Читать книгу Aquatic Plants of Pennsylvania - Timothy A. Block - Страница 7


Tables and Figures


1.1. Representation of Land Plant Lineages in the Aquatic Flora of Pennsylvania

1.2. Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Aquatic Plants of Pennsylvania

1.3. Non-native, Invasive Aquatic Plants in Pennsylvania

3.1. Comparison of Key Characters of Bur-reed Species

8.1. Comparison of Vegetative Characteristics of M. sibiricum, M. spicatum, and M. verticillatum

Appendix Taxonomic List


1.1. Evolutionary relationships of major groups of aquatic plants

1.2. Pollination in water-celery

1.3. Lake surface covered with white male flowers of water-celery

1.4. Aquatic food chain

1.5. Great Blue Heron

1.6. Diagram of the littoral zone

1.7. Zonation in littoral zone vegetation

1.8. Shed skin of a dragonfly

1.9. Distribution of lakes in Pennsylvania

1.10. Succession in a glacial kettle lake

1.11. A glacial kettle lake

1.12. Freshwater tidal marsh

1.13. Tidal riverbank

1.14. Northeastern bulrush

1.15. An infestation of European water-chestnut

1.16. Water surface nearly covered by native fragrant water-lily

2.1. Stems jointed, tiny scale-like leaves in whorls at the node

2.2. Leaf expanded at the base, containing spore sac

2.3. Leaf venation with and without prominent mid-vein

2.4. Leaf arrangement in waterweeds

2.5. Vein reticulation

2.6. Quillwort leaf with spore sac in the base

2.7. Bladeless leaf sheaths in a spike-rush

2.8. Leaf form and arrangement

5.1. Mixed population of water flaxseed, duckweed, and watermeal

6.1. Pondweed stipules

6.2. Leaf sections of pondweed showing lacunar band

6.3. Pondweed stem with glands

6.4. Pondweed achenes

8.1. Bladderwort traps

Aquatic Plants of Pennsylvania

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