Читать книгу Falling For The Cowgirl - Tina Radcliffe - Страница 9


Dear Reader,

Welcome back to Big Heart Ranch. Big Heart Ranch is located in the fictional town of Timber, Oklahoma, located near the real city of Pawhuska, Oklahoma.

In this second book you’ll meet even more of the staff and children of this ranch for orphaned, abused and neglected children, where love and the Lord reign. The ranch is owned and operated by the orphaned Maxwell siblings, Lucy, Travis and Emma.

Travis Maxwell and AJ—Amanda—Rowe have both faced devastating disappointment and heartbreak. It takes a leap of faith for these two characters to trust the path God has set before them. But stepping out in faith and partnering with each other is the only way they can achieve the fullness of what He has prepared for them.

It’s much the same for us. Faith is a walk in the dark. The first step is always the hardest.

I hope you’ll come back for more stories from Big Heart Ranch. Do drop me a note and let me know if you enjoyed this book. I can be reached through my website: www.tinaradcliffe.com.


Tina Radcliffe

Falling For The Cowgirl

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