Читать книгу Da Silva's Mistress - Tina Duncan - Страница 2


‘You heard me,’ Morgan said. ‘I won’t be your mistress.’

Luca dragged in a breath, then threw his head back and laughed. His initial reaction had been one of shock; he wasn’t used to anyone refusing him something he wanted. But now that he was over his initial surprise he felt a wave of excitement ride his spine. He loved a challenge, and Morgan was proving to be a challenge in more ways than one.

She was a beacon of defiance, resisting him at every turn. It was a long time since a woman had done that. Usually all he had to do was crook his little finger to have whatever woman he wanted come running.

The thrill of the chase set his insides buzzing until it was all he could do to sit still.

He would win in the end, of course. He always did.

But this time he had the feeling the journey would be half the fun.

‘You’re just dragging this out, you know,’ he murmured. ‘As I told you last night, I always get what I want.’

Da Silva's Mistress

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