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Jones looked at Briggs. “I am going to turn it over to Briggs, he will be responsible over the next two weeks to train and familiarize you soldiers on the mission particulars and use of the new equipment you will be issued.”

He started to sit down and paused, then stood back up. “One more thing gentlemen, I can not stress the secrecy of this mission enough, if you reveal any information to anyone, friends, family, anybody. You will be charged with treason against the United States and tried and sentenced as such, do I make myself clear?”

We responded with a simultaneous and unanimous, “Yes,Sir.”

Jones looked at Briggs, “OK Briggs, they are all yours.”

Jones set down and Briggs stood up.

Briggs walked over to the over-head projector and turned it back on. He opened a file folder he had been carrying since we first saw him. He took out a slide and placed it on the over-head projector. It was a photo of an older man, maybe early fifties on the screen, the man had a hard face.

Briggs looked at us, “Gentlemen, this is your target, this man has a kill order issued against him by ours and several other governments, do not let his looks deceive you, this man is personally responsible for numerous assassination and murders of government officials around the world, in addition he indirectly is responsible for thousands of deaths world wide every day.”

He looked at us all, “He is a merchant of suffering and has to be stopped at all costs.” “You four gentlemen are not the first to attempt this mission. I will tell you the ones before you all failed and died at the hands of this man, and his small but very skilled private army of hired mercenaries, some of the best the world has given birth too.” “This mission is deemed so critical it has been tasked from the highest level, and the use of deadly force is not only given it will be required.”

”He is simply known as “El Jefe”, “The Boss.”

”He rules his organization with a iron hand, to fail him often leads to your death. We have been trying to sanction him for over three years, with no success.” He pauses taking a drink of his coffee.

“This man is smart and well planned, also as slippery as a eel. He has several remote well reinforced safe houses spread out through several countries, most of which are not willing to cooperate with our government, he is well funded and has the financial ability to buy almost anyone’s favor.”

He removed the slide of the old man and placed another one on the projector. Its a satellite photo of a compound with a large clearing around it. “This is one of his safe houses, he moves from house to house for his protection from the enemies he has amassed over the years. Two years ago we were able to infiltrate his close circle of trusted allies with a mole.”

”This mole has given us credible intel that in seventeen days he will be arriving at this location at approximately 14:00 hours local time.” “Gentlemen, we have just seventeen days to train and prep you for this mission and have you in place at that time to end this mans regime.”

”Failure once again is not an option, this man must be sanctioned at all costs.” He paused for a moment to let it sink in.

He then went on to tell us the compound is in a country willing to assist in taking out this guy, how recent political changes and financial bribes have cleared the way for the mission. He described the area around the compound as an extremely dense jungle, and how we were going to be deployed as single shooter team members to insure our success, in other words if some of the team members are taken out in the process the others can still complete the mission. And how if captured we must resist giving any information and that we can expect to be tortured without remorse. He repeated over and over how totally evil this guy is, how many peoples lives he has taken and destroyed, basically using standard brain washing techniques on us. Of how proud a tradition our unit has and how the powers that be have full faith in us getting this job done, and are placing all their hopes in this mission being accomplished successfully, Blah, Blah Blah.

Zach leaned over to me, “I wish this guy would shut up and get on with it.” I looked at him with a smile and nodded in agreement, this guy was the most long winded individual I had ever met. He covered the weapon on the table of how it was made of a new material for the stock, humidity and moisture have no effect on the stock, how it can be submerged in water and still shoot straight to include the water proof scope, how it fires a 30.06 round. But he also went on to say that the rounds we were going to be firing have been meticulously hand loaded with a high shock bullet for maximum damage and sealed to be water proof and are ten times more accurate than our standard rifles. This part peeked my interest.

He looked at us, “Gentlemen are there any questions?’ We all remained silent. ” Good.”

He pulled a metal box out of the seat next to him, I hadn’t seen it earlier. He set it on the table, dug a key out of his pocket and unlocked it.

”Place your wallets, ID cards, dog tags and any jewelry you may have on your person or in your ruck sacks in this box. It will all be returned at the end of the mission.”

We all hesitated. He looked at us and scowled, “This is not an option, it is for your own protection and that of your families, this man will hunt down and have everyone you have ever loved exterminated if this mission fails, he has done it before.”

We gave in and cleaned out our pockets placing all our personal items in the box, I noticed Jennings is not relinquishing the necklace around his neck, in fact he made a solid effort to conceal it even further. Whatever. Its his ass not mine.

Briggs turned to the Bn Commander, “That’s all I have for now colonel, the rest will be covered over the next two weeks at the training sites.”

The Bn commander stood up and looked at us one at a time. He reached down to his left wrist and rotated his watch never looking at it, as if he was trying to make sure it was there. Hell if I didn’t know better I would have said it was a Rolex. No way, must be a knockoff even a Battalion Commander doesn’t make that kind of money.

”Men I have the highest amount of faith in you, if anyone can get this done its this group, God speed and come back to us.” He left the room, his head down, seeing what time its was, funny there was a big assed clock on the wall just over the exit door.

Jones and Briggs stood up, Jones looked at us, “Grab your gear men, we have a driver and a vehicle in front of the battalion, do not speak to each other or anyone else after leaving this room until we are in the vehicle and under way.” “Utmost security and caution is required at all times.”

We all grabbed our rucks and headed out too the front parking lot, Zach pulled out a smoke and got ready to light it, Briggs came up behind him.

”Save it for in the vehicle we need to be moving before sunrise, now load up.” Briggs walked off.

Zach looked at me, “Remind me to kick that fuckers ass when this is allover for that disrespectful shit.” I looked at Zach.

”Man you know you can’t do that.” Zach looked back at me and grinned.

”I can’t get in trouble kicking someones ass that doesn’t exist.”

Zach entered the Chevy Suburban, all black with dark windows, laughing his ass off. Briggs glared at him as he was getting into a black sedan with tinted windows in front of us.

As we pulled out of the Bn HQ, I saw the Colonel staring at us as we left, peeking through the venetian blinds that covered his office window, a chill ran up my spine.

A short while later we arrived at Gray Field and were shuttled aboard a C-130, it departed as soon as we get loaded and strapped in. We were all issued sack lunches for breakfast, they have an apple and orange, turkey and cheese sandwich, small bag of chips. What a hell of a way to start a mission. A hot meal would have been cool. We had no idea of our destination.

Hernandez is being his usual comic self, screwing with all of us in turn. Jennings is being extremely quiet, sitting and staring at the deck of the Hercules. Zach was feigning sleep most of the trip to shut Hernandez up, I just looked at him and smiled.

Zach elbowed me,”Don’t encourage that dumb ass man.” We all finally decided to get some sleep it makes time go by faster if you sleep through these flights.

After what seemed an eternity we heard the landing gear come down, felt the engines of the C-130 fight against gravity and got shook by the touch down. The Hercules taxied to a stop and the back ramp opened up exposing us to bright sunlight and familiar smell, we had all been here at least once, this is my third trip, I could see the airfield security fence at the far end of the field.

Zach looked at me and together we chimed. “Panama.”

Hernandez agreed, Jennings just shook his head, I think if he could have bolted he would have.

Camp Sherman in Panama is the home of the Jungle Experts course, if your going into a jungle this is the place to do the training for it, you can’t get more realistic than this shit hole.

Briggs came down from the cockpit, “This will be your home for the next fourteen days gentlemen, Oh and by the way you will be restricted and under armed guard, we will not risk compromise under any circumstances, am I clear?” Three of us nodded ascent.

Jennings kicked the shit out of the metal bench seats we had been sitting on for the last several hours. Briggs looked at him.

”Is there a problem Jennings?” Jennings looked at Briggs hate in his eyes.

”No Sir.”

Briggs stared back sizing up Jennings, “Good, Lets move out. The truck is waiting to take you to the bivouac area.”

We grabbed our rucks and walked downed the ramp, I squinted my eyes as we entered the sunlight. The humidity is stifling already, summer in the Panama jungle is a bitch, my scrotum sack was already itching with the inevitable impending rash.

We pulled onto the range road and a bumpy jarring ass ride later we pulled up to a General Purpose medium size tent erected in our honor, hell at least we didn’t have to put it up. However, whoever put it up did a shitty job, we had to correct it or else the first heavy wind or rain would have pulled it down. We entered the tent. Inside were four cots, a small field desk and four metal lockers on a plywood floor. I looked at Zack, stomped my foot.

”Look we got carpet man.” He laughed.

”Yea a carpet with probably some of the worst biting ass shit you ever seen under it that’s gonna crawl up our ass every night as we try and sleep.” All of us laughed, except for Jennings he had grabbed the furthest away cot, put his ruck on it and was just setting there staring at the tent wall. I leaned over to Zach.

”I got a bad feeling about him man.” Zach nodded in agreement as he was firing up a cigarette. “We’ll keep an eye on him.” Thick smoke wafted from his lips.

We were able to sack out the rest of the day, we were going to start training before sunrise. All our meals were Long Range Patrol meals, LRP’s, I hate those things they bind you up tighter than a vice.

The next fourteen days went by pretty fast, weapons training and familiarization, we got dropped alone in the jungle and were using some new type of hand held navigation system, Briggs said they are “the future of navigating”, he called it a GPS, the damn thing finds your location by communicating to satellites that move around the globe, I thought they were a piece of shit, it can give you the direction of travel but it doesn’t give any terrain features, a deep valley or impassible area makes you have to back track and reroute too much. Give me a map and my compass any day.

The new rifles were pretty bad ass though, the bull barrels made for a smooth shooting creation, we were hitting solid at 600 yards plus, the reason for the long range? It was explained to us that because of the clearing around the compound, to stay under cover we will have to shoot from the jungle. Any closer would put us in the open and expose the mission, possibly blowing it. And we can’t blow the mission. No one mentioned the possibility of getting your ass shot all to hell.

On the morning of the fourteenth day we were rousted at 03:00, hustled into a truck, taken back down the bumpy ass road to the airfield. Our ride was waiting for us, rotors already spun up, a Huey, we loaded up all our gear and were airborne almost as fast as a hot LZ take off. None of said anything, even Hernandez was stone cold quiet, we were in the shit now for sure, and knew it.

As the jungle starts to get noisier, it brings me back to awareness, it also indicates a shift change, the night creatures are going into hiding and to bed as the day shift comes on. I can hear birds and tons of insects stirring as they begin there daily quest for survival. I have been told to wait in this clearing till the sun is fully up before I can turn the GPS on and get my direction of travel updated. I step into the clearing, we have been told we will all be deployed in a relatively safe area beyond any possible patrols from the compound, exposing my position still makes we nervous. I step away from the cover of the treeline and switch the GPS on, it has to have a clear as possible view of the sky, it starts beeping as it’s acquiring its position relative to my target. We practiced this religiously in Panama, its a slow process one other reason to dislike this piece of crap. I don’t like being exposed, but this thing is our lifeline to our target. The after mission rally point and then the extraction point. One long beep and I am on my way. Geared up, round in the chamber, and fit to fight. My gut tells me otherwise, I still have the bad feeling this is going to go to shit on us all.

I follow the GPS directions until dark starts to set in, I am close enough to the compound now to be within the mercenary patrol area. One thing I pride myself on is the ability to cover ground without leaving much sign of my passing, hopefully well enough to not be tracked. I need to find a secure place to lay up for the night, it gets damn dark, damn quick in the jungle.

Sleep comes slowly, all the damn noise from this jungle tells me I am in for a sleepless night.

Whisper Quiet

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