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LATER that evening, Jace finally headed home. He was beat to say the least. A twelve-hour day was usually nothing for him, but he’d been off for three weeks. He needed to oversee everything today to make sure that the schedule for tomorrow went off without a hitch. The one thing he knew, he didn’t like to be away from Cassie that long. Luckily, he had good childcare.

He came up the road and the welcoming two-story clapboard house came into view. Although the sun had set an hour ago, he had installed plenty of lighting to illuminate the grounds, including the small barn. He had a lot of work yet to do on the place, but a new roof and paint job made the house livable for now.

The barn had been redone, plus he’d added stalls for his two horses, Rocky and Dixie. Maybe it was a luxury he couldn’t afford right now, but it was something that had helped Cassie adjust to her move. Luckily he’d been able to hire the neighbor’s teenage son to do the feeding and cleaning.

Jace frowned at the sight of a new SUV parked by the back door. Had Heather, the babysitter, gotten a new car? Then dread washed over him. Was it his ex-wife?

Panic surged through him as he got out of his truck and hurried up the back steps into the mudroom. After shucking his boots, he walked into the kitchen. He froze, then almost with relief, he sagged against the counter when he saw his daughter at the kitchen table with Lori Hutchinson.

He took a moment and watched the interaction of the two. Their blond heads together, working on the math paper. Then Lori reached out and stroked Cassie’s hair and it looked as natural as if they were mother and daughter. His throat suddenly went dry. His business partner had a whole new side to her, a very appealing side.

Too appealing. Lorelei Hutchinson was beginning to be more than a business partner and a pretty face. She had him thinking about the things he’d always wanted in his life. In his daughter’s life.

Cassie finally turned to him. “Daddy.” She got up and rushed over to him. “You’re home.”

He hugged her, but his gaze was on Lori. “Yes, sorry I’m so late.”

“It’s okay,” she said. “Miss Lori drove me home.” His daughter gave him a bright smile. “She’s helping me with my homework.”

“I thought Mrs. Keenan was going to do that.” He’d made the arrangements with her yesterday.

Lori stood. “Claire would have, but she got sick. I took over for her this afternoon in Cassie’s classroom, and I offered to bring her home. I knew you would be busy at the site.”

Jace tensed. “My daughter is a priority. I’m never too busy to be here for her. At the very least I should have been called.” He glanced around for the teenager who he depended on. “Where’s Heather?”

“She had a ‘mergency at her house,” Cassie told him.

He turned to the jean-clad Lori. She didn’t look much older than the high school babysitter.

“We tried to call you but I got your voice mail,” Lori said. “It wasn’t a problem for me to stay with Cassie until you got home.”

Jace felt the air go out of him, remembering he hadn’t had his phone on him. He wasn’t sure where it was at the site. He looked at Lori. “Thank you. I guess I got wrapped up in getting things back on target at the job site.”

“It’s okay, Daddy.” His daughter looked up at him. “‘Cause we made supper.”

Great. All he needed was for this woman to get involved in his personal life. “You didn’t need to do that.”

Lori caught on pretty quickly that Jace didn’t want her here. She’d gotten rejection before, so why had his bothered her so much?

“Look, it’s just some potato soup and corn bread.” She checked her watch. “Oh, my, it’s late, I should go.”

“No!” Cassie said. “You have to stay. You said you’d help me practice my part in the play.” She turned back to her father. “Daddy, Miss Lori has to stay.”

Lori hated to put Jace on the spot. Whatever the issues he had about women, she didn’t want to know. She had enough to deal with. “It’s okay, Cassie, we’ll work on it another time.”

“But Miss Lori, you wanted to show Daddy your new car, too.”

Lori picked up her coat and was slipping it on when Jace came after her.

“Cassie’s right, Lori. Please stay.”

His husky voice stopped her, but those blue eyes convinced her to change her mind about leaving.

His voice lowered when he continued. “I was rude. I should thank you for spending time with my daughter.” He smiled. “Please, stay for supper and let me make it up to you.”

Lori glanced away, knowing this man was trouble. She wasn’t his type. Men like Jace Yeager didn’t give her much notice. Keep it light. “We’re getting an early start on the Christmas pageant. How are you at playing the part of an angel?”

Cassie giggled.

He smiled, too. “Maybe I’d do better playing a devil.”

She had no doubt. “I guess I could write in that part.”

She knew coming here would be crossing the line. They worked together, but it needed to stay business. Instead she was in Jace Yeager’s home. And even with all the unfinished projects he had going on, it already felt like a real home. It set off a different kind of yearning inside her. That elusive traditional family she’d always wanted. Something all the money from her inheritance couldn’t buy her.

Two hours later, Jace finished up the supper dishes, recalling the laughter he heard from his daughter and their guest.

It let him know how much Cassie missed having another female around. A mother. He tensed. Shelly Yeager—soon-to-be Layfield—had never been the typical mother. She’d only cared about money and her social status and her daughter ranked a poor second. More than anything he wanted to give Cassie a home and a life where she’d grow up happy and well-adjusted. He could only do that if she was with him. He’d do whatever it took to keep it that way.

In the past, money, mostly his, had pacified Shelly. Now, she’d landed another prospective husband, a rich one. So she had even more power to keep turning the screws on him, threatening to take Cassie back.

He climbed the steps to his daughter’s bedroom and found her already dressed in pajamas. Lori was sitting with her on the canopy bed reading her a story.

His chest tightened at the domestic scene. They looked so much alike they could be mother and daughter. He quickly shook away the thought and walked in.

“The end,” Lori said as she closed the book and Cassie yawned.

“I see a very sleepy little girl.”

“No, Daddy.” She yawned again. “I want another story.”

He shook his head and looked at Lori. “The rule is only one bedtime story on a school night.” He checked his watch. “Besides, we’ve taken up enough of Lori’s time tonight.”

Cassie looked at her. “I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be sorry, Cassie.” She hugged the girl. “I enjoyed every minute. I told you I read to my nephew.”

Cassie’s eyes brightened. “Daddy, Lori’s nephew, Zack, is coming here to live. He’s going to be in my class.”

“That’ll be nice. How about we talk about it tomorrow? Now, you go to sleep.”

Jace watched Lori and his daughter exchange another hug, then she got up and left the room. After he kissed his daughter, he turned off the light and headed downstairs. He found Lori putting on her coat and heading for the back door.

“Trying to make your escape?”

She turned around. “I’m sure you’re tired, too.”

He walked to her. “I think you might win that contest. Spending four hours with my daughter, not counting the time at school, had to be exhausting.”

She smiled. “Remember, I’m a trained professional.”

His gut tightened at the teasing glint in her incredible eyes. “And I know my daughter. She can try anyone’s patience, but she’s the love of my life.”

He saw Lori’s expression turn a little sad. “She’s a lucky little girl.” She turned away. “I should get home.”

Something made him go after her. Before she could make it to the back door, he reached for her and turned her around. “I wish things could have been different for you, Lori. I’m sorry that you had to suffer as a child.”

She shook her head. “It was a long time ago and I’ve dealt with it.”

“Hey, you can’t fool a foster kid. I was in the system most of my life. We’re experts on rejection.”

Her gaze went to his, those brown eyes compelling. “What happened to your family?”

“My parents were in a car accident when I was eight. What relatives I had didn’t want me, so I went into foster care.”

“Oh, Jace,” she whispered.

Her little breathless gasp caused a different kind of reaction from him. Then he saw the tears in her eyes.

His chest tightened. “Hey, don’t. I survived. Look at me. A success story.”

Jace reached out and touched her cheek. The next thing he knew he pulled her toward him, then wrapped her in his arms. He silenced a groan as he felt her sweet body tucked against his. It had been so long since he’d held a woman. So long since he’d felt the warmth, the glorious softness.

He pulled back trying to put some space between them, but couldn’t seem to let her go. His gaze went to her face; her dark eyes mirrored the same desire. He was in big trouble.

He lowered his head and whispered, “This is probably a really bad idea.” His mouth brushed over hers, once, then again. Each time she made a little breathy sound that ripped at his gut until he couldn’t resist any longer and he captured her tempting mouth.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him as her fingers played with the hair at his nape. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and found heaven. She was the sweetest woman he’d ever tasted, and the last thing he ever wanted to do was stop. He wanted so much more, but also knew he couldn’t have it.

He tore his mouth away and took a step back. “Damn, woman. You pack a punch. I just can’t …”

“It’s okay.” She pulled her coat tighter. “It would be crazy to start something.”

He couldn’t believe how badly he wanted to. “Right. Bad idea. We’re business partners. Besides, I have room for only one female in my life. Cassie.”

Her gaze wouldn’t meet his. “I should go.”

“Let me walk you out.”

“No, you don’t need to do that. It’s too cold.”

He tried to make light of the situation. “Right now, I could use a blast of cold air.” He followed her out. Grabbing his coat off the hook, he slipped it on as they went through the mudroom. The frigid air hit him hard as they hurried out to the well-lit driveway and around to her side of the car.

“Nice ride.” He glanced over the four-wheel-drive SUV. “You’re ready for the snow.” He held on to the door so she couldn’t rush off. “Are you coming by the site tomorrow?”

“No.” She paused. “Unless you need me for something.”

He found he wanted to see her again. “I guess not.”

“Okay then, good night, Jace.”

“Thank you, Lori. Thank you for being there for Cassie.”

“You’re welcome. Goodbye.” She shut her door and started the engine and was backing out of the drive before Jace could stop her. That was the last thing he needed to do. He didn’t need to be involved with this woman.

Any woman.

It would be a long time before he could trust again. But if he let her, Lori Hutchinson could come close to melting his cold, cold heart.

Lori had spent the past two days at the bank where she’d been trying to familiarize herself with her father’s business dealings. How many people expected her to fail at this?

She’d stayed far away from Jace Yeager, although that didn’t change the fact that she’d been thinking about him.

Had he been thinking about her? No. If he had been, wouldn’t he have called? Or maybe he’d resisted, knowing getting involved could create more problems.

Lori looked up from the desk as Erin walked into the office. The receptionist had been such a big help to her, going through files and being the liaison between Lori and Dennis Bradley’s office.

Erin sat down in the chair across from the desk. “I found this in an old personnel file, and it’s kind of interesting. Kaley Sims did used to work for Mr. Hutchinson. It states that she managed his properties up until two years ago.”

Lori had found this woman’s notes on several contracts. “Why isn’t she working for him now?”

Erin gave her a funny look and glanced away.

“You know something?”

“It’s just some bank gossip, but there might have been something between Kaley and Mr. Hutchinson, beyond professional.”

So her father had someone after his divorce. “I take it they were discreet.”

“They went to business and social functions together, but no one saw any signs of affection between them.”

Lori shrugged. “Maybe that’s the reason Kaley left here. She wanted more from Lyle.”

“If you want to talk to her, I could call her mother and see if she’s available to come back to work here.”

Lori needed the help. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to call. I sure could use the help, especially someone who already knows the business. I don’t want to put in twelve-hour days.”

Had Lyle Hutchinson become that much of a recluse that all he did was work? She was curious. Had her father driven off Kaley?

“Okay, I’ll make the call tomorrow,” Erin said as she stood. “Is there anything more you need today?”

Lori checked her watch. It was after five o’clock. “I’m sorry. You need to get home.”

“Normally I’d stay, but I have a date tonight.”

Lori smiled, feeling a little twinge of envy, and immediately thought about Jace. Since the kiss she hadn’t heard a word from him in two days. Stop. She couldn’t let one kiss affect her. She wasn’t a teenager. “Well, you’re great, Erin. I’m grateful to have all your help.” She paused. “How would you like to be my assistant?”


“Really. But you have to promise to stay in college. We can schedule hours around your classes, and you’ll get a pay raise.”

“Oh, wow. Thank you. I’d love to be your assistant.” Erin reached out and shook her hand. “And everyone thought you coming to town would be a bad thing.”

“Oh, they did, huh?”

This time, Erin hesitated. “I think they thought that a lot of jobs might be lost.” The pretty brunette beamed. “Instead, you’ve come here and come up with ideas so people can save their homes, and you’re helping women advance, too.”

Lori was happy she could do something. “So it’s a good thing?”

“Very good.” The girl turned and left the office.

Lori sank back into her father’s overstuffed leather chair. “Lyle Hutchinson, you must have really been some kind of tyrant. What made you so unhappy?”

She thought about the sizable amount of money Lyle had acquired over the years. When the waiting period was over next year, she’d never be able to spend it all. She could give the money away. Right now, she received a large income just from his properties.

Sadness hit her hard. Seeing how her father lived, she realized he’d died a lonely man. Outside his few male friends, he didn’t go out with anyone. “I was always there, Dad. Just a call away. Your daughter. I would have loved to spend time with you.”

It might be too late for a family with her father, but there was a second chance, because she had a sister and nephew. Gina and Zack would always be her family.

A few days had passed and Jace hadn’t been able to get Lori, or the kiss, out of his head. Even working nonstop at the site couldn’t keep his mind from wandering back to Lori Hutchinson. Until work came to a sudden halt when problems with the staircase came up and didn’t meet code. They had to make some changes in the design.

He needed Lori’s okay to move ahead with the architect’s revisions. He went by the bank, but discovered she was at home. So that was where he was headed when he realized he was looking forward to seeing her. Glad for the excuse.

He pulled up out front, sat there a moment to pull it together. Then he jerked open the door and got out of his truck. The early November day was cold. He looked up at the gray sky, glad that they’d finished the outside of the building. At the very least they would get some rain.

He walked up to the porch, but slowed his steps at the door, feeling his heart rate accelerate.

He hadn’t seen Lori since the night at his house. When she had been in his arms. He released a breath. Even time away didn’t change the fact that he was eager to see her.

Maggie opened the door with her usual smile. “Mr. Yeager. It’s nice to see you again.”

He stepped inside. “Hi, Maggie. Is Lori here?” He held up his folder. “I have more papers for her to sign,” he said, suddenly hearing the noises coming from upstairs.

“Oh, she’s here.” Maggie grinned. “Been working all day trying to get things finished before her sister and nephew’s arrival tomorrow. Charlie’s helping.” There was a big thud and Maggie looked concerned. “But maybe you should have a look.”

Jace nodded. He headed for the stairs and took them two at a time to shorten the trip. He walked down the hall and was surprised when he found the source of the noise. It was coming from the room across from Lori’s childhood bedroom.

He looked in the slightly open door and found Charlie and Lori kneeling on the floor with sections of wood spread out. The two were engrossed in reading a sheet of directions.

Lori brushed back a strand of hair, revealing her pretty face. Then his heart went soaring and his body heated up as she reached for something and her jeans pulled taut over her cute, rounded bottom.

“It says right here that A goes into B. Okay we got that, but I can’t find the next piece.” She held up the sheet of paper. “Do you see this one?”

Hiding his amusement, Jace stepped into the room. “Could you two use some help?”

They both swung around. “Mr. Yeager,” Charlie said and got to his feet. “Oh, yes, we could use your expertise. And since you’re here to help, I’ll go do my work.” The older man left, looking relieved.

Jace turned back at Lori. “What are you building?”

“Bunk beds,” she offered.

Jace pulled off his jacket as he glanced over the stacks of boxes. “Why not buy it assembled?”

Lori stood. “I didn’t have time to go to Durango, so I got them online. I didn’t realize it would come in boxes.”

“You should have called me. I would have sent Mac over.” He took the paper from her. Their hands brushed, and he quickly busied himself by looking over the directions. “Okay, let’s lay out the rails and the end pieces.”

Lori took one end and he took the other. He set the bolts, then went to her end. He was close and could breathe in her scent, which distracted the hell out of him. He finally got the bolt tightened. He got up and went to the other side, away from temptation, but she followed him.

Over the next hour, they’d become engrossed in building the elaborate bunk-bed set. They stood back and looked over their accomplishment.

“Not bad work.” He glanced at the woman beside him and saw her blink. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head. “Zack is going to love it. He’s had to share a room with his mother the past few months. Thank you for this.”

“Not a problem,” he told her. “You helped me out with Cassie. I know how much you want to make a home for your sister and your nephew.”

“They’ve had a rough time of it lately.” She put on a smile. “It’s going to be great for them to be here.”

Jace looked around the freshly painted blue room. “I thought you were going to put Zack in your old bedroom.”

She shrugged. “I tried, but I couldn’t bring myself to touch it.” She looked at him and he saw the pain in her eyes. “I guess I’m still trying to figure out why my father kept it the same all these years. Crazy, huh?”

Unable to help himself, he draped his arm across her shoulders. “It’s okay, Lori. You have a lot to work through. You’ve pulled up your roots and come back here. There’s a lot to deal with.”

She looked up. “But I have the funds now to take care of my family.”

That was the one thing that kind of bothered him. He’d been pretty well-off financially before his divorce, but to have a woman with so much money when he was trying to scrape by hit him in his pride. But he truly thought it bothered her more.

“So how does it feel to have that kind of money?”

She scrunched up her nose. “Oddly strange,” she admitted. “It’s far too much. I’m the kind of girl who’s had to work all my life, and when I lost my job a few months ago, I was really worried about what was going to happen, especially for Gina and Zack.”

“They have you now.”

She looked up at him, her eyes bright and rich in color. “And I have them. I wouldn’t stay here in Destiny, money or no money, if they couldn’t be with me. Their safety and well-being is the most important thing to me.”

He frowned. “Why wouldn’t they be safe here?”

She glanced away. “It’s just a worry I have.”

He touched her chin to get her to look at him. “Lori, what aren’t you telling me? Is someone threatening you or your family?”

She finally looked at him. “It’s Gina’s ex-husband. He’ll be getting out of jail soon.”

“Why did he go to jail?”

“Look, Jace, I’m not sure Gina wants anyone to know her private business.”

“I’m not a gossip. If your family needs protection then I want to help.”

Lori was surprised at his offer. She wasn’t used to anyone helping them. “Eric is in for drug possession and spousal abuse. He swore when he got out he’d make Gina pay for having him arrested.”

She felt Jace tense. “So that’s why you were headed out of state?”

She nodded.

“Does this Eric guy know where Gina is moving to?”

“No one knows. We haven’t even told Zack. I want so badly for Gina to make a life here. She has full custody of her son, but we’re still afraid of what the man might do.”

“This house has a security system. I hope you’re using it.”

She nodded.

“And I think you should have protection for yourself, also. You’re worth a lot of money and you could be a target for threats from this guy. Maybe a security guard isn’t out of the question.”

“I can’t let my life be dictated by a coward.”

Jace clenched his fists. “I don’t care for a creep who gets his jollies by beating women, either, but you still need to take precautions. Not an armed guard, but maybe a security man disguised as a gardener or handyman.”

She hesitated. “If Gina will agree.”

“What about you? I’m sure you’ve had some run-ins with your brother-in-law.”

Lori shivered, recalling Eric’s threats.

Jace’s eyes narrowed. “Did he hurt you, too?”

“Just a few shoves here and there, but I couldn’t let him hurt Gina.”

He cursed and walked away, then came back to her. He reached out and cupped her face. “He put his hands on you, Lori. No man ever has the right to do that unless the woman wants it.”

She stared into his eyes. That was the problem. She wanted Jace’s hands on her. Badly.

Flirting With The Boss

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