Читать книгу Dopefiend - Tim Elhajj - Страница 10



I want to thank my publisher, CRP, for giving me the opportunity to write about my recovery. CRP bought this manuscript on proposal, which means that the book hadn’t been completed when it was purchased. I think it’s safe to say that we were all surprised with what I eventually produced. I was delighted by how well it turned out. CRP, meanwhile, seemed a little taken aback with some of my experiences and even the way in which I told about them. You’ll find mostly deceit in the chapter titled “Honesty.” A zombie appears in the chapter titled “Faith.” And let’s not even get into what happens in the “Integrity” chapter. We traded emails. We had phone calls. I wasn’t sure what would happen. Finally, Nancy Schenck, the Executive Editor at CRP, told me she would support my vision for this book. I am so grateful for the faith that she has placed in me and in my story.

I am the first to admit that my recovery has not followed the typical path you hear about in most meetings. I am not one for moralizing, nor am I eager to play the role of provocateur. However, I do feel strongly that our stories are the most powerful tools we own. To shape our stories to fit some preconceived mold is unfair to people new to recovery, who may be struggling to understand what changes need to be wrought in their own lives and who may be interested in reading an accurate expression of another’s experience.


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