark contrast against the crisp fabric. He had a cool air that drew her to him, with very little effort on his part. Now, she understood why Adam had warned her.

“Hello.” He gave her a slight grin, one that was all business and too damned sexy to be permissible. “I’m Elliot Richards. You must be Thandie Shaw.” He held out his hand. “Finally, we meet.”

Thandie struggled not to gawk at him as she shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Richards.”

He blessed her with a dazzling smile. “Believe me, Ms. Shaw, the pleasure is all mine. You must forgive my tardiness. My meeting ran long; however, my delay doesn’t in any way reflect your importance. I’m eager to see what you can do for us.” He waved his hand toward the couches. “Please, have a seat.”

Thandie walked toward a long leather couch, feeling Elliot’s gaze on her the entire time. He waited for to take her seat, before sitting down himself. Adam took the opportunity to excuse himself, mumbling he had some things to see to.

Elliot waited until Adam left before turning to her. “I trust the tour you received was sufficient.”

“Yes, very much so.” She said with a guarded, yet nervous smile. “You have an amazing place.”

“Thank you. It was quite an investment, but I’m happy with it.”

Thandie had to force herself to concentrate on the conversation. Elliot Richards was gorgeous, alarmingly so. It was hard to believe this charming and very handsome man was the same person who’d hung up on her weeks before. When his lips began to move, Thandie became transfixed.

“I’m sure Warren has already spoken to you, but please allow me to reiterate.” He checked his watch before continuing. “I currently own three night clubs. Lush, Red Door and Club Babylon. Lush is a fetish club, with very select membership. Red Door is a nightclub marketed toward the lesbian persuasion. It’s the smallest of my businesses, but it holds a consistent clientele. Then, there is Club Babylon. It’s my largest undertaking. The club has done very well on the strip, but we recently decided to update the look to grow our service capabilities. We reopened our doors last month. The changes have been received quite well, particularly the amenities marketed toward our members. However, we want to see major returns in a relatively short time. I expect to see a return on my investment in three months’ time.”

“Three months sets a vigorous schedule,” Thandie warned.

Elliot nodded. “Yes, it does, but I’m confident we’ll hit our mark on time. With your help, of course.” He smiled. “Warren sang praises of your abilities. He was quite vocal that you are the person we need.”

She blushed slightly. “Warren is very kind.”

“If that were all it was, you wouldn’t be here.” He looked at her seriously. “Please allow me to be frank.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“I don’t normally employ women, and for good reason.”

“May I inquire why?”

His gaze was level. “In my experience, women become...unfocused.”

She immediately understood. He was the reason for his previous female employees losing their focus. How could they not? He was a walking, talking, breathing distraction.

“In all honesty, Ms. Shaw, I’m not entirely sold on the idea of you being here. Club Babylon is quite the exception to the typical club expirence. This is not a place for emotional beings and and from past experiences, women often get attached to the wrong thing. Which is why working with an all-male staff is not only beneficial but necessary in my line of business.”

She stared at Elliot. His sharp profile and flawless skin made it very clear what those “wrong attachments” might be. Fixing him with a hard stare, she said, “May I ask you a question?”


“What the hell am I doing here?” She could tell her frankness momentarily shocked him. “As you can see, I’m not a man.”

Elliot’s silver gaze roved over her body slowly and intentionally. “That is a fact I have been unable to ignore.” His stare was heated when he added, “And neither will the rest of my staff.”

“I assure you I’m a professional. As long as your staff operates on the same level, then we should have no problems.” She smiled thinly. “You’ve reviewed my portfolio; you know what I’m capable of. So if there is an issue with my gender, again I ask, what the hell am I doing here?”

“You’re here because Warren insisted on it,” he said simply.

He flashed her a devilish grin that made her mind conjure up every dirty thought imaginable. He really was too handsome for his own good. Her gaze unwillingly floated over his body, and there was no doubt in her mind the man was created for mind-numbing, can’t-walk-in-the-morning sex.

“Although I appreciate Warren’s confidence in me,” she began, licking her lips in a struggle to tear her eyes away from his body, “I assure you I come highly recommended. Feel free to check my references.”

“I have.”

“And?” she prodded when he did not elaborate.

His eyes sparkled. “As you said, you come highly recommended. You wouldn’t be here otherwise.” He crossed his legs in one fluid motion. Somehow, he managed to make the action appear very masculine. “I thought it only fair for you to know where I stand.”

She felt as if he were studying her unemotionally, as if he were shopping for a new car, mentally accessing value versus usage and lastly, appeal.

“I appreciate your candor,” she said, somewhat irritated.

“I promise you I have an abundance to give.” He disarmed her by giving a boyish grin. “Babylon is my woman. I love her to obsession. Her success is my own.”

“I understand.”

“So I haven’t frightened you off yet?”

“Not even close.”

He grinned at her. “I like that you’re not afraid of me.”

This time, she laughed. “I’m from New York. Nothing frightens me.”

“We shall see about that.”

His words were delivered so softly, Thandie did not immediately catch their meaning. Did he intend to frighten her out of the job? She considered asking him this very question, but at the last minute stopped herself. Instead she asked, “Whom will I be working with?”

“Myself,” he said. “Very closely.” His eyes openly assessed her again, but this time was a little different from the first. This review was sexual. Whether he was impressed or not, she could not tell. “As well as my managing staff,” he added. “You’ll meet them tonight before we open. We get together for an action-meeting during the first hour of business. You should make yourself available. We go over the themes for the next night, as well as address any issues. Use tonight to acquaint yourself with the ins and outs of the club during showtime. It’s easy to get confused when the lights are down.”

“I’ll be there.”

“I know you will be.”

“Can you give me an idea of what you expect from me?”

Elliot inclined his dark head gracefully. “I want you to host a series of events here at the club, leading up to our grand re-opening.”

“Aren’t you open now?”

“This is a ‘soft’ opening. It allows us to work out the kinks and formulate our operations. A dress rehearsal, if you will. We’re showing only half our potential.”

“Oh,” was all she could think to say. She felt a little embarrassed, because she should have known the answer to her question. She’d seen a soft opening before, but certainly not to this extent. “When will I learn specifics regarding the project? Goals, budget, etcetera?”

“Over dinner.”

Thandie frowned. “I’m sorry?”

“Do you have plans tomorrow evening?”

She heard herself answering before thinking. “No.”

“Good. I’d like you to have dinner with me at Peppers at eight o’clock. The attire is formal. I suggest you wear a dress. My assistant Romero can give you directions.”

“Why?” she blurted out, immediately suspicious of his intentions. “Why are we meeting there and not here, in your office?”

Elliot folded his hands in his lap. Thandie could tell he was not use to being questioned. Although his face remained a mask of cool indifference, his silver eyes flashed with what looked like annoyance. In spite of this, his voice was even-tempered when he spoke. “We are meeting at Peppers because I enjoy the food and I have a reserved table there. The timing of our meeting is because of my schedule. My day is filled with meetings. The only block I have available for you is while I’m dining.” He arched a dark brow. “Is this going to be a problem?”

Feeling embarrassed for having jumped to the wrong conclusion, Thandie immediately shook her head. Mercifully, there was a heavy tap on the office door seconds before it opened. The large, beefy head of Michelle appeared.

“Elliot, Warren is here to see you.”

“Thanks. Let him in.” He stood, brushing his hands across his perfectly pressed pants. “Any last questions, Ms. Shaw?”

“No,” she said quickly, avoiding eye contact.

“Before you leave, I should mention the Tower of Babel is off-limits during business hours. Take my word for it and just don’t venture up there.”

The office door opened wider, and Warren Radcliffe entered the room. In his sixties, he was a man who’d aged well. His pure white hair was worn long enough to brush the collar of his shirt. It was stylishly cut, and professionally highlighted. His mustache and beard were trimmed low, and well groomed. Adorned in a colorful Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts, he looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world. If Elliot were an exotic car, Warren was more like a lovable childhood toy, worn in presentation but holding all the jubilance of its younger days. In spite of his features, weathered from years of hard partying, his boyish nature could not be ignored. He was a great reminder that life never got boring because one grew older.

When Warren smiled at her, Thandie resisted the urge to run and curl herself up in his natural sunshine. As if reading her mind, he pulled her to her feet to give her a tight hug. “You’re finally here. It’s great to see you, Thandie. You look great.”

She kissed his cheek. “So do you.”

He shot a curious glance at Elliot. “I see you two have met. I hope he hasn’t seduced you yet.”

Elliot gave a dry laugh. “I’ll leave the seducing to you, Romeo.”

Ignoring Elliot, Warren looked down at Thandie. “We need to get you settled in. Adam loaded your bags into my car. Where are the girls? I’m here to help, but you’ll need them. Damn, listen to me rambling like a woman. Wow, it’s good to see you, Thandie. I feel as if I’m five years old again on Christmas morning.”

“That was a long time ago,” Elliot remarked.

Warren slanted his eyes in his direction, before returning his attention to Thandie. “Fun times, kiddo. This is going to be the adventure of a lifetime.”

There was a knock at the door and Michelle popped his head in again. “Elliot, your next meeting is here.”

Elliot checked his watch, then waved his hand. “Let him in.” He turned to Thandie. “Until tonight, Ms. Shaw.”

The door swung open, and a tall, dark-haired man entered the office.

Before Thandie could figure out who this new visitor was, Warren ushered her out of the office. Michelle quickly closed the door behind them.

Warren huffed. “No need for us to get caught up in that stuff.”

“Who was that?” she asked.

“Your guess is as good as mine. Elliot has his hand in so many ventures, it’s difficult to say.” Warren was about to add more, but before the words could escape his lips, a beautiful Asian woman with long dark hair wrapped her arms around his neck.

Surprised and obviously grateful, Warren grinned from ear to ear. “Susan, how are you, honey?”

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she said.

“Well, I’m all yours now.”

“Did you forget your promise to me?”

Warren paused for a moment and then snapped his fingers. “Of course not. How could I forget you?” His eyes ran over her long legs. “You’re always on my mind.”

“I better be,” she laughed lightly. “Tonight, right?”

“I’ll have to see if he’ll be available.”

“You promised,” she reminded him in a slightly irritable tone.

“Okay, okay,” he said calmly. “Tonight. I promise.”She gave a triumphant smile and then glanced toward the office door that led to Elliot’s office.

“I’m counting on you, Warren.”

Thandie watched the woman saunter away, still baffled by what had just happened. “Please tell me you’re going to explain that.”

Warren waved his hand and guided Thandie toward the door. “Susan’s a dear friend.”

“How long have you known this dear friend?”

“Ever since she started working here?” he hedged.

Thandie gave him a questioning look.

“Okay, okay, kiddo. She’s been working here for nearly a month,” he admitted.

“What kind of promise did you make her?”

“It’s silly,” he said with a shake of his white head. “Forget you ever heard that.”

“Uh-uh.” Thandie shook her head teasingly. “Tell me everything.”

Warren blushed. “I kinda promised her I’d introduce her to Elliot.”


“Ok, I did—I promised her I’d introduce her to him.”

“And in return?”

He wiggled his eyebrows.

At this, she had to laugh. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

Warren shrugged. “Why shouldn’t I profit from his good fortune? I’ve got to give it to the guy; he’s good. He’s a great business partner but an even better womanizer. Speaking of which—” he turned serious eyes on her “—heed my warning, Thandie. Stay away from him.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Would it surprise you that you aren’t the first person to tell me that?”

“No, but it would surprise me if I were the last.” Tucking her hand into the crook of his arm, like an old-world gentleman, Warren led her to the exit. “I’m so glad you came.”

“Me too.”

“Excellent. I promise you won’t regret it.”

The drive to Warren’s home was relaxing, complemented by the subtropical climate. Thandie spent most of their trip being entertained by her host. He caught her up on the latest happenings with him and Wife Number Five. He was eager for the divorce, because he was already dating potential Wife Number Six. Thandie listened, thinking Warren was a fun guy who was desperately looking for happiness. She felt a little sorry for him, but his stories were too comical not to laugh at.

Twenty minutes later, Thandie stared up at a majestic estate. She’d always known Warren was well off, but she never imagined he lived so extravagantly. His beachfront home had a million-dollar view of the ocean. Inside, it had a minimalist design, abstract art and many white walls. He gave her a tour of the home before eventually guiding her to a guest room.

Placing her bags near the door, he said, “There are empty bedrooms down the hall for your staff. Make yourself at home. If there is anything you need, just ask. The housekeeper’s name is Anga. Her room is off the kitchen. She’s a sweetheart. She’ll be happy to assist you. I won’t be at the club until later tonight; however, my driver can take you back and forth. We’ll get you a rental car tomorrow.”

“This is very kind of you, Warren. Are you sure I’m not putting you out?”

“Nonsense. I’m happy to have the company. Things have been pretty quiet around here lately.” He looked at his watch and made a low whistling sound. “I’m going to catch up on my sleep. You might want to do the same. I’ll see you later.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

Too anxious to rest, Thandie began unpacking. She took her time stowing away her toiletries, hanging up her dresses, and taking inventory of her shoes before finally tossing herself across the bed. She could hardly believe she was in Miami. It was a risky move, but she didn’t regret it yet. The atmosphere was very relaxing. She could almost swear she could smell the ocean in the air.

She stretched out and looked up at the ceiling. She still questioned her real reasons for coming, but she was here now and she had better make the best of it. Club Babylon was amazing. She could really work her connections to bring in famous faces; even if she had to put up with Ruark Randall again, it would be worth it.

Her thoughts turned to her mother, and she felt a tinge of guilt. She’d visited with her mother before leaving the city. She wanted to make sure the assisted living staff had all her contact numbers. She’d promised her mother she would be back in a few days. She’d meant every word, but she couldn’t help but feeling as though she’d just abandoned her mother.

Unexpectedly, her mind focused on the face of Elliot Richards. It was shameful how she’d reacted to him. If a successful business relationship was to emerge from this, she would have to curb her attraction to him. With a little determination, it should be easy enough to keep her distance and concentrate on her assignment. It wasn’t as if he was attracted to her. He hadn’t shown the mildest interest in her. Hell, if he’d had it his way, she wouldn’t even be in Miami.

Thandie closed her eyes and considered the matter. She wasn’t tired, but the feel of the cool linens against her skin was refreshing. She began to make a mental list of the things she needed to do. Unfortunately, she did not get very far. Within a few minutes, she was sound asleep.

* * *

Thandie awoke three hours later. She fussed over what to wear. This would be her first night on the job. She had to make a good impression. She had just laid her outfit on the bed when her cell phone beeped. It was Amanda.

“Hi, Amanda. How is everything going?”

“Oh, my goodness! I’m so glad you picked up. I have a crisis on my hands!”

Thandie dressed while she listened to Amanda read off a long list of emergencies that she proclaimed to be “out of control.” She had to apply her makeup with her ear glued to her phone. When Amanda was finished, Thandie walked her through how to address each issue. They were things that Amanda could have resolved herself, if she’d put more thought into it rather than easily giving in to panic.

She was still giving Amanda a pep talk when Warren’s driver dropped her off at Club Babylon. The club was opening in ten minutes, and there was already a line. Bruno, the bouncer Adam had introduced her to earlier, held the door open for her. The heavy throb of rap vocals could be heard from the street. It was loud and seductive. Unfortunately, Thandie could not admire Babylon in its glory. She went directly into the women’s bathroom to better hear Amanda’s ranting.

“I don’t know if I can do this alone, Thandie. Please tell me you’re coming back soon.”

“Amanda, I know you can do this. Just use your best judgment. I trust you to make the right decision. If you come across another situation and you absolutely don’t know what to do, call me. Now I have an important meeting to go to. Will you be all right?”

Amanda hesitated. “I—I think so. Promise me you’ll answer if I call back.”

“I promise.”

When she ended her call, Thandie looked at her minutes. One hour and fifty-five minutes. Had she really talked to Amanda that long? She groaned and gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror, then headed for Elliot’s office. She smiled at Michelle as she ascended the stairs. He nodded to her before holding the door open. She could almost feel his eyes on her backside. Obvious as it may have been, Michelle’s attention was nothing compared to what she faced next. Elliot stopped mid-sentence when he looked up at her. The men lounging on the couches turned to see their visitor. For a moment, no one said anything. They just stared at her.

* * *

Elliot was outlining the next day’s schedule when Thandie walked into his office. The first thing that caught his attention was her legs. She was wearing satin hot pants that were so short, they might as well be considered panties. They drew his eyes right to the space between her thighs. Her blouse was nothing more than a shiny black handkerchief, with thin strings tied around her neck and behind her back. As she stepped farther into the room, her shapely legs, slender figure and curvy hips fell under his appraisal. They were incredible. The closer she got, the more apparent it became that her shirt was nearly see-through.

She put a spell over the room. No one was able to speak. They were too busy gaping at her attributes to say anything appropriate. Elliot had to force himself to break away from her magic. He cleared his voice. “Everyone, this is Thandie Shaw of Shaw Public Relations in New York. Her firm will be helping us promote the club for the grand reopening.”

Before he could say more, Adam jumped up to offer her his seat. Markie, Tom and Eddie stumbled over each other to introduce themselves. They each fought to tell her what their responsibilities were and why they would be working closely with her. Even his assistant Romero, who rarely went out of his way to speak to anyone, made a stiff introduction. Tom Comber, his director of food and beverage, and Eddie Bloom, his efficiency expert, were struggling to get a word in, being that their positions had little relevance to her job. Thandie didn’t appear to be overwhelmed by their attention. Elliot imagined she always had men chasing after her. With a body like hers, he was almost certain.

Elliot folded his arms across his chest, having grown tired of watching his management team gush. “Now that introductions have been made,” he said coolly, “let’s finish up, shall we? Tom, please present our sales goal tonight.”

The remainder of the meeting followed suit. Every manager took turns giving updates. Reports were made quickly, to allow themselves ample time to get back to the task of drooling over Thandie. By the time Elliot called it quits, he was royally annoyed by his team’s behavior. He watched Adam and Markie follow Thandie out of his office like protective puppies. They were clearly guarding her from him. It was just as well. He had a strict policy not to sleep with his employees. That is, until now. Seeing her tonight, dressed as she was, made him forget himself for a minute. She was damned sexy.

He was suddenly looking forward to the next few months.

* * *

Thandie was enjoying herself. The music was great, and everyone was lively. Adam kept her busy by introducing her guests. There was something to be said about the partygoers of South Beach. Everyone looked great and loved to dance. She now wished that Len and Raja were here with her. This would have been the perfect opportunity to become acquainted with their clients.

She moved through the different levels of the VIP area, introducing herself to as many people as she could. The lights in the room changed from blue to a glowing red. Everyone went crazy as the dancers took to the stage. The party went into full swing as the music climbed to a new pinnacle.

In spite of her good time, Thandie was ever aware of Elliot’s presence. Her gaze sought him out with an impulsiveness she could not control. She mentally combed the crowd until she finally spied him. Elliot was making slow progress, moving across the VIP area. Everyone either knew him or wanted to know him. It was impossible not to marvel at his ease of socializing, and the charisma with which he did it. Men and women alike were charmed by him. Women, of course, for his good looks. Men were easily won over by his unwavering air of confidence. Elliot Richards seemed like the coolest person in the room, and everyone wanted a piece of him.

As he was leaving the upper level, two men called him over. Thandie watched this interaction and was not surprised by what she saw. Apparently, gay men were not excluded from his appeal. Unlike most heterosexual males, Elliot did not appear the least bit guarded as he mingled with the men. Instead, Elliot engaged them warmly. In fact, it bordered on mild flirtation. Of course, it was not as obvious as it was with women but it was just enough to make them walk away thinking maybe, just maybe, they stood a chance of warming a place in Elliot’s bed.

With easy skill, Elliot broke away from the group and continued his rounds of greeting VIP members.

Just then, Adam sought her out in the crowd and waved her over to a table on an elevated level. From this perch he was able to point out regular customers, whom he referred to as members. Thandie listened avidly as he distinguished the rich from the hangers-on. There were telltale signs Thandie would have been able to figure out for herself, but Adam had the advantage of experience. He knew these people by name and face, oftentimes by financial records. He was vague on these details, but he revealed just enough to let her understand the clientele.

From the corner of her eye, Thandie spotted Warren entering the VIP lounge. A wave of interest swept over the rooms as he made his way through the throng. A celebrity in his own right, Warren’s arrival was warmly received. He shook hands and issued nods of acknowledgment with the masterful finesse of a seasoned politician. No one was immune to Warren’s charm.

A break in the mass occurred and Thandie was able to see Warren fully. His Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts had been replaced by a fine dark suit and silk tie. His thick white hair, although stylishly brushed to the side, caught the hold of the mood lighting and now glowed a soft lavender purple. Not surprisingly, a young woman clung to his side.

Thandie waved her hand to signal him. Catching sight of her, Warren grinned and began making his way toward them. “Hey, kiddo!” he said as soon as he reached her. “I see you made it to school just fine.”

Thandie hugged Warren in greeting. “Yes, I made it here in one piece.”

“How did the management meeting go?”

“She made quite an impression,” Adam volunteered.

Warren’s white brows raised. “Oh, really?”

“I don’t think the boys are excited about sharing their sandbox with a girl,” Thandie suggested.

Adam gave a snort. “I beg to differ.”

“No one gave you a hard time, did they?” Warren asked, a trace of concern in his eyes.

“No,” she assured him. “It was painless enough.”

“Well, then,” Warren said happily, “no harm done.” He snapped his fingers as if remembering something. “Where are my manners?” Turning to the young woman at his side, he said, “This is Thandie, an old friend of mine.” He put special emphasis on the ‘old friend’ part. “And that’s Adam,” he added flatly. If Adam was offended by Warren’s lack of embellishment, he did not show it. “Thandie and Adam, this is Kara.”

“Tara,” the woman corrected.

“Right,” Warren said quickly. “Tara.”

Tara made a childish pout with her lips, muttered something about wanting to dance, and then sashayed onto the dance floor. Thandie was amused by the animated way Warren and Adam swiveled their necks to watch Tara’s departure. When the leering got to be too much, Thandie asked, “Warren, who is that woman?”

Warren leaned closer and whispered, “If I play my cards right, we could be looking at the next Mrs. Warren Radcliffe.”

“Wife Number Six?” Thandie mused aloud.

Warren waved his hand in air. “Don’t rain on my parade. Our lawyers are talking.” He watched Tara dancing in the center of the dance floor. Her hands were in her hair and her hips swayed provocatively. Warren gave a sigh of awe. “Don’t wait up for me, kiddo,” he said. “I don’t plan on coming home early.” With that said, he eased his way onto the dance floor to join Tara.

“Crafty old guy,” Adam muttered under his breath.

“You have no idea,” she agreed.

Suddenly, without warning, Elliot appeared out of the crowd and stood at Adam’s side. The expression on his face was calm, cool and collected. However, his eyes told a different story. The pale gray orbs flickered with something bright and dangerous. Thandie got the eerie feeling she was hunted prey.

Elliot locked eyes with her for a moment and then, as if nothing of significance had happened, he turned to Adam. “I trust you’re keeping a close eye on Ms. Shaw.”

Adam grinned. “I’m not letting her out of my sight.”

“That’s good to hear,” Elliot said in a voice that seemed to convey just the opposite. “We wouldn’t want to lose her in the crowd. Anything could happen.”

Adam chuckled, but Thandie frowned at the strange comment. Was he trying to warn her, or scare her? Uncertain if the remark deserved a response, Thandie looked away. She could feel Elliot’s gray gaze on her, and it was unsettling.

She stiffened when he stepped around Adam, circling behind her, to come up on her left. His movement was slow and deliberate. He came within inches of brushing against her. She could briefly feel his breath on the back of her neck as he passed her.

“I trust we’re keeping you entertained,” he whispered close to her ear.

“Yes,” she replied skittishly; her nerves brittle from his nearness, which was too close for comfort. “I can see why Babylon is in high demand,” she said lamely. “The renovations are remarkable. The views are impressive.”

“I agree,” he said with soft laugh. “The views are very impressive.”

She looked up to find his gaze was not on the glass walls which overlooked the lower levels of the club, but trained on her. Thandie’s reaction to his words played right into his hands. A flutter of arousal began to churn in her stomach, her skin puckered with goose bumps, and her nipples tightened. She did not have to look down to know her response was noticeable. She could tell by the sound of Elliot’s soft chuckle.

Thankfully Adam, who’d been keeping a watchful eye on the VIP guests, thus missing their exchange, asked, “How are we doing tonight, Elliot?”

“We’ll hit our liquor sales goal,” Elliot replied unenthusiastically.

“Better than nothing,” Adam said encouragingly.

“So you say,” Elliot retorted. Without another word, he disappeared into the sea of people.

Thandie looked after him, unsure what to make of Elliot. What had been the point of that? Was he trying to bait her into saying something foolish? Or did he simply enjoy unnerving her? She watched his retreating back, his broad shoulders leaving a wide path in his wake.

“Elusive as always,” a voice said.

Thandie turned around to see the speaker. Standing directly behind her was a dark-haired man with even darker eyes. He was average height, well suited, and there was an interesting lift in his voice, indicating he was not native to the area. She imagined under any other circumstance, he would strike her as handsome. However, her eyes still lingered on the spot Elliot had just vacated.

“Of course,” the stranger continued, “that’s why women can’t get enough of him.”

“Ah, you’re back,” Adam said, having noticed their visitor. He reached around Thandie to shake the man’s hand. “I thought you would be out of town for a few more days.” Adam inclined his head to Thandie. “This is Rex Barrington. He handles the marketing for Club Babylon.”

Rex held out his hand to her. “And you must be the legendary Ms. Shaw everyone has been talking about.”

“I am Thandie Shaw,” she said as she accepted his hand. “However, I’m not sure about the legendary part.”

Rex chuckled. “You’re a woman on Elliot’s payroll. Around here, that makes you quite famous.”

“So I hear,” Thandie said with a snort.

“I didn’t mean to offend you,” Rex confessed. “It’s just that we’ve never had a woman on the management team. I imagine you’ll have an immediate impact on the culture here.”

“She’s a lot nicer to look at than Eddie,” Adam added with a smirk.

“Of that, I have no doubt,” Rex concurred. “Elliot outdid himself this time.”

At the mention of Elliot’s name, Thandie instinctively sought him out in the crowd. It did not take long to spot him. In the short time since speaking to her, Elliot had maneuvered his way back to the main floor, and obtained a new companion. Even from this vantage point, Thandie could tell her enlarged breasts were fake and her pale blond hair came from a bottle. Even so, her attributes were admirable. She was yet another reason why the average male would envy Elliot.

The two were just about to head up the staircase leading to his office door, when they were distracted by someone stepping out of the crowd. It was Warren, and he was attempting to introduce Elliot to a dark-haired girl. It was not Tara. Thandie had to squint her eyes before recognizing her as the pretty Asian girl she’d met earlier that day.

Elliot smiled down at the woman, before taking her fingers in his and pressing his lips to the top of her hand. His opened his mouth to speak, but Thandie was too far away to make out the words. Whatever he’d said had been brief, because Elliot soon continued up the steps. He and the blonde disappeared into his office, the entrance to which was immediately obstructed by the giant Michelle. It was little wonder why Elliot had retreated into his office with the woman. Thandie’s imagination ran wild with the possibilities.


She jumped at the sound of Adam’s voice. Quickly diverting her eyes, Thandie turned to face him.

“Do you want to see the DJ booth?” he asked.

She smiled. “Please lead the way.”

Beyond the Velvet Rope

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