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CHAPTER 7 Re: The Homelan


The Homelan was originally known as The New Atlantis.

The New Atlantis had been discussed in Alexandria, Delhi, Mecca, and Tibet, long before any European statesmen knew of its existence.

Ferdinand and Isabella’s Inquisition was a “governmental” agency, not a “religious” one.

After driving The Muslims out of Spain after an 800-year reign, Ferdinand and Isabella wanted a shortcut to Jerusalem to wage more Crusades when their man Columbus smacked into The Homelan.

Thomas Morton and his Maypole—revelry is resistance— was like The ’60s in The 1620s.

The Puritans called it a cult: consorting with native women, arming native men, celebrating Venus and her lusty children Cupid and Hymen, singing sloppy drinking songs in their tilted antler hats.

Morton was The Homelan’s first patron saint of counterculture, like Lenny Bruce or Timothy Leary.

He was starved, banished, held in stocks, jailed, and generally harassed for his utopian leanings.

Upon Capital City’s founding, the plots of land were numbered.

And they plopped Le Capital down on plot 666.

Fifty-five out of 56 signers of The Homelan’s founding document identified as Freemasons, inspired greatly by the mysterious Rosicrucian philosopher Count Saint Germain.

Count Saint Germain was a strict vegetarian.

And spoke every European language.

And he claimed to be Prince Ragoczy of Transylvania, educated by the Medicis and to’ve had discovered the secret to immortality, The Elixir of Life.

He claimed to’ve been alive for centuries: present when Jesus turned water into wine, just acquaintances with Cleopatra, but tight with King Richard The Lionheart.

And he set his friend up to become Catherine The Great, overthrowing Peter of Russia.

He mentored The Rothschilds, deepening their budding interests in the ancient Mysteries.

Their fortunes eventually funded The Ruckafellas’ oil empire, which went on to create both The CIA and The Kingdom’s Royal Family.

The inner core of Freemasonry teaches a hybridizing of science and metaphysics—as above, so below—meaning that from the smallest pinging bone to the vastest Texasy expansions of the matrix, repetitive geometric law prevails.

Interlocking activities and modes of thinking unify magick, chemistry, philosophy, and hermeticism into sacred geometry, cosmology, and genetic engineering.

Magick and science were interchangeable terms until the 18th century.

The founding fathers Wshington, Franglin, and Jufferson were all occultists.

Peyton Randolph, first Prez of The Homelan, Jufferson’s cousin, not only foretold The Homelan’s fate by dying young of obesity, he was also a practicing occultist.

Open occultists of the 19th century included the chief justice of MA, The Prez of The MA Medical Society, The Prez of Yale, and The Prez of CT Medical Society.

NASA, under the guise of total devotion to astronomy, still devotes a lot of attention to astrology.

And Diana means moon.

Sunshine on an Open Tomb

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